Charlotte with apples

Preparation time: 40 minutes
Servings: 6
Description: I know that a lot of great recipes for apple pie, but try this, I do not use the other. Very fast, easy and delicious! Can be used not only apples, but also apricots, peaches, pears, cherries delicious little bit of everything to mix!
Ingredients for "charlotte with apples»
Eggs - 4 pcs
Sugar - 1 stack.
Muka - 1 stack.
Yabloko - 5 pcs
Maslo slivochnoe - 20 g
Powdered sugar
Beat the eggs, gradually adding the sugar and vanilla. Then slowly add the flour and continue whisking to form an air mass, like a thick cream. Cleanse the skin of apples, diced mode, you can thin slices. Form (preferably round, with large boards) grease with butter. At the bottom of the mold spread apples (for those who like you can sprinkle cinnamon), if you cut the slices, then they can be put in the form of a flower in the middle for example apricots or cherries lay. Fill the prepared test apples and put in the oven, preheated to 250 degrees for about 25 -30 minutes. Once you've got apple pie out of the oven, turn it with the form on the dish, and the very form of cover with a damp towel and let it sit for a couple minutes, so charlotte retain shape and well move away from the edges. After Charlotte has cooled slightly, sprinkle it with powdered sugar.