Lions and World Day of toilets

UN: November 19, 2013 the World Day of the toilet, the initiator of the introduction of a new day was Singapore - (The name comes from the Singapore Malay Singh (Lion) and Sanskrit पुर pura (city).
Meanwhile, in the Ukrainian twin city of Singapore - Lviv:
"If a person can not go to the toilet in Lviv, then what with the residents of the cultural capital of Ukraine can talk ?!»
Increasingly, Lviv residents and visitors to the city there is a problem of insufficient number of public toilets. If in the city center you can still find a toilet, then on the outskirts of the situation is much worse! Though the wind go ...
Public transport drivers need to equip the final stop routes even portable toilets. According to the sanitary norms, the city must work at least two toilets per square kilometer. However, funds for landscaping was once built, but abandoned toilets, of course not.
Despite entrance fee (from 2 hryvnia), in the toilets do not provide a sufficient level of cleanliness and comfort. Most of them have been forgotten, are used as landfill. So, if you really want the toilet, it is more convenient for people to go to the nearest Kneipp diner, where conditions are much better.
Tourists are shocked.
Visitors to the city complain about the lack of information about the toilets in Lviv, most of which are not functioning or has improper condition. According to tourists - the situation with the toilets in the city of Lviv unpleasant affects. "Taking a walk around Lviv, mi have not met any one public toilet. Everything else lacks appropriate signs and signals "- complaining about the guests of the city.
Some say that it was necessary to ask the toilet boutiques and cafes. Tatiana conditions was satisfied, but the staff there are different institutions. In some places, the waiters were friendly and kindly agreed to spend up to that room, in other askance and demanded one or two hryvnia for the opportunity to take advantage of their "brand" toilet, this situation has led to a certain psychological discomfort - recognized tourists visited the city of stone lions.
Restaurant owners concerned.
During the preparation for Euro 2012 the city authorities decided that oblige restaurateurs provide the public with easy access to toilets in their schools. This decision is still in effect. About Will Lviv catering analogues American fast foods, which have long had the reputation of public toilets, we asked the owners of establishments restaurant type.
"It's really a big problem - recognized restaurateur Vardges Arzumanyan. - I am confused now with such intentions in our restaurants, guests come from other institutions and summer playgrounds festivals and concerts. " As he notes, even set pointers to places that can serve as a visitors toilet. "Their owners must ensure that such institutions portable toilets. Instead, they send their guests to us ", - complains Vardges Arzumanyan. The owner of the restaurant chain convinced temporary changes will not solve the whole problem. The interviewee does not hide that he personally saw in the main entrance of the old city defecate even law enforcement officials. "It is urgent to address this issue. There are various services, and even the police, and they also tend to all human, "- emphasizes the interlocutor.
According to Vardges Arzumanyan, the problem of guests from the street who wanted to use the toilet is not the most important. First of all, in its institutions controlled to the toilet did not go ... addicts with syringes. This was closely monitoring staff. "Indeed, there are people going to the bathroom to shoot up ... This is a very unpleasant thing that requires special attention from the institution," - said the restaurateur.
Another owner of the restaurant business in Lviv Mark Zarkhin considers the requirement of city authorities on access to toilets in schools are absolutely civilized. "Sometimes people request it, and we relaxed about this. At least for me it was never a problem, "- he said.
This practice is common outside of Ukraine. According to Mark Zarkhin, restaurateurs in Germany are obliged to let people in their toilet facilities. There is even required by law. "In the north of Europe, particularly in Denmark and the Benelux countries, this problem is solved at the level of legislation." Restaurateur said that the problems associated with public toilets, he appeared only during your stay in Spain or in the Apennines. There he personally had to deal with rude staff.
Excursions interesting toilets Lviv.
As old-timers told Lviv, the real city dweller Edward (Edzya) Tarlersky lived here in the early twentieth century. On the Market Square in the restaurant it was "Atlyas" and all the sellers from the market went back to the bathroom. The man was forced to enter the entrance fee, and thus the story begins here and private toilets in the city. And among the inhabitants since taken root and the expression "go to Mr. Edzya." In it sat an elderly lady, whom everyone called Mrs. Klozetova from the word closet. And she was selling soap, selling toilet paper. She had located an interesting tablet, where it was written: "dibs Klozetovoi please do not kiss his hand.»
By the way, in Lviv now offer tours to tourists interested in the toilets of the city. The tour is called "Where is Mr. Edzya?».
Missal, lyatrina two zeros and even Mr. Edzya - items is a new tour route Lviv. Recently, steel toilets in Lviv popular tourist sites. Because there really is nothing to be surprised. The first toilet heated toilet dungeon and the royal toilet. Wonders of toilets - to your attention.
Unusual journey guide Igor Lila begins with the Armenian quarter of the city. In the local restaurant recreated first heated toilet. Once to turn the unit was enough to twist the knob. But now warm in contact with him will not succeed. The invention of the Lviv Armenian Jan Morderasevicha restored only partially.
Oksana Yanevich administrator of this restaurant: "The system worked so that indulges water. Begins to heat up the toilet seat and make guests feel comfortable. »
Not so comfortable to be in the toilet-dungeon. Too careful here should be men. Set mini-guillotine cut should not head.
The guide says Lviv latrines are full of great creative atmosphere. Although privacy for poetic any attempts succeed everywhere. There were rooms where the visitors watched ...
Igor Leela guide: Now we will see the real toilet Masons. In this restaurant, which is designed for owners of the Masonic way, without exception, consistent with the overall concept. By candlelight, as on a throne, the restaurant invites guests to feel at least a member of the Masonic Lodge. Albeit in a missal.

Began to collect information about Lviv toilets, it seems that this issue some "the coded": on any map are not marked their location and address. Signs on the streets either. Information is transmitted orally, perhaps because public toilets in Lviv look pretty sloppy, and because of this shy Lvov reluctant to send back visitors. At the request of "public toilets in Lviv" Google somehow gives the address of Lviv "McDonald's».
We managed to find the coordinates of Lviv toilets, so they will provide public toilets: park them. Ivan Franko, the square of Ivan Franko, on Liberty Avenue, in the square of the Cathedral, in the park "High Castle", at Market Square.
That is, in Lviv only six serviceable toilets. And that's just in the city center. Other - just dump and are in need of repair. But guides complain that in the city center can be no shame for the city to have a tourist only one toilet - on the first floor of City Hall. Everything else - does not hold water. By the way, there is a sanitary norm: 1 square. km should account for two restrooms. So, in Lviv, an area of 170 km ², should be 340 toilets.
The same sadness and nationwide ...