Ginger diet.

Ginger - Eastern spice that came to us from tropical Asia. Sami mentions of various treatment options come down to us from North India. Ginger root has long been used to treat many diseases, as well as cooking spices.
There are two types of ginger: white and black. In our time, in the sale of ginger can be found in the form of flakes, pieces of rhizomes of ginger oil, in the form of sugar-coated, ground ginger, or drizzled with chocolate. To the main ginger spice producers include China, India and Jamaica. At present ginger is strong enough and tart flavor. This is due to the fact that the composition of ginger is an essential oil that is active and miraculous substance. Special urgency attaches ginger is available in its composition a substance - gingerol. This substance increases blood flow, as well as warm inside. It follows that improves metabolism, which promotes weight loss. Of course this is not the result of a lightning, but obesity will quietly disappear.
Traditional healers believe that ginger can easily replace a complete first aid kit. Ginger root has a huge number of healing properties, for example: it stimulates the immune system, prevents nausea and relieve pain. Ginger should be taken in case of violation of the metabolic processes and problems with obesity. There are many recipes and diets for weight loss with the root ginger. Is it worth it to sit on a grueling weight loss diets, turning over and rereading one by one women's magazine, if there is such a wonderful tool - ginger root, which does not cause harm to human health, even if they have much to get excited.
Many Hollywood stars are using ginger for weight loss. Here is one recipe: finely chop the ginger root, fill it with water and over medium heat bring to a boil. When the infusion has cooled, it is necessary to add the lemon and honey. Useful properties of ginger spices can complement and enhance the healing herbs such as mint, lemon balm, chamomile, leaves cranberries. This drink helps to resolve the kidneys, liver, improves skin, and helps to throw a couple of extra kilos. Now more detailed look at the recipe - orange ginger for weight loss. It should take 60 g of peppermint leaves and crush their blender. After adding a pinch of ground cardamom, finely chop and add to the mix half tablespoon of ginger root. The resulting mixture should pour boiling water and let stand 30 minutes. At the expiration of the time you need to strain the mixture and add the orange juice 50 ml, 85 ml lemon juice, as well as honey to taste. Serve the drink should be cooled, mint taste and without strengthen the feeling of freshness.
Equally effective in getting rid of the extra kilos is - tea from ginger. It can be made from thin strips of ginger root, which must be placed in a thermos and add the boiling water. Take tincture should be taken before meals for 30 minutes during the day. This miracle tea will help heal your body, remove toxins and wastes from the body, thereby seizing the metabolism and blood circulation.