Avocado Sauce

I'm straight addicted to this sauce. When you eat, the impression that he made on the basis of yogurt.
Still I like the fact that it is not necessary to cut a bunch of vegetables. It is enough to wash the lettuce, cut into desired fioletovyvy onions, and everything! It turns out very tasty and healthy lunch or dinner.
I would even say - a perfect meal for the lazy. I myself have such attribute. For me, the easier and faster to prepare lunch or dinner, the better.
1/2 avocado
Water, 200 ml.
juice of 1/4 - 1/2 lemon
juice of 1/2 orange
0.5 tsp Himalayan salt
0.5 tsp
grains of coriander basil, 10-15
leaves 0.5 tsp liquid honey at the request
All the ingredients are put in a blender and blend until smooth. All the sauce is ready!
For lettuce can also add spinach (raw, of course), and any other herbs, which you love.
When I say green, I do not mean just the dill and parsley. I mean the whole green-leaf vegetation. However, with broccoli sauce that I have not tried, but probably should catch up.