Overview of the Xiaomi Mi Band
It looks like I was one of the first Russian-holders activity tracker by Xiaomi [Hsiao Mi] i> - Mi Band
Price toys - 79 yuan, or about $ 15 USD
Specifications h4> Here is the statement the characteristics and capabilities of the tracker and applications for your smartphone:
Pedometer ; Tracker Sleep ; Smart Service ; < / Notice of incoming calls ; Counter calories; Standby time up to 30 days ; Unlock the smartphone - for owners of devices with firmware MIUIv6 (and not only); Size: 36h9h14 mm; Material: Plastic, aluminum; li > Waterproof: IP67; Battery: 41mAh; Bluetooth-chipset: Dialog BT4LE; And still a "military sensor» li > Unpacking and appearance / Unboxing h4> As with all products from the Xiaomi , bracelet came in a cardboard "eco-friendly" box with logo:
Ignore the large size - in the appendage ordered an external battery to 10400mAh, there they went together with a bracelet. Logo printed even on the inner side:
Himself bracelet is packed in a box of the same color as the exterior. Additionally, the box protects the thermal film:
Remove the tape was not difficult, but to separate the internal part of the exterior proved quite difficult:
With a knife, managed to pick up a nested box and finally to remove it:
The active module is inserted directly into a bracelet and is in recess, it is hidden under the wire-charge and instruction in Chinese:
All this equipment ends with - what else to expect from the tracker for 15 $?
Now you can extract the active module and see "details" separately. That strap without the "brains»:
And here and smart module from the reverse side:
Plastic module housing, one face with two charging contacts on the back of embossed logo. No controls, buttons, levers there. The top panel is made like as aluminum. Under it three LEDs hidden - their purpose will tell in the second part.
Here they light up, indicating the level of charge:
LEDs can be seen through the gap between the front panel and the main body when viewed side:
It looks like a module inside the back of the bracelet:
If you insert the module curve, he will remain in a strange curved position:
On the background of the clock, which I jokingly said in his blog, it looks like this:
Weight is not felt - 5 grams, the device is very easy. Fasteners reliable, it does not look "in Chinese»:
application h4> Bracelet connects to your phone is easy. First the official app - MiBand (小米 手 环) from Market Xiaomi , or APK download from the official site. The application has only English and Chinese. Russian version of a mediocre translation exists in the 4pda , and the command Miui.su - the official community in Russia - is working on a good localization.
Let me remind you: need Android 4.3 or higher, and Bluetooth 4.0 LE Without these two conditions, the bracelet does not work, no exceptions
For me it is still open the issue of security
After pairing, the application immediately makes Update firmware bracelet , and then begins setting.
The profile must specify information about yourself - sex, height, weight. It is necessary to calculate the calories burned.
Near the little band settings: choice of color indicator (pink, blue, green, orange), hand selection, which is worn on a bracelet (left or right).
To run you need to set "target" - the number of steps you want to perform on the day. By default, set 5000
You can activate the Unlock feature phone bracelet - will focus more on it below. In addition, there is a button & quot; Search bracelet & quot ;. Pressing tracker vibrates - it has something to help in the search for the lost apartment devaysa.
In the main application window in the middle shows the number of steps taken, just above - the weather, and (China) i> the degree of air pollution. In the bottom half of the window displays a continuous length that you walked, and calories burnt for them.
Display bracelet h4> One of the chips is to view their progress directly on the bracelet by means of LEDs - the color can be selected in the application. How to check the progress MiBand? The application laconically reported: «Look at the bracelet - one lamp means that covered less than a third set of steps, two - more than 2/3, and all three lights are lit when the plan!» i>. < br />
Look - LEDs are off is necessary to make the magic hand pass
Ie you do groteksnoe movement "to look at the clock." Yes, LEDs in the sun is not visible at all. B>
Pedometer h4> One of the two main functions - to measure the number of steps passed and calories burned. By default, it puts 5,000 steps. Returning home from work, I was not straining to fulfill this norm, so now put the bar at 10 thousand, there is at least some competitive spirit.
The accuracy of the pedometer itself was quite good, did some test walks, counting steps in moderate bracelet does not lie. However, it seems, filtering algorithm steps from the other movements of the hand is lame - a variety of everyday hand movements periodically writes steps passed. It remains to believe that it will be able to modify in future firmware versions.
Yes, in theory you can not carry the phone with them all the time - after the first pairing bracelet progress records and transmits all synchronization, even if the connection was missing a few hours. What is the maximum threshold of "separation" and how much memory in the bracelet, I do not know.
social functions h4> The application is a function of & quot; share achievements & quot ;. However, now it is as fully focused on China
Among the supported applications - WeChat (analogue WhatsApp !, private messages), WeChat Moments (soc. Network icon is similar to Picasa), QQ (private messages), QQ Zone (Chinese sots.set), Sina Weibo (Chinese Twitter). Read more about all of these social networks can be read here. While there is no way to properly share the results, except for screenshots and publishing vkontaktike.
In addition, there are more and deeper integration with the application WeChat: you can find friends who also have the bracelet, and compete in a number of passed steps. I have friends among the owners is no bracelet, so I - champion.
When (and if) i> bracelet will be released on the international market, it is likely that will add support for our favorite Facebook'ov.
Tracking Sleep h4>
Perhaps this part excites the minds of most. Yes, I've managed to test this feature. In the screenshot you can see how I slept last night.
Dark and high segments - the so-called deep sleep , when the man does not dream, and it is difficult to awaken. And if you try, it will be very heavy lifting.
Orange bar - I woke up (I do not remember, but do not deny it).
Light gray bars - the phase of light sleep ( REM , or REM - rapid eye movement), this phase we see the ordinary and experience lucid dreams. It was in this phase you need to get up to the awakening was easy, and remained cheerfulness.
I can not say how accurate the schedule, but it generally coincides with the theory - a deep sleep in the middle of the night and REM sleep in the morning, with increasing frequency and duration.
I set the clock to 9:00 with the installation of & quot; Smart & quot; - This means that it is work in the period from 8:30 to 9:00, when I have a REM sleep. B>
He buzzed at 8:32. Vibration quiet, but quite sensible. Stand happen quite easily, despite just 6:35 minutes of sleep. Judging by the fact that I woke up myself, but I usually need to lift literally kick - the phase is correct.
Of course, to judge the quality of this function better in a long period of time, so after a couple of months after the accumulation of statistics, I'll do an extra post.
Yes, except for any "smart" revivals this Hummer will be very helpful, sharing - in a family with young children in the hostel. This Service will not lift his feet all around.
Unlock your phone with a bracelet h4> This function allows you to unlock the phone without a graphical and numerical codes, it is enough to take a hand. The presentation is called a completely new approach and declared work only with phones running MIUIv6 (which is only just beginning to appear on the flagship of the company).
However, on my budget RedRice Note 4G it earned without question. Another thing is that nothing outstanding it is not.
Ie you pick up the phone, and if the bracelet somewhere nearby, you do not need to enter a code. Yes, if you just stand there, the phone is also unlocked. For me, it is seen only one scenario - you lose your phone, and it does not unlock without your personal presence. However, if you break the habit to enter the notorious graphic code, bracelet when suddenly discharged, you run the risk of it not recall.
Rumor has it that the new firmware versions will be able to block the bracelet only part of the phone content - SMS, email, instant messengers, leaving the game or music player. In the meantime, we have what we have - the function of questionable utility.
Notifications of calls h4> The bracelet can buzz for incoming calls. By default it is set to vibrate after 20 seconds after the call if the phone you are not yet removed. The minimum amount of time - 3 seconds. Useful if you forget to turn off silent mode, or when the phone is in your bag and you are traveling in the subway.
Conclusion h4> Sure, the device turned out interesting. We have analogue Jawbone for 1/20 the price , in a good performance as a technically and programmatically. Appendix performed adequately, there is no feeling of the Chinese assembly knee. However, there are drawbacks - poor filtration hand movements, dim the LEDs.
Knowing the activity of the company in terms of development of its software, we can look forward to further progress and the appearance of the functions of the "reminder tear ass on the chair and stretch their legs," and "REM sleep during the day».
Perhaps, for domestic users only drawback is a complicated buying and inflated prices from dealers, due to the particular strategy of Xiaomi to sell their devices.
+ Price - lowest today, even among the nameless producers;
+ Quality of execution;
+ Normal design applications;
By 30 days without charging - much larger competitors;
+ Replacement (in the future) straps;
- Minimum functionality, lack of pulse sensors etc .;
- The screen does not even hours;
- Dim the LEDs on the street can not see;
- Insecure pairing;
- Poor filtering of random movements;
- The application is focused on the Chinese market. B>
This is a compilation of my review of two parts ( unboxing and impressions ) specifically for Habrahabr all original photos. How difficult is it to buy a device at Xiaomei you can read here . I>
The last picture as it tells us that the movement arm adds calories a bracelet is considered as a movement, burn fat. But what you want, in fact, for $ 15? I>
Cheap wearable bracelets - "first signs" of a truly mass wearable devices, or pointless toy? h5>
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/ifree/blog/237525/
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