Berry season - replenish the body with vitamins
Summer. In gardens, markets berry abundance. Pleasing to the eye sweet lovers, useful. First of all, those who care about their health. Remember childhood, the strawberry was such a huge amount on environmentally-friendly camomile glades that stay in the glade were given the charge of health.
Strawberry... big, juicy never left the table in full berry season. In addition, there were a lot of garden berries: raspberries, cherries, gooseberries, Victoria (garden strawberry), black and red currant.
There is also a lot of berries, of different. It is important to realize that each berry is equivalent to the vitamins, but natural, harmless and fully digestible.
So we eat the berries, the use of which will help less painful to move the autumn and winter times.
Cherry - one of my favorite berries. We love it for the content of coumarins that support the tone of the body. The number of these invigorating substances cherry yields only red currant, raspberry and pomegranate.
Hippocrates recommended eating cherries for people suffering from epilepsy. Of course, to remove an attack of epilepsy cherry can not, but to lighten the mood, to build a dream.
Cherries contain large amounts of bioflavonoids, substances protect the body from the action of carcinogens.
Contraindications: if you are all right with the gastrointestinal tract, contraindications. If there is disease of the stomach, the pancreas, on an empty stomach to eat its not worth it.
Raspberries: high in vitamin A (protects against cardiovascular disease), helps vision, skin. A lot of vitamin e, which relieves fatigue, insomnia, makes the skin clean and elastic. Vitamins E and vitamins B1 help the skin get rid of acne, make hair shiny and thick.
Raspberry helps with colds to remove heat. These same properties of dried berry, raspberry jam.
Substances contained in raspberries, contribute to the breakdown of fat in the body, the disappearance of cellulite.
Contraindications: when nephritis, gout. When the content of uric acid in the blood increased, raspberries are contraindicated.
Currants: black — a champion of vitamin C. the content of vitamin C it is only inferior to the hips. It is recommended to eat children, adolescents. In order to provide the daily requirement of vitamin C is enough to eat 50 grams of black currant. Red and white -150 grams.
Currant treatment for atherosclerosis, anemia, a prolonged cough.
Contraindications: black currants should be carefully taken with increased blood clotting, is not recommended in post-infarction condition.
But the white and red currants are not contraindications.
Strawberries: Nutritionists appreciate her unique flavor and the large amount of vitamin e, which makes the blood vessels elastic. Supports the nervous system from fatigue, depression, insomnia. Strawberry treats small vessels of the body, eliminates gum disease. Strawberries slow down the aging of brain.
Contraindications: tendency to allergies, biliary colic, as it encourages excess production of bile, increased secretion of the stomach, and chronic appendicitis.
Gooseberry: who doesn't love this large soft berries. It has a lot of vitamin C, b vitamins, vitamin A. what, better than ripe berries, the more vitamins. This applies to all berries. The berries of a gooseberry a lot of pectin, they contribute to the conclusion of toxins, improves digestion.
Eating a gooseberry, you to prevent hypertension and treat blood vessels.
Contraindications: peptic ulcer disease of the stomach, in diseases of the intestine. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: zdravclub.ru
Strawberry... big, juicy never left the table in full berry season. In addition, there were a lot of garden berries: raspberries, cherries, gooseberries, Victoria (garden strawberry), black and red currant.
There is also a lot of berries, of different. It is important to realize that each berry is equivalent to the vitamins, but natural, harmless and fully digestible.
So we eat the berries, the use of which will help less painful to move the autumn and winter times.

Cherry - one of my favorite berries. We love it for the content of coumarins that support the tone of the body. The number of these invigorating substances cherry yields only red currant, raspberry and pomegranate.
Hippocrates recommended eating cherries for people suffering from epilepsy. Of course, to remove an attack of epilepsy cherry can not, but to lighten the mood, to build a dream.
Cherries contain large amounts of bioflavonoids, substances protect the body from the action of carcinogens.
Contraindications: if you are all right with the gastrointestinal tract, contraindications. If there is disease of the stomach, the pancreas, on an empty stomach to eat its not worth it.

Raspberries: high in vitamin A (protects against cardiovascular disease), helps vision, skin. A lot of vitamin e, which relieves fatigue, insomnia, makes the skin clean and elastic. Vitamins E and vitamins B1 help the skin get rid of acne, make hair shiny and thick.
Raspberry helps with colds to remove heat. These same properties of dried berry, raspberry jam.
Substances contained in raspberries, contribute to the breakdown of fat in the body, the disappearance of cellulite.
Contraindications: when nephritis, gout. When the content of uric acid in the blood increased, raspberries are contraindicated.

Currants: black — a champion of vitamin C. the content of vitamin C it is only inferior to the hips. It is recommended to eat children, adolescents. In order to provide the daily requirement of vitamin C is enough to eat 50 grams of black currant. Red and white -150 grams.
Currant treatment for atherosclerosis, anemia, a prolonged cough.
Contraindications: black currants should be carefully taken with increased blood clotting, is not recommended in post-infarction condition.
But the white and red currants are not contraindications.

Strawberries: Nutritionists appreciate her unique flavor and the large amount of vitamin e, which makes the blood vessels elastic. Supports the nervous system from fatigue, depression, insomnia. Strawberry treats small vessels of the body, eliminates gum disease. Strawberries slow down the aging of brain.
Contraindications: tendency to allergies, biliary colic, as it encourages excess production of bile, increased secretion of the stomach, and chronic appendicitis.

Gooseberry: who doesn't love this large soft berries. It has a lot of vitamin C, b vitamins, vitamin A. what, better than ripe berries, the more vitamins. This applies to all berries. The berries of a gooseberry a lot of pectin, they contribute to the conclusion of toxins, improves digestion.
Eating a gooseberry, you to prevent hypertension and treat blood vessels.
Contraindications: peptic ulcer disease of the stomach, in diseases of the intestine. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: zdravclub.ru