To appeal to the modern man
Eighty eight million seven hundred ninety three thousand five hundred thirty one
Shot from a film "300 Spartans»
What was my surprise, when women were asked to write a post about what men like women. I was perplexed, because it vibrates only lazy women's magazine.
Then he began to pour the women's comments, though I in articles the brunt of the relations impose on women, taking the slightest responsibility with men.
What. The hour of conversation about men.
Let's talk about men's responsibilities, men's beliefs about how to be a man (not just sex).
Mostly it is a message I dedicate to men who are in a relationship with a woman, especially in marriage. Will also be useful for women. Than? About it write in the comments after reading.
1. A man should provide his woman
And why do you need her, if you do not agree with this? Just because the woman you were once in love?
Heart hearing the stories of how the man gives money to the woman he himself chose.
Explain to me where is the logic?
Okay, we'll go on the other side: why do you live with a woman I don't want/do not consider it necessary to provide?! I worry about your karma. He is not making her happy and not let others.
Besides, you're just forced her to develop the masculine qualities (after all, she had to learn to work more), thus inhibiting the development of the feminine, which in turn baffled the harmony of your relationship.
In the end, she and a woman to enjoy life and pass the man is a state of pleasure (even if the man seem irrational, illogical women's whims).
Here lies a tremendous energy, which most men close to the padlock of his own boorishness. The energy for the growth and success of men.
I understand that the budget savings of the family is good. But not in the case of a woman (which, let me remind You-You-Chose).
The more your woman enjoys — the better and cooler you will be. Win-Win.
2. Thank woman
Not for me to tell you how much a positive effect on us, men, women sincere gratitude. Men's gratitude towards a woman is good for at least magically.
A woman prepares for you to eat? Thank every time for it.
She tries to look good? Tell her how valuable it is for you.
Gives you tenderness? Share your pleasant sensations.
(I hope at least they say sex with her is best in life?)
What for? (Female, like male, is not psychic). My gratitude to you increase her desire to do it again and with even more enthusiasm and love.
If you take her efforts for granted, then you are digging the grave of all that is good. And begin to appreciate when we lose…
3. Create occasions to a woman you admired
Lying on the couch, chattering the TV remote, waiting for a miracle/good luck from heaven is not a good reason.
If a woman blooms in the course of life (here and now), the man becomes better only when something reaches that overcomes (when it receives a result).
Salary increase.
Increased profits in business.
Medal in the competition.
Winning the contest. etc.
I remember in the winter vacationing with friends in the Carpathian mountains, rented a house. And the owner proudly showed the medals, diplomas and said: “My husband is the best firefighter in the city! This is his achievements.” Was touched, honestly.
Yes, to achieve more, you need to go through the stress, UPS and downs, but we are men, it's our way.
As said bill gates:
“Between the ass and sofa the dollar will never fly”.
4. Help the woman to be weak
Open the door in the hallway, not allowed to carry heavy packages from the market, meet at night (even if she is not afraid of the dark).
Rebuke to do what brings her pleasure.
She doesn't like to wash, clean, cook? You can hire a maid, but a woman learned to love housework. That is to love. It is important the female energy in the home for men and harmonious relations in General.
If your woman works 40 hours a week, then I'm sorry, it would be extremely difficult to learn to love chores. Consonant?
How to become a man (not only by gender):
1. Purpose
Men should be the objective or several, they can be changed in the process path. For this reason, as well as possible. put Peter Osipov:
If you have no goal — you're not a man.
2. Single combat
Nothing develops the masculine spirit, strength of character, masculinity is better than martial arts. Boxing, wrestling, etc.
Where you have to overcome yourself. Your laziness, your fears, your weakness, which so easy to hide from others.
In training, you meet yourself. Without masks, illusions and lies to yourself.
I especially recommend a private session with a coach. As your stern but fair father.
When I came to my first kickboxing lesson, I asked:
“Don't pity me and don't listen to if I surrender or give up because of fatigue.” The coach replied, “You've come to the right place!”
3. Give happiness to his woman and family
And if you do not want or do not consider it necessary to do so, then why are you with her?!?!
If your woman it's a real workhorse, 40+ hours a week, if you don't give her money for fitness, beauty, dresses, shoes, carry it to the rest, etc. — then the gods are angry at you and doubt that you're a man (by calling). The End.
P. S. Dear readers and readers! Remember: happiness + success male = love and harmony. Help her/him.
Author: Jaroslav.Samoilov published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: yaroslav-samoylov.com/muzhestvennost/obrashenie-k-sovremennomu-muzhchine.html
Shot from a film "300 Spartans»
What was my surprise, when women were asked to write a post about what men like women. I was perplexed, because it vibrates only lazy women's magazine.
Then he began to pour the women's comments, though I in articles the brunt of the relations impose on women, taking the slightest responsibility with men.
What. The hour of conversation about men.
Let's talk about men's responsibilities, men's beliefs about how to be a man (not just sex).
Mostly it is a message I dedicate to men who are in a relationship with a woman, especially in marriage. Will also be useful for women. Than? About it write in the comments after reading.
1. A man should provide his woman
And why do you need her, if you do not agree with this? Just because the woman you were once in love?
Heart hearing the stories of how the man gives money to the woman he himself chose.
Explain to me where is the logic?
Okay, we'll go on the other side: why do you live with a woman I don't want/do not consider it necessary to provide?! I worry about your karma. He is not making her happy and not let others.
Besides, you're just forced her to develop the masculine qualities (after all, she had to learn to work more), thus inhibiting the development of the feminine, which in turn baffled the harmony of your relationship.
In the end, she and a woman to enjoy life and pass the man is a state of pleasure (even if the man seem irrational, illogical women's whims).
Here lies a tremendous energy, which most men close to the padlock of his own boorishness. The energy for the growth and success of men.
I understand that the budget savings of the family is good. But not in the case of a woman (which, let me remind You-You-Chose).
The more your woman enjoys — the better and cooler you will be. Win-Win.
2. Thank woman
Not for me to tell you how much a positive effect on us, men, women sincere gratitude. Men's gratitude towards a woman is good for at least magically.
A woman prepares for you to eat? Thank every time for it.
She tries to look good? Tell her how valuable it is for you.
Gives you tenderness? Share your pleasant sensations.
(I hope at least they say sex with her is best in life?)
What for? (Female, like male, is not psychic). My gratitude to you increase her desire to do it again and with even more enthusiasm and love.
If you take her efforts for granted, then you are digging the grave of all that is good. And begin to appreciate when we lose…
3. Create occasions to a woman you admired
Lying on the couch, chattering the TV remote, waiting for a miracle/good luck from heaven is not a good reason.
If a woman blooms in the course of life (here and now), the man becomes better only when something reaches that overcomes (when it receives a result).
Salary increase.
Increased profits in business.
Medal in the competition.
Winning the contest. etc.
I remember in the winter vacationing with friends in the Carpathian mountains, rented a house. And the owner proudly showed the medals, diplomas and said: “My husband is the best firefighter in the city! This is his achievements.” Was touched, honestly.
Yes, to achieve more, you need to go through the stress, UPS and downs, but we are men, it's our way.
As said bill gates:
“Between the ass and sofa the dollar will never fly”.
4. Help the woman to be weak
Open the door in the hallway, not allowed to carry heavy packages from the market, meet at night (even if she is not afraid of the dark).
Rebuke to do what brings her pleasure.
She doesn't like to wash, clean, cook? You can hire a maid, but a woman learned to love housework. That is to love. It is important the female energy in the home for men and harmonious relations in General.
If your woman works 40 hours a week, then I'm sorry, it would be extremely difficult to learn to love chores. Consonant?
How to become a man (not only by gender):
1. Purpose
Men should be the objective or several, they can be changed in the process path. For this reason, as well as possible. put Peter Osipov:
If you have no goal — you're not a man.
2. Single combat
Nothing develops the masculine spirit, strength of character, masculinity is better than martial arts. Boxing, wrestling, etc.
Where you have to overcome yourself. Your laziness, your fears, your weakness, which so easy to hide from others.
In training, you meet yourself. Without masks, illusions and lies to yourself.
I especially recommend a private session with a coach. As your stern but fair father.
When I came to my first kickboxing lesson, I asked:
“Don't pity me and don't listen to if I surrender or give up because of fatigue.” The coach replied, “You've come to the right place!”
3. Give happiness to his woman and family
And if you do not want or do not consider it necessary to do so, then why are you with her?!?!
If your woman it's a real workhorse, 40+ hours a week, if you don't give her money for fitness, beauty, dresses, shoes, carry it to the rest, etc. — then the gods are angry at you and doubt that you're a man (by calling). The End.
P. S. Dear readers and readers! Remember: happiness + success male = love and harmony. Help her/him.
Author: Jaroslav.Samoilov published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: yaroslav-samoylov.com/muzhestvennost/obrashenie-k-sovremennomu-muzhchine.html