Crimean safari
The author managed to make a trip to the park lions "taigan", which is in the Crimea, about Belogorska and share interesting story and amazing photos of the lions, whose numbers in this park is already 55!
In a fenced area of 30 hectares dwells 3 lion pride, which in total there are 55 lions. Each Pride own territory and sometimes they arrange skirmishes on the borders of their possessions. All this can observe visitors with special metal bridge which passes over the entire territory of the park. Their total length is more than 3 kilometers.
On the way we stopped about large groups of lions, who immediately surrounded the car with interest.
The leader of one of the pride. Accompanies dzhimnik not very pleased invasion of its territory
Visitors ecstatic. Ira (in the second car) said after the trip, which cost from Dallas to come here only in order to go among lions. Although not lowered car window almost all the way
Beautiful artifact park lions)
Sad female lion
This is how watching the lions park visitors - with metal bridges over the territory
Oleg Zubkov with their pets. He lions gave many years of his life, is very fond of these animals, and they pay him the same. Although, in my opinion, the risk in such communication huge.
The leader of slow marching sent for our machines. We stop.
Leo sees my Shirikov. He can not understand that kind of thing
Going further, the lion watched the
Oleg comes to him and says hello. King of beasts squeezes his eyes shut his eyes
Big red cat and its owner
A whole harem in the shade of the trees
Face is scarred. Fighting lions here, according to the director, often
A look something helpful ...
Only guinea fowl with chicken shocked by what is happening in this day in her eyes
Source: aquatek-filips.livejournal.com

In a fenced area of 30 hectares dwells 3 lion pride, which in total there are 55 lions. Each Pride own territory and sometimes they arrange skirmishes on the borders of their possessions. All this can observe visitors with special metal bridge which passes over the entire territory of the park. Their total length is more than 3 kilometers.

On the way we stopped about large groups of lions, who immediately surrounded the car with interest.

The leader of one of the pride. Accompanies dzhimnik not very pleased invasion of its territory

Visitors ecstatic. Ira (in the second car) said after the trip, which cost from Dallas to come here only in order to go among lions. Although not lowered car window almost all the way

Beautiful artifact park lions)

Sad female lion

This is how watching the lions park visitors - with metal bridges over the territory

Oleg Zubkov with their pets. He lions gave many years of his life, is very fond of these animals, and they pay him the same. Although, in my opinion, the risk in such communication huge.

The leader of slow marching sent for our machines. We stop.

Leo sees my Shirikov. He can not understand that kind of thing

Going further, the lion watched the

Oleg comes to him and says hello. King of beasts squeezes his eyes shut his eyes

Big red cat and its owner

A whole harem in the shade of the trees

Face is scarred. Fighting lions here, according to the director, often


A look something helpful ...

Only guinea fowl with chicken shocked by what is happening in this day in her eyes

Source: aquatek-filips.livejournal.com