10 myths about downshifting

Desiring – a phenomenon that has long been overgrown with rumors, myths, stories and speculation of seasoned visionaries with whom even fight hard. The whole set of opinions changes our perception of downshifting as a phenomenon and isquiet its true meaning.
In fact, the main idea of downshifting is finding yourself, feeling the fullness of life and true happiness by abandoning imposed by society values. Values, not the benefits of civilization. And simply "reduce the speed" of life.
Today we will tell You about the 10 myths about downshifting, which is firmly "entrenched" in the minds of the layman.
1. Downshifting is a new phenomenon, invented in Western countries and only recently. In fact, the phenomenon has always existed. The history of Roman emperors and others, renounced power in favor of long. That's just the word appeared recently and has become almost a brand.
2. The translation of the word "downshifting" is surrounded by hundreds of myths. Direct peraud — "shift down", but the real interpretation of the meaning "switch to lower gear". However, there are those who interpret the meaning of the word in the first part of the word, putting the wrong meaning of the root "down".
3. This is a trendy pastime for young people. On the contrary, it is not. True downshifters is often successful, Mature people osoznavaya time in pursuit of success they flee from themselves.
4. Downshifter found only in the village and must conform! It is curious that this myth is strongly supported by the indigenous inhabitants of the city, never lived in the village or in the tropics, but always know how!
5. The personification of downshifting Russia – Ukraine. In fact, in his life, many from douchevina, but the German has repeatedly stated that it has nothing to do with this lifestyle.
6. The myth that there are some communities the place the "processing" of downshifters. And leave those for almost sectarian sermons and settle in their communities. Typically, the examples give vegetarians sects, hare Krishna, appeals, and so on. To downshifting all this has nothing to do.
7. "The tendency to downshifting" — a disease that must be diagnosed in the early stages. Seriously, polls, tests, seminars, all this is developed, sold, and so on. But not really works! Since the invention of the methods of downshifters are not diminished, and the company has not ceased to lose helpful staff.
8. Downshifters – fanatics or crazy. Because these are the only ones interested in the press. And the usual downshifter that just gave up the race for wealth with his own hands, but is not fanatical and odious personality currently live unappreciated and unnoticed. And there are many!
9. This age, a reflection of the crisis of middle age. It is not – many of the downshifters of young people. But in middle age – as people begin to take stock of his life and for once understand what he really wants. And so in middle age they call it a "crisis" in young "played detsva".
10. Downshifter must leave. This is the strange myth that appeared like all the others, because people prefer to ignore those who don't shock society, and lives near "in low gear". published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: rodovid.me/