The most expensive diamond in the world "HOPE" ... or "HOPE" ...

Gorgeous diamond "Hope" weighing only 45, 5 cts (or 9, 1 g) is a rare deep sapphire blue remarkable purity. And like unto him there in the world!
This stone was brought from India and sold to the French king Louis XIV. In 1792, the diamond was stolen, but in 1830 again appeared on the market and was purchased by London banker Henry Hope, whose name was.

This stone was rumored as a fatal stone that brings bad luck to the owner. The diamond was brought to Europe from India ... together with the plague. Everyone who owned them were either killed or died in mysterious circumstances: Princess Lamballe - killed, Queen of France Marie-Antoinette - beheaded, the son of banker Hope - poisoned, and his grandson lost his entire fortune.

Today he is considered the most expensive small object in the world, it is estimated at $ 200 million. That is a little less than $ 5 million. Per carat.
Brilliant killed by one of its owners as a serial killer. In Europe, the diamond has brought Jean-Baptiste Tavernier, along with with 24 diamonds as large. Together with the jewels in Europe came the plague. The responsibility for the epidemic of clergy attributed blue eye, so they called a diamond.
Jean Baptiste Tavernier became the first foreigner to enter the eastern masters. He is fluent in many languages, and easily took over the customs of other countries. Tavernier was the official supplier of stone to Louis XIV and received from him the title of a nobleman - for a blue diamond with a purple tint in 44 carats. "Sun King" liked the blue diamond. He decided faceted diamond in the shape of a heart and present mistress.

Jean-Baptiste told the king that, according to legend, the diamond was the eye of the god Rama, but said that the left eye was - the car. Favoritka soon fell out of favor and the diamond returned to the monarch. Jean Baptiste Tavernier was torn to pieces by dogs, Louis XIV danced stepping on a rusty nail and died of gangrene, and got a diamond Marie Antoinette, she gave vilified Diamond Princess Lamballe. During the revolution and Maria Antuanettea and Princess Lamballe were killed.
Diamond got Cadet, Cadet sold the diamond jeweler, worked on a diamond cutter, and the blue diamond was divided into parts. The son of a jeweler sold the diamond in London. All four died quite ominous. Now the diamond was only fourteen carats. English banker, Henry Hope, bought the diamond and gave it his name ... and died of an unknown illness. His son has been poisoned, the grandson broke. Egypt Sultan Abdul Hamid II gave a diamond "Hope" to his mistress - she was killed, and the sultan was expelled from the country. Prince Korytkovsky (or Kandovitsky) presented the diamond Ledyu Parisian dancer, then shot and killed her out of jealousy, and then he was killed in an assassination attempt. The next owner of the diamond "Hope", the Spaniard was drowned. The couple that owned the diamond, died in 1912 with "Titanic".

Hope has been framed in a diamond necklace authorship of Pierre Cartier. Blue Diamond is the central stone surrounded by 16 diamonds, colorless, faceted way, "pear" and "cushion". Another 45 colorless diamonds adorn chain necklace. Pierre Cartier having made diamond jewelry Hope, persuaded a famous fashionable lady from Washington, namely Evelyn Walsh McLean, take jewelry rented at the weekend. Apparently, Ms. McLean has not gone unnoticed in the new decoration, and soon she had gained, although at first she did not really like a stone. For her to buy a deadly diamond was a challenge, "Speak, worse things happen?". For a start she took a diamond in the church and consecrated it. Evelyn wore it without removing herself, put on your beloved dog, let's play the son, whose teething. Evelyn and she knew that the troubles that affected her family were her fault. What was she thinking when she married artistic rake? Her husband, an alcoholic, she placed in an insane asylum. Her firstborn was hit by a car in early childhood, the daughter swallowed sleeping pills. Yet, dying, bequeathed to diamond Evelyn grandchildren. Immediately upon receipt of wills grandchildren sold the diamond "Hope" Harry Winston jewelry merchant. Jeweller reasoned thus: "I've seen all sorts of stones, and all their horror - bullshit." Harry exhibited diamond "Hope" and raise money for charity. Perhaps because of this, he was the only one who has not suffered from the curse of the diamond. Harry gave a diamond "Hope" Smithsonian Institution in Washington, he sent a diamond wrapped in simple kraft paper out of superstition.

But the diamond and then showed his bloody destiny, a few days later a messenger came under the truck. Himself a messenger survived, but his house was burned, buried under the ruins of his wife and dog. He died under mysterious circumstances, and one of six granddaughters Evelyn McLean. She was found in her home, where she lived alone and modestly. No traces of violence autopsy did not show. Brilliant "Hope" was bought by Evelyn in 25 years, and that at the age of 25 years died of her granddaughter and daughter ...
And today he is in the museum in the new Harry Winston necklace from "EMBRACING HOPE» ...