How to align land
Having at its disposal a plot of land for private home or cottage, the owner is faced with the need to align it, eliminating the natural roughness of the landscape, eliminating the tilt. Large differences in elevation can successfully "beat" in landscape design, but the basic territory make flat and provide drainage of heavy soils.
Site levelling is carried out with your hands, if the area of the allotment does not exceed eight acres and there is no strong inclines. In other cases, you should order the appropriate service in the company, disposing of the tractor or grader. The cost of work depends on complexity and size of the site.
Cleaning the SITEthe site Plan starts with the elimination of waste – it is necessary to remove stones and construction waste. Clearing also includes the grubbing of stumps, removal of unwanted trees and plants. The main work can be done with your hands, but for cutting tall trees and Korchevaya large stumps, debris removal, it is recommended to bring a special service.
The best option – clearing in the spring after the snow melts. The layout of the cleared area begins after the top layers of the ground dry for one to two weeks.
USE a TRACTORWith a quick method of leveling the topography of a large area – the involvement of machinery. Grader or tractor with a special knife will cut the turf if the vegetation forms a dense cover, it is desirable to remove from the site.
Then a tractor will remove the fertile layer of soil to clay and moves it to the edge of the territory, will cut off mounds and completely level the pit. Driving of tractor is performed in two directions perpendicular to each other.
The next stage is leveling the tractor on the land of fertile soil layer. Used previously withdrawn or specially imported soil, or a mixture of both. Delivery of fertile soil significantly increases the cost of the alignment areas.
Part of the territory intended for construction of cottage or country house and outbuildings, as well as heavy soils, even sand – in the first case it reduces costs while the second helps to make the soil permeable to water.
If the soil needs drainage to prevent moisture from rainfall and melting snow does not stagnate, the system is of the closed type is the planning area. Digging trenches for perforated pipes and mount the design before the area will be covered with fertile soil.
But in this case the work on the levelling of the site by a tractor cannot be completed in one day. Special equipment will have to call again when he's ready and tested drainage. This will increase the cost of the work.
LIQUIDATION of the roughness of the ground with THEIR HANDSlandscaping abounding with hillocks and ruts, is performed in several stages:
Aligned on a square footage poured earth – is allowed to use a pre-shot of the top layer, but it is first required to remove the roots of the plants. Drainage using perforated pipes it is desirable to lay before this stage.
Soil leveled with a rake, a ladder with flat rungs (it acts as a kind of harrow), three-meter channel attached to it with ropes for drawing. To check the flatness of the surface fit long wide Board.
After clearing and layout is finished, wait for the natural subsidence, which will take two weeks. Then start planting, laying paths and other works.
USE the CULTIVATORin the presence of walk-behind cultivator (special cutter, foaming the ground) is not required to remove the top layer of soil. The cultivator motor cultivator loosens the soil, while a walk should be several times the length and breadth of the land. In order to level the loosened soil, for the universal attachment of the cultivator clings to heavy Board.
Walk-behind garden cultivator or applied on surfaces with relatively small roughness, the plots for the lawn equipment will help to align the territory with a small bias.
WORK ON a PLOT WITH a SLOPEAllowable slope of the land is 2 degrees, the recommended slope toward the South or Southeast. In the first stage to remove the top layer of soil is removed and the edge. Then you want to fill the holes and remove the bumps. Internal levelling layer of sand with thickness up to 15 cm will help to adjust your hands the angle of the site.
Sand is poured on top of the ground, released from plant roots, and the surface leveled. Next is the markup with the help of pegs with a mark at 10 cm from the top edge. The first peg is driven into the upper point of the plot. Focusing on its height, set the rest of the pegs.
Two-metre rejkoj with hydrorunner verified by the slope of the generated plane. In accordance with the height of the pegs slipped to the ground. At the cost of changing the slope of the site affects the volume of soil that would need to be imported.
Drainage subsurface piping is laid prior to final alignment. In areas with a large natural slope and thick soil drainage shall be equipped in the form of a pit or ditch, covered with gravel located in the bottom of the plot.
The SURFACE UNDER the LAWNthe lawn Area in level with your hands. In the place where is located the lawn, cleaned, removed the turf, the surface is leveled out by standard techniques. If the soil is loose, drainage is not needed if the clay – the pad is formed with an inclination in the direction of the tray surface system.
Creating a lawn, it important not only to level the surface, but trample it to the ground not subsequently pressed under my feet. The next pitch is convenient to ramming an iron barrel in which is filled with the sand and welded in a sleeve for a makeshift handle from a bent pipe or thick wire. published
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Source: blog.marisrub.ru/parcel/viravnivanie-uchastka/
Site levelling is carried out with your hands, if the area of the allotment does not exceed eight acres and there is no strong inclines. In other cases, you should order the appropriate service in the company, disposing of the tractor or grader. The cost of work depends on complexity and size of the site.

Cleaning the SITEthe site Plan starts with the elimination of waste – it is necessary to remove stones and construction waste. Clearing also includes the grubbing of stumps, removal of unwanted trees and plants. The main work can be done with your hands, but for cutting tall trees and Korchevaya large stumps, debris removal, it is recommended to bring a special service.
The best option – clearing in the spring after the snow melts. The layout of the cleared area begins after the top layers of the ground dry for one to two weeks.
USE a TRACTORWith a quick method of leveling the topography of a large area – the involvement of machinery. Grader or tractor with a special knife will cut the turf if the vegetation forms a dense cover, it is desirable to remove from the site.
Then a tractor will remove the fertile layer of soil to clay and moves it to the edge of the territory, will cut off mounds and completely level the pit. Driving of tractor is performed in two directions perpendicular to each other.
The next stage is leveling the tractor on the land of fertile soil layer. Used previously withdrawn or specially imported soil, or a mixture of both. Delivery of fertile soil significantly increases the cost of the alignment areas.

Part of the territory intended for construction of cottage or country house and outbuildings, as well as heavy soils, even sand – in the first case it reduces costs while the second helps to make the soil permeable to water.
If the soil needs drainage to prevent moisture from rainfall and melting snow does not stagnate, the system is of the closed type is the planning area. Digging trenches for perforated pipes and mount the design before the area will be covered with fertile soil.
But in this case the work on the levelling of the site by a tractor cannot be completed in one day. Special equipment will have to call again when he's ready and tested drainage. This will increase the cost of the work.
LIQUIDATION of the roughness of the ground with THEIR HANDSlandscaping abounding with hillocks and ruts, is performed in several stages:
- the removal of topsoil;
- markup (the territory should be divided into 9 squares, by setting the pegs in increments of about three meters);
- installation of control cord (the rope stretched between the pegs is approximately 10 cm from the surface in the same plane, which is checked by the construction hidrorema);
- cutting of protruding hills and filling depressions.

Aligned on a square footage poured earth – is allowed to use a pre-shot of the top layer, but it is first required to remove the roots of the plants. Drainage using perforated pipes it is desirable to lay before this stage.
Soil leveled with a rake, a ladder with flat rungs (it acts as a kind of harrow), three-meter channel attached to it with ropes for drawing. To check the flatness of the surface fit long wide Board.
After clearing and layout is finished, wait for the natural subsidence, which will take two weeks. Then start planting, laying paths and other works.
USE the CULTIVATORin the presence of walk-behind cultivator (special cutter, foaming the ground) is not required to remove the top layer of soil. The cultivator motor cultivator loosens the soil, while a walk should be several times the length and breadth of the land. In order to level the loosened soil, for the universal attachment of the cultivator clings to heavy Board.

Walk-behind garden cultivator or applied on surfaces with relatively small roughness, the plots for the lawn equipment will help to align the territory with a small bias.
WORK ON a PLOT WITH a SLOPEAllowable slope of the land is 2 degrees, the recommended slope toward the South or Southeast. In the first stage to remove the top layer of soil is removed and the edge. Then you want to fill the holes and remove the bumps. Internal levelling layer of sand with thickness up to 15 cm will help to adjust your hands the angle of the site.
Sand is poured on top of the ground, released from plant roots, and the surface leveled. Next is the markup with the help of pegs with a mark at 10 cm from the top edge. The first peg is driven into the upper point of the plot. Focusing on its height, set the rest of the pegs.
Two-metre rejkoj with hydrorunner verified by the slope of the generated plane. In accordance with the height of the pegs slipped to the ground. At the cost of changing the slope of the site affects the volume of soil that would need to be imported.

Drainage subsurface piping is laid prior to final alignment. In areas with a large natural slope and thick soil drainage shall be equipped in the form of a pit or ditch, covered with gravel located in the bottom of the plot.
The SURFACE UNDER the LAWNthe lawn Area in level with your hands. In the place where is located the lawn, cleaned, removed the turf, the surface is leveled out by standard techniques. If the soil is loose, drainage is not needed if the clay – the pad is formed with an inclination in the direction of the tray surface system.
Creating a lawn, it important not only to level the surface, but trample it to the ground not subsequently pressed under my feet. The next pitch is convenient to ramming an iron barrel in which is filled with the sand and welded in a sleeve for a makeshift handle from a bent pipe or thick wire. published
SUBSCRIBE to OUR youtube channel that allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about the recovery, the rejuvenation of man. Love for others and ourselves, as the feeling of high vibrations — an important factor for improvement .
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P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: blog.marisrub.ru/parcel/viravnivanie-uchastka/
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