10 facts about how to get everyone to love you
It's not even the facts, and something like a short tips how to effectively achieve location. In any case, the editorial team is confident that this will be useful to you!
1. When a person laughs, he instinctively looks towards another based on his support. Simple observation of how people behave in the company can tell you as someone who really relates to each other.
2. When communicating with a person, look at his shoes. If his socks look right in your face, they feel comfortable with you. If not - no.
3. On the first date invite a person into some interesting and memorable place. After that, in his mind it will always associate him with you. The same works with an unusual kind of activity.
4. When you meet a person for the first time, try to remember the color of his eyes. To this you were able to have a long time to maintain direct contact with him "eye-to-eye." And it is itself - the key to a trusting relationship from the beginning.
5. If your job is to serve the customers, put behind him the mirror. This will allow people awaiting their turn, less bored and angry about this.
6. If you have a feeling that someone wants to say something bad about you in front of others, try to approach the alleged abuser. You can sit down close to him. This will destroy his confidence. And he will keep silent either, or still do its nasty statement, but not as dramatic.
7. to meet with you likable person you want to please? Then, as vividly as possible and emotional Demonstrate the joy of meeting with him. This will cause you to enjoy it nearly as intense in the next time.
8. During the interview, imagine that the interviewer - one of your best friends. This will add to your confidence.
9. If you see a person for the first time, do not use in conversation to him the expression "I think", "I believe", and so on. n. In his eyes, they all make you a wimp with low self-esteem.
10. Laughter makes people happy. The more you laugh, the more likely that you will succeed in their plans, aspirations and dreams.
Bonus fact: Users do not notice most of your "defects" in appearance. In general, for those around you 40% more beautiful than you think about yourself.
via lifter.com.ua/11-psihologicheskih-priemov-kotorie-zastavyat-drugih-polyubit-vas
1. When a person laughs, he instinctively looks towards another based on his support. Simple observation of how people behave in the company can tell you as someone who really relates to each other.
2. When communicating with a person, look at his shoes. If his socks look right in your face, they feel comfortable with you. If not - no.
3. On the first date invite a person into some interesting and memorable place. After that, in his mind it will always associate him with you. The same works with an unusual kind of activity.
4. When you meet a person for the first time, try to remember the color of his eyes. To this you were able to have a long time to maintain direct contact with him "eye-to-eye." And it is itself - the key to a trusting relationship from the beginning.
5. If your job is to serve the customers, put behind him the mirror. This will allow people awaiting their turn, less bored and angry about this.
6. If you have a feeling that someone wants to say something bad about you in front of others, try to approach the alleged abuser. You can sit down close to him. This will destroy his confidence. And he will keep silent either, or still do its nasty statement, but not as dramatic.
7. to meet with you likable person you want to please? Then, as vividly as possible and emotional Demonstrate the joy of meeting with him. This will cause you to enjoy it nearly as intense in the next time.
8. During the interview, imagine that the interviewer - one of your best friends. This will add to your confidence.
9. If you see a person for the first time, do not use in conversation to him the expression "I think", "I believe", and so on. n. In his eyes, they all make you a wimp with low self-esteem.
10. Laughter makes people happy. The more you laugh, the more likely that you will succeed in their plans, aspirations and dreams.
Bonus fact: Users do not notice most of your "defects" in appearance. In general, for those around you 40% more beautiful than you think about yourself.
via lifter.com.ua/11-psihologicheskih-priemov-kotorie-zastavyat-drugih-polyubit-vas
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