Day jam in different countries
Familiar to all of us tradition blow out the candles on the cake perfectly caught on in other parts of the world. However, in many national cultures in parallel, there are other, far more exotic ways to commemorate the life.
1. Canada: Oil nose
In the part of Canada, which is closer to the Atlantic Ocean, there is a tradition to organize "ambush" on birthdays and izmazyvat something their noses (mostly oil) - to the troubles and misfortunes kept their distance.
2. China: tagliatelle as a wish of longevity
According to Chinese tradition, the birthday supposed to eat a bowl of long pasta. The trick is that you need to involve themselves in the best possible long piece, not biting. The longer the spaghetti - the longer the life.
3. Germany: birthday boy takes up the broom
When idle German marks 30, an old tradition tells him to take up a broom and clean direct on the steps of City Council, on the square, and so on, while true friends throw him a job in the form of small pebbles. The test lasts as long as any of the passers-by unmarried women will spare the poor man and give him a gentle kiss. After that, the whole company goes finally celebrate.
4. Ireland: the birthday hit the floor
In Ireland there is a long tradition of birthday flip upside down and beat on the floor - once for every passing year and again - for good luck. (In some countries this tradition could select and child).
5. Jamaica birthday sprinkle "the dust of centuries"
In Jamaica, a sign that the birthday boy grew older, his friends consider it their duty to sprinkle his "dust", whose role traditionally performs flour. This can be done either ambushed or seizing the moment in the midst of the celebration of the birth of
6. Mexico break piñata
Mexicans are experts on the part of the merry holidays, including children. One of the essential attributes of the birth is considered pinata - paper animal figurines, hollow inside. In piñata laid candy and all sorts of different goodies, the child is blindfolded, given a stick and the fun begins.
7. Vietnam: "Happy New Year !?"
In Vietnam all celebrate birthdays in the New Year, which they call the "wall". The Vietnamese do not consider the day on which they were born, worthy of remembering. By tradition, the day of "wall" they add all at once to his age another year.
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1. Canada: Oil nose

In the part of Canada, which is closer to the Atlantic Ocean, there is a tradition to organize "ambush" on birthdays and izmazyvat something their noses (mostly oil) - to the troubles and misfortunes kept their distance.
2. China: tagliatelle as a wish of longevity

According to Chinese tradition, the birthday supposed to eat a bowl of long pasta. The trick is that you need to involve themselves in the best possible long piece, not biting. The longer the spaghetti - the longer the life.
3. Germany: birthday boy takes up the broom

When idle German marks 30, an old tradition tells him to take up a broom and clean direct on the steps of City Council, on the square, and so on, while true friends throw him a job in the form of small pebbles. The test lasts as long as any of the passers-by unmarried women will spare the poor man and give him a gentle kiss. After that, the whole company goes finally celebrate.
4. Ireland: the birthday hit the floor

In Ireland there is a long tradition of birthday flip upside down and beat on the floor - once for every passing year and again - for good luck. (In some countries this tradition could select and child).
5. Jamaica birthday sprinkle "the dust of centuries"

In Jamaica, a sign that the birthday boy grew older, his friends consider it their duty to sprinkle his "dust", whose role traditionally performs flour. This can be done either ambushed or seizing the moment in the midst of the celebration of the birth of
6. Mexico break piñata

Mexicans are experts on the part of the merry holidays, including children. One of the essential attributes of the birth is considered pinata - paper animal figurines, hollow inside. In piñata laid candy and all sorts of different goodies, the child is blindfolded, given a stick and the fun begins.
7. Vietnam: "Happy New Year !?"

In Vietnam all celebrate birthdays in the New Year, which they call the "wall". The Vietnamese do not consider the day on which they were born, worthy of remembering. By tradition, the day of "wall" they add all at once to his age another year.
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