What to cook for Apple Spas
People have always honored traditions on the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord. There is a belief that if you bite off a piece of apple from a new harvest after consecration and make a wish, it will come true. And people believed that consecrated fruits bring health and prosperity.
This is one of the most important Orthodox holidays. On this day, it is customary to start collecting apples, as well as cooking various dishes from them. The parishioners prepare delicious treats for the Apple Savior and decorate the festive table with all kinds of pastries.
Fruits are already consecrated, and you think about it. what can be made of apples Celebration. Editorial "Site" I have prepared 5 wonderful recipes for you.
What to cook from apples Tart with apples Ingredients
Apple pies Ingredients
Apple strudel Ingredients
Convertibles with apples Ingredients
Apple Charlotte Ingredients
Bon appetit!
This is one of the most important Orthodox holidays. On this day, it is customary to start collecting apples, as well as cooking various dishes from them. The parishioners prepare delicious treats for the Apple Savior and decorate the festive table with all kinds of pastries.
Fruits are already consecrated, and you think about it. what can be made of apples Celebration. Editorial "Site" I have prepared 5 wonderful recipes for you.
What to cook from apples Tart with apples Ingredients
- 200g flour
- 150g butter
- 5 tbsp milk
- 180g sugar
- pinch
- 1 kg of apples
- Cut 100g of butter and rub it with flour. Then add milk and dough to the mixture. Wrap the dough in food film and leave it in the fridge for half an hour. 269538.
- At this time, peel and chop the apples, removing the core. Put on the heated pan the remaining butter and prepared sugar. Heat the ingredients over a strong heat, stirring, until caramel formation.
- Then add the sliced apples and keep them on an average heat for about 10-15 minutes. Roll the dough so that its edges slightly go beyond the edges of the baking form.
- Put in the shape of apples with caramel and cover them with dough, bending its edges down. In the oven heated to 200 degrees, bake tart for 30-40 minutes.
Apple pies Ingredients
- 500 ml of milk
- 8 tbsp sugar
- 5 tbsp vegetable oil
- pinch
- 50 fresh yeasts
- 5 tbsp flour
- 1 kg of apples
- 1 egg
- Boil the milk by adding 5 tbsp of sugar, butter and salt. Then remove the milk from the fire and leave to stand for 30 minutes.
- Crush and add yeast to the milk along with flour, knead the dough. Put the dough in a warm place and wait 90 minutes for it to rise. Then roll it into a layer about 10 mm thick and cut the circles.
- Cube the apples, sprinkle them with sugar, and then put some apples in the center of each circle. Fix the edges of the cakes and lay them on the bowl, previously lubricating it with oil.
- Lubricate the cake with a whipped egg and send it to the oven heated to 180 degrees to be baked for 20-30 minutes. The golden color of the cakes will indicate their readiness.
Apple strudel Ingredients
- 1kg sour apples
- 100g vanilla crackers
- 250g sugar
- 100g butter
- 350g raisins
- 2 tbsp lemon juice
- cinnamon
- 1 tbsp sunflower oil
- 1 egg
- 300g flour
- 100 ml of warm water
- pinch
- Ask for flour and leave it to stand for 5-10 minutes. Then add an egg, sunflower oil, salt and water to the bowl of flour. Knead the cool dough. Form a ball of dough, lubricate it with vegetable oil and wrap it in foil, leave for half an hour in a warm place.
- Cut the apples into thin plates and stir with sugar and raisins. Cover the container with a plate so that it fits close to it and put a can of water on the plate to create pressure.
- Grind the crackers and roast them in vegetable oil until golden. Roll the dough and gently stretch it to make it as thin as possible. Sprinkle the dough with lemon juice and sprinkle it with crackers.
- Distribute the apple mass on the test and roll the strudel. Lubricate the batter with butter and put a strudel on it. Bake dessert for half an hour in an oven heated to 200 degrees.
Convertibles with apples Ingredients
- 1 pack of leafy yeast dough
- 250g cottage cheese
- 1 egg
- 3 tbsp sugar
- 3g vanillin
- cinnamon
- 2 apples
- 100g flour
- 50 ml of milk
- Frost the dough and cut it into 10 squares. Roll out each square on a floury surface.
- Peel the apples and cut them in small cubes, then mixing with cottage cheese, egg, sugar and spices.
- Evenly place the filling in the center of each square and form envelopes from them. Cover the bowl with parchment for baking and lay out the blanks on it.
- Lubricate the envelopes with milk and send them to the oven for 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 190 degrees.
Apple Charlotte Ingredients
- 3 eggs
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 1 tbsp flour
- 3 apples
- 2 tsp cinnamon
- 1 tsp vanillin
- 1/3 tsp ground ginger
- 1/4 tsp nutmeg
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 2 tsp lemon juice
- 1 tbsp rum
- 30g butter
- Ask for flour and mix it with 1 tsp cinnamon, ginger, vanillin, nutmeg and baking powder. Peel the apples and cut in cubes, then pour lemon juice and rum. Add cinnamon and sugar to the apples, mix all the ingredients thoroughly.
- Beat the eggs before foaming, adding sugar as for biscuit. Add flour to the eggs and mix it carefully. Add the apples to the dough and mix it again.
- Lubricate the baking mold with butter and sprinkle with flour. After pouring dough with apples into it and put in the heated oven to bake for an hour at a temperature of 170 degrees.
Bon appetit!