10 secrets to a lush biscuit

Probably every woman faced with the situation where the biscuit does not work lush. Even when doing everything as it should be, according to the recipe, sometimes the desired result can not be achieved.
To make a classic sponge cake that can be used for desserts, pastries and cakes, there are some subtleties. It is important to know and be sure to comply with. Then you will not have any problems. Secret No. 1: the temperature of the ingredients all the ingredients of the biscuit should be the same temperature. The lower the temperature, the better. The same applies to the dishes in which you mix the ingredients. Secret No. 2: flour Screening the flour through a sieve several times.

Secret No. 3: a thorough separation to Separate the whites from the yolks. Moreover, it should be done very carefully, so that in proteins there is not a single drop of yolk. It is important to observe, then to the well-whipped whites.

Secret No. 4: chilled whites While you cook, proteins can be put in the fridge. Chilled they are better whipped. Secret # 5: dishes Pledge fluffy sponge cake is also a dish, which will vzbivayte proteins. It must be free of grease, so wipe it with paper towel. Don't forget to moisten it with vinegar or lemon juice to better degrease the surface.

Secret number 6: sequence bookmark all the ingredients of lush Deposit of the biscuit is the correct sequence of adding ingredients. You must follow these rules. Sequence bookmark products: now, place the egg yolks in a bowl, add the half portion of sugar and vanilla powder. Then mix everything carefully. RUB them until they become white and increase in volume. This can be done with a fork, a mixer, a whisk or a rod mill. What you have on hand and what is more convenient.
Whip the egg whites until education lush light foam. Continuing to whisk, gradually add the sugar. When you have entered all the sugar, beat until density.
Further, it is necessary to introduce proteins (third part) to the yolks. Stir very gently, from bottom to top.
Add the sifted flour to this mixture and again mix well. Then insert remaining egg whites and stir from the bottom up like you pick up layer by layer. Mix the dough in one direction, otherwise the dough may lose its airiness.

Secret # 7: don't mix long air bubbles are not destroyed, should not be very long time to mix ready a lot. This affects the fluffiness of the cake. Spoon the batter into the form, oiled, and send in the preheated oven. Bake the biscuit should be about 30-35 minutes. Secret # 8: oven temperature the Oven needs to be heated promptly. If the finished dough of the biscuit, and bake immediately, about splendor, you can not imagine. So by the time when the dough is ready, the oven should already be warmed up (180 degrees). Secret # 9: do not rush to open the oven for the First 20-25 minutes of the oven door when baking cakes, do not open, otherwise it will settle. It is better not to open at all until the cake is cooked. You will be able to determine the readiness of the biscuit, when he is a little cringe.

Secret # 10: do everything carefully Remove the ready cake from the mold very carefully, otherwise it may lose its splendor from your influence. To the impregnation with syrup sponge cake was not dry and did not crumble when cutting, allow it to cool. Cover with a paper towel (napkin) and let it stand 8-12 hours at room temperature.published
Source: kitchenmag.ru/posts/desyat-sekretov-pyshnogo-biskvita