The cherry stood all in bloom, and the berries did not tie, which is the reason for the scant harvest.
Many gardeners are faced with this phenomenon: in the spring, cherry blooms violently, but does not bring fruit. Of course, there are bad years. But what if this is repeated systematically? In this article, we're going to say, Why doesn't cherry fruit?It is actively blooming and how to solve the problem.
The fruiting of cherries depends on many factors - from the place of growth of the tree to diseases. Let’s look at the most common ones. cause of lack of harvest.
Fruit trees love sunlight very much. Therefore, cherries should be planted not in the shade, but in the shade. well-lighted. The fact is that this culture needs carbohydrates, which it receives during photosynthesis. That is, under direct sunlight.
Increased soil acidity Cherries don't like acid soil. In such soil, the tree will be sick and slowly develop. Soil acidity can be determined using a pH meter, litmus test or vinegar. For acidification, limestone flour is suitable, which must be scattered at the trunk circle. In addition, it is worth feeding cherries with liquid mineral fertilizers in small doses.
As for the plants-neighbors, the cherry in this regard capricious. If an apple tree, honeysuckle or coniferous tree grow nearby, you can not wait for the desired harvest. In addition, it is not recommended to plant tulips, daffodils, irises and panties next to cherries. But with grapes, barberry and grouse cherries will be friends. As neighbors, raspberries with strawberries are also suitable, as well as lilacs, jasmine, roses and primrose.
Bad pollination The reason for the infertility of cherry blossoms can lie in pollinator-free. Most cherry varieties are self-infertile, so at least one tree of another variety is required nearby. Then the fruit will be born. You need to choose varieties that pollinate each other well.
Some inexperienced summer residents advise spraying cherries with sweet water with sugar to attract pollinators. However, this method is ineffective and It might even hurt.. Sweet water often attracts unwanted guests: ants and aphids.
Diseases of berries may also be absent due to diseases such as: monoliosis and cocomycosis. In the case of the first leaves seem burned, the ovary dries. Moniliosis usually develops with high humidity during flowering. In the case of the second disease, red spots appear on the leaves. Gradually they fold and fall.
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To avoid such problems, the crown is needed on time. thin out, rejuvenate trees. Mechanical damage to the cherry should not be allowed. The growth should be removed from the site, as well as fertilizers. In early spring, be sure to get rid of dried and affected branches, as well as destroy the nests of pests.
Incorrect pruning of cherry - the tree is quite tender, so some gardeners recommend pruning only after the tree reaches the age of 20. That's because slices heal for a very long time. It's easy to get an infection. But if you do everything right, there should be no problems. After proper pruning, trees usually bear better fruit.
Kidney freezing Spring and autumn frosts It can also lead to a lack of fruit. If cherry blossoms are predicted to be cold, the tree should be watered and covered. In late autumn, it is important to reduce watering, as well as eliminate nitrogen feeding.
As you can see, the process of fruiting cherries is influenced by many factors. If you take care of your garden in time, Why doesn't cherry fruit?You will be able to take appropriate action. Then the tree will thank you with a bountiful harvest.
How do you take care of your garden? Be sure to tell in the comments about personal experience and share valuable tips with other readers. It will be interesting to know your opinion!
The fruiting of cherries depends on many factors - from the place of growth of the tree to diseases. Let’s look at the most common ones. cause of lack of harvest.
Fruit trees love sunlight very much. Therefore, cherries should be planted not in the shade, but in the shade. well-lighted. The fact is that this culture needs carbohydrates, which it receives during photosynthesis. That is, under direct sunlight.
Increased soil acidity Cherries don't like acid soil. In such soil, the tree will be sick and slowly develop. Soil acidity can be determined using a pH meter, litmus test or vinegar. For acidification, limestone flour is suitable, which must be scattered at the trunk circle. In addition, it is worth feeding cherries with liquid mineral fertilizers in small doses.
As for the plants-neighbors, the cherry in this regard capricious. If an apple tree, honeysuckle or coniferous tree grow nearby, you can not wait for the desired harvest. In addition, it is not recommended to plant tulips, daffodils, irises and panties next to cherries. But with grapes, barberry and grouse cherries will be friends. As neighbors, raspberries with strawberries are also suitable, as well as lilacs, jasmine, roses and primrose.
Bad pollination The reason for the infertility of cherry blossoms can lie in pollinator-free. Most cherry varieties are self-infertile, so at least one tree of another variety is required nearby. Then the fruit will be born. You need to choose varieties that pollinate each other well.
Some inexperienced summer residents advise spraying cherries with sweet water with sugar to attract pollinators. However, this method is ineffective and It might even hurt.. Sweet water often attracts unwanted guests: ants and aphids.
Diseases of berries may also be absent due to diseases such as: monoliosis and cocomycosis. In the case of the first leaves seem burned, the ovary dries. Moniliosis usually develops with high humidity during flowering. In the case of the second disease, red spots appear on the leaves. Gradually they fold and fall.
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A post shared by Tree Protection and Treatment (@maugetrus)
To avoid such problems, the crown is needed on time. thin out, rejuvenate trees. Mechanical damage to the cherry should not be allowed. The growth should be removed from the site, as well as fertilizers. In early spring, be sure to get rid of dried and affected branches, as well as destroy the nests of pests.
Incorrect pruning of cherry - the tree is quite tender, so some gardeners recommend pruning only after the tree reaches the age of 20. That's because slices heal for a very long time. It's easy to get an infection. But if you do everything right, there should be no problems. After proper pruning, trees usually bear better fruit.
Kidney freezing Spring and autumn frosts It can also lead to a lack of fruit. If cherry blossoms are predicted to be cold, the tree should be watered and covered. In late autumn, it is important to reduce watering, as well as eliminate nitrogen feeding.
As you can see, the process of fruiting cherries is influenced by many factors. If you take care of your garden in time, Why doesn't cherry fruit?You will be able to take appropriate action. Then the tree will thank you with a bountiful harvest.
How do you take care of your garden? Be sure to tell in the comments about personal experience and share valuable tips with other readers. It will be interesting to know your opinion!