To make the toilet shine like a diamond, pour one simple remedy into it and leave it for 15 minutes.
My husband and I had to find a new apartment. We found a suitable option. The apartment was cozy, with normal repairs and in a good area. We did not conduct a thorough inspection, we decided to settle in. Basically, everything in the apartment was fine. Except the toilet. When I saw, to put it mildly, not the cleanest toilet, I almost decided to look for new housing. However, a friend gave me a way to fix the situation.
Editorial "Site" What you can do to make the toilet shine like a diamond.
Many will say that you just need to wash the toilet regularly, then such problems will not be. I totally agree, but the situations are different. Like ours. Apparently, the former inhabitants of the apartment did not care much about other people's plumbing. The entire toilet was covered with a lime plaque of an unpleasant color. Of course he wasn't washing himself. I did not want to spoil the enamel, so I had to find another way.
I have not faced such situations, so I was confused, trying the available methods. But then I remembered I could call a friend. She has her own cleaning business, she can definitely tell you something. She really did. Two things that saved me.
This method is suitable if the contamination is not too serious. After we cleaned the toilet, we had a limestone plaque for a while. Maybe that water. So once a week I used this method.
So we need to get the water out of the toilet. Pour enough warm water into it. Fall asleep 1 tablespoon of citric acid. Leave it for 15 minutes, an hour. Then brush and wash off. The vinegar essence also works. Lime plaque evaporates easily.
However, no delicate methods helped to clean the running toilet. Then the friend advised a very powerful tool. I won't languish. So, you will need a bubble of hydrogen peroxide (100 ml) and 50 ml of amia. Immediately it is worth saying that with this tool you need to work in gloves, you can in a respirator. There should be no children or animals nearby. The room needs to be well aired.
Draw all the water from the toilet. In two liters of water pour peroxide and amiac. Stir it well. Put this mixture in the toilet. Then brush the liquid over the entire inner surface of the toilet. After that, it should be left for a few hours. It is best to stay overnight so that all the pollution is gone. In the morning, once again walk brush, wash and enjoy the snow-white radiance.
Here are such simple tools that will help to cope with lime plaque and return a clean toilet. Also, do not forget to wash the toilet every week, then constant cleanliness is ensured. We hope our advice will be useful to you!

Editorial "Site" What you can do to make the toilet shine like a diamond.
Many will say that you just need to wash the toilet regularly, then such problems will not be. I totally agree, but the situations are different. Like ours. Apparently, the former inhabitants of the apartment did not care much about other people's plumbing. The entire toilet was covered with a lime plaque of an unpleasant color. Of course he wasn't washing himself. I did not want to spoil the enamel, so I had to find another way.

I have not faced such situations, so I was confused, trying the available methods. But then I remembered I could call a friend. She has her own cleaning business, she can definitely tell you something. She really did. Two things that saved me.

This method is suitable if the contamination is not too serious. After we cleaned the toilet, we had a limestone plaque for a while. Maybe that water. So once a week I used this method.
So we need to get the water out of the toilet. Pour enough warm water into it. Fall asleep 1 tablespoon of citric acid. Leave it for 15 minutes, an hour. Then brush and wash off. The vinegar essence also works. Lime plaque evaporates easily.

However, no delicate methods helped to clean the running toilet. Then the friend advised a very powerful tool. I won't languish. So, you will need a bubble of hydrogen peroxide (100 ml) and 50 ml of amia. Immediately it is worth saying that with this tool you need to work in gloves, you can in a respirator. There should be no children or animals nearby. The room needs to be well aired.

Draw all the water from the toilet. In two liters of water pour peroxide and amiac. Stir it well. Put this mixture in the toilet. Then brush the liquid over the entire inner surface of the toilet. After that, it should be left for a few hours. It is best to stay overnight so that all the pollution is gone. In the morning, once again walk brush, wash and enjoy the snow-white radiance.

Here are such simple tools that will help to cope with lime plaque and return a clean toilet. Also, do not forget to wash the toilet every week, then constant cleanliness is ensured. We hope our advice will be useful to you!
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