Flatfoot in children: truth and myths

What is important to know to parents about children's legs?
Perhaps it will be a surprise for you, but without exception, all babies are born with completely flat feet. And forming the so-called arch of the foot. This is usually 7 years, but the total time period is divided 5 to 12 years.
What is the arch of the foot?
The arch of the foot is a slight bend in our leg, which is a powerful absorber when walking, running, other movements of the person. A footprint is the surest indication of how good this set is developed. Most of the foot arch formed in the period of time when a baby begins to walk.
"Flatfoot, the child is, of course, not fatal, but can be very unpleasant in adulthood, says a podiatrist Tamara Veretsky. – Therefore, my colleagues and I are always checking the development of children's feet and at all stages of this development, we recommend parents the whole complex of strengthening and preventive measures, that the baby was healthy leg".
PreventionOften walk barefoot on uneven surfaces – sand, pebbles, soil, grass etc. by the Way, these uneven surfaces can be well organized in home: on the floor, scattering nuts or kick their bag, which a little jump your fidget (just hold it by the handles). In addition, selling a lot of orthopedic pads, very useful for the development of the arch of the foot.
Very important not only preventive but also therapeutic measure against flat feet is a special orthopedic shoes. Her main criteria: the presence of heel height in a single adult human finger, the elastic bending of the toe, the instep and tough heel. In such shoes, even the sandals quite high – just above the bones. Moreover, wearing orthopedic shoes is important at home, too, because walking barefoot (especially in socks or tights) the floor has a very negative effect on the development of the legs.
Do with the child special exercises for the legs. Example: teach him to walk alternately on the inner side of the foot and on the outside, climb on your toes and put the foot on the heel. Most effective exercise: put down the stick and let the child walks on it with a side step here and there (of course with your help). It is very important to make sure that the stick was clearly under the arch of the foot of the baby, in the middle.
Recall that the arch of the foot of the child is formed to 5-6 years. So flat in this period of time is physiological and should not cause concern on the part of parents and physicians. Further, from 6 to 12 sometimes this is called later, the formation of the arch. And only at the age of 12 years, the child can receive an official diagnosis of flat feet.
It may be 3 types:
Flexible flat feet is the easiest form, which does not cause discomfort. While young patients are usually recommended only preventive measures.
Flexible flatfoot with short tendon of the Heel – in this form of flat feet usually has a light pain when walking and running. That flat feet necessarily need to be treated so it doesn't turn into more running form – rigid flat feet.
A rigid flatfoot is often present in people prone to it hereditary. It is accompanied by many attendant problems with musculoskeletal disorders, may be present in one foot or both, and is also accompanied by pain when walking and running.
Treatment ofFlat feet in the first degree (flexible): legs, massage, gymnastics, exercises (e.g., walking stick), orthotics. In this case, there is a strong likelihood that the leg will be formed correctly and the problem is the flatfoot gone.
The flat second degree (flexible short the Heel tendon): physiotherapy and heat treatment. In case of flat feet, second and third degree to form a correct and healthy roof is impossible, but you can pause it to deform and relieve the pain when walking and running.
The flat third degree (hard flat): in this case, doctors give patients surgical methods of treatment.
So, in this matter prevention is very important. Regular preventive measures will be the best way to contribute to the health of not only the legs but of the entire musculoskeletal system of the child. published
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Source: www.uaua.info/