30 simple steps to a flatter stomach
Twenty million eight hundred thirty four thousand four hundred seventy one
To achieve a beautiful flat belly without working over the rest of the body impossible. But it is often this part of the body for the longest time remains imperfect even when all else is put in order. The following 30 tips will help bring your stomach to the ideal.
Diet 1 — Follow the rule: eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. These products are the ideal source of carbohydrates, vitamins, fiber and energy
2 — Try to drink less alcohol.
3 — Reduce your salt consumption.
4 — don't forget to drink water! Carry it with you everywhere. Drink 1-2 glasses of water immediately upon awakening. And a glass of water before a meal will help you not to overeat.
5 — Give up fast food.
6 — Completely eliminate from your diet sodas.
7 — Eat foods that help burn fat: eggs, dark chocolate, cedar creche, feta or goat cheese, low-fat milk, oranges and potatoes. But do not overeat! Remember that most of these products are nutritious and contain a lot of easy, but fat.
8 — Control your portions, know their approximate nutrient value.
9 — do Not starve!
10 — don't deprive yourself of any foods — just be moderate.
11 — in order to stay fed and maintain a high level of metabolism, eat with equal intervals and in small portions 5-6 times a day.
12 — Eat slowly. Give yourself time to get enough of their food.
13 — Try to make the food on your plate was colorful and look attractive.
Fitness 14 — Try to keep the abdominal muscles was included in all exercises that you perform — this will give the maximum effect.
15 — Do cardio for 20 minutes a day 5 days a week.
16 — Strengthen the muscles of the whole bark, not focus solely on the twists.
17 — Engage in such activities as walking or running with extra weights.
18 — Do and cardio without weights — rowing, Cycling etc.
19 — Try to do less isolation and more basic exercises. The exercises involving more muscle much more effectively burn fat and, therefore, form a beautiful flat stomach.
Lifestyle 20 — Try to avoid stress. Stress produces cortisol, which can lead to increased quantities of abdominal fat.
21 — Try to spend more time in the sun to receive adequate amounts of vitamin D. it is Important to do not the sun — not to be in direct sunlight without adequate protection.
22 — Sleep well!
23 - If, despite all efforts, you do not lose weight, be sure to seek professional help — consult with your trainer and/or doctor.
24 — Treat "magic" products that promise you weight loss without effort or the like miracles with great skepticism.
25 — set yourself a specific goal or get a motivating slogan that will help you to stay the path to the selected target.
26 — don't focus on numbers that show you the scale. If you do everything correctly, then sooner or later you are going to see what you want. But until that time, focus more on their own health and how sitting on your clothes.
27 — Reaching the goal, don't give up newfound healthy habits, otherwise the results you have achieved so much, will disappear quickly.
28 — Try to keep good posture.
29 — Make it a habit to check labels on foods you buy. You should know exactly what is put into your body!
30 — do Not focus only on a single aspect of your new lifestyle. HLS works only in the complex, which are equally important: diet and fitness, and sleep and stress avoidance.published
Source: fitfixed.com
To achieve a beautiful flat belly without working over the rest of the body impossible. But it is often this part of the body for the longest time remains imperfect even when all else is put in order. The following 30 tips will help bring your stomach to the ideal.
Diet 1 — Follow the rule: eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. These products are the ideal source of carbohydrates, vitamins, fiber and energy
2 — Try to drink less alcohol.
3 — Reduce your salt consumption.
4 — don't forget to drink water! Carry it with you everywhere. Drink 1-2 glasses of water immediately upon awakening. And a glass of water before a meal will help you not to overeat.
5 — Give up fast food.
6 — Completely eliminate from your diet sodas.
7 — Eat foods that help burn fat: eggs, dark chocolate, cedar creche, feta or goat cheese, low-fat milk, oranges and potatoes. But do not overeat! Remember that most of these products are nutritious and contain a lot of easy, but fat.
8 — Control your portions, know their approximate nutrient value.
9 — do Not starve!
10 — don't deprive yourself of any foods — just be moderate.
11 — in order to stay fed and maintain a high level of metabolism, eat with equal intervals and in small portions 5-6 times a day.
12 — Eat slowly. Give yourself time to get enough of their food.
13 — Try to make the food on your plate was colorful and look attractive.
Fitness 14 — Try to keep the abdominal muscles was included in all exercises that you perform — this will give the maximum effect.
15 — Do cardio for 20 minutes a day 5 days a week.
16 — Strengthen the muscles of the whole bark, not focus solely on the twists.
17 — Engage in such activities as walking or running with extra weights.
18 — Do and cardio without weights — rowing, Cycling etc.
19 — Try to do less isolation and more basic exercises. The exercises involving more muscle much more effectively burn fat and, therefore, form a beautiful flat stomach.
Lifestyle 20 — Try to avoid stress. Stress produces cortisol, which can lead to increased quantities of abdominal fat.
21 — Try to spend more time in the sun to receive adequate amounts of vitamin D. it is Important to do not the sun — not to be in direct sunlight without adequate protection.
22 — Sleep well!
23 - If, despite all efforts, you do not lose weight, be sure to seek professional help — consult with your trainer and/or doctor.
24 — Treat "magic" products that promise you weight loss without effort or the like miracles with great skepticism.
25 — set yourself a specific goal or get a motivating slogan that will help you to stay the path to the selected target.
26 — don't focus on numbers that show you the scale. If you do everything correctly, then sooner or later you are going to see what you want. But until that time, focus more on their own health and how sitting on your clothes.
27 — Reaching the goal, don't give up newfound healthy habits, otherwise the results you have achieved so much, will disappear quickly.
28 — Try to keep good posture.
29 — Make it a habit to check labels on foods you buy. You should know exactly what is put into your body!
30 — do Not focus only on a single aspect of your new lifestyle. HLS works only in the complex, which are equally important: diet and fitness, and sleep and stress avoidance.published
Source: fitfixed.com