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Useful properties of apricot seeds

Juicy and sweet fruits of apricot are enjoyed by adults and children. Pleasant color, strong aroma and delicate taste make apricot a welcome ingredient in many desserts, but few appreciate what is hidden under its pulp.


After eating apricot, we do not hesitate to throw out the bones, the contents of which, as it turned out, are much superior to the flesh in the number of vitamins. Editorial "Site" You will be introduced to the properties of priceless apricot nuclei.

The healing properties of apricot seeds have been used since ancient times. Already in ancient Egypt, crushed apricot nuclei were used to treat loss of voice (laryngitis) and weakness of the intestine.

Chinese healers used apricot kernel oil to treat skin and joint diseases. Medieval healer Avicenna used apricot bones to treat bronchitis. All this became possible due to the content in the nuclei of apricots of many useful substances and compounds.

Useful substances in the bones of apricots
  1. Tocopherol (Vitamin E) prevents premature aging.

  2. Potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron strengthen the immune system and support the normal functioning of the body. Due to the high content of potassium and iron, apricot bones help get rid of anemia.
  3. Iodine and magnesium stimulate the brain and thyroid gland and are able to relieve symptoms of hypertension.
  4. Unsaturated fatty acids help muscles recover faster after intense physical exertion, and are also responsible for the beauty and health of the skin, nails and hair.
  5. Vitamin B17 (amygdalin) helps fight cancer cells.

  6. Vitamin B15 (pangamic acid) dilates blood vessels, reduces cholesterol, has a beneficial effect on the liver and kidneys.

  7. Vitamin PP supports redox reactions in the body.
  8. Dietary fibers absorb toxins in the intestine, increase its tone and normalize the work of useful microflora.

In the bones of apricots, as in the seeds of peaches, plums, cherries, apples and cherries, contains some amount of amygdalin, or vitamin B17, also known as “laetrile”. It is this glycoside that gives the nuclei a bitter taste.

It is difficult to find among the trace elements another such controversial substance as amygdalin. Some scientists are convinced of its incredible effectiveness in the treatment of cancer, others laugh at colleagues.

Although the use of laetrile as a treatment for cancer has some evidence, official medicine does not recognize its effectiveness.

Moreover, the American Food and Drug Administration has officially banned the use of amygdalin-based drugs.

Despite this, many use amygdalin as an adjunct to traditional chemotherapy and as a means to prevent cancer. And if you buy a pharmacy B17 is not possible, then get it from the pits is quite simple.

For the prevention of oncology, bitter apricot kernels should be eaten raw at the rate of: one grain for every 5 kilograms of weight. Eating kernels is recommended in the morning. After that, you can eat another food after 1 hour.

During treatment, doctors recommend to abandon the use of sugar and coffee, as this will increase the healing effect of the kernels. It should be noted that the treatment of oncology with apricot seeds is auxiliary and in no case can not abandon the drugs and procedures prescribed by the attending physician.

Application of apricot seeds in folk medicine
  1. In cardiac arrhythmia
    In the people there is such a recipe for the treatment of arrhythmia: 0.5 kg of lemons grind with a meat grinder or grater. Add 20 crumpled cores of apricot seeds and pour all 0.5 kg of honey.

    Stir thoroughly, let the medicine infuse for several days in a cool place. Take 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach in the morning and evening before dinner.

  2. In jade
    30 grams of kernels of apricot seeds pour 100 milliliters of steep boiling water, let the mass brew for about 4 hours. Take before meals three times a day for 65 milliliters of drink.
  3. From worms
    Healing properties against worms are preserved only in raw apricot grains. A day you need to eat no more than 40 kernels, this amount can be stretched into several receptions.
  4. Heart disease.
    10 grams of crushed kernels pour one glass of boiling water. The mixtures need to be brewed a little, then the prepared apricot tea can be drunk. Take tea daily before going to bed.

  5. Bronchitis.
    Grind dried apricot grains with a coffee grinder to a powder state, then stir the raw materials in an amount of 3-5 grams in 200 milliliters of milk or tea. Take 2 times a day.

Apricot seeds are harvested and stored, extracting them from fully ripe fruits. The bones of immature apricots during drying and storage lose both appearance and quality, and are unsuitable for food.

The bones need to be dried first. They are dried by decomposing them in a dry place on paper in one layer, in a special drying for vegetables and fruits or in the oven at a low temperature.

You can store whole bones or extracted and cleaned kernels. Peeled from film grains will taste better, and unpeeled grains will last longer.

To fragments from the bones, when you prick them, do not fly throughout the kitchen, you can use a small trick.

Take a small tablet, cover with a cloth, lay the bones on top and cover them with the other end of the same cloth. Now you can freely beat the bones with a hammer and not be afraid of fragments.

For storing kernels, it is better to use a fabric or paper bag, so they do not dry. You can take glass or plastic containers, but use gauze or fabric instead of a lid. Store the product in a dark and dry place for no more than 12 months.

Potential danger and how to avoid it Is it possible to eat bones from apricots?? With this question, many decided in childhood, when they separated their hard shell with excitement and ate a softer inside. The main thing is not to abuse.

Cyanic acid and its salts, which cause the anti-cancer properties of apricot seeds, in large quantities can harm a person.

Experts say that the risk of intoxication is high when consuming more than 40 grams of the product. Symptoms of poisoning are expressed in headache, respiratory impairment, general weakness and drowsiness, fainting, nausea and stomach pain.

If possible, choose sweeter apricot seeds that do not contain as many organic poisons as bitter ones. For reinsurance, grains are subjected to heat treatment, since all harmful substances are destroyed.

There are such contraindications for the use of apricot seeds: pregnancy, disruption of the thyroid gland, diabetes.

Agree that throwing stones from apricot is very stupid. Benefits of apricot kernels Undoubtedly, they will not only help improve health and maintain the beauty of the body, but also save the budget, protecting from expensive purchases in pharmacies. Take our health advice.

Now you won't throw out cherry seeds for anything! Cherries treat joints, diabetes, anemia and vitamin deficiency. "Site" It will tell about the properties and use of these “live pills”.

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