Why add cottage cheese to an apple charlotte

Usually, when it comes to the preparation of desserts, then baking is spoken only if the rest of the options for sweets for some reason fell away during the discussion.

For many, baking is not the most pleasant activity. And often it is for the preparation of various cakes and cakes that the most ingredients and time are required.

However, in order to make a delicious curd cake with apples, you do not need as many ingredients as for any other holiday cake. And all the components can almost always be found in any kitchen.

Editorial "Site" will tell How to make a cottage cheese with applesUsing only a basic set of products for the daily menu.

Cheese charlotte Ingredients
  • 2 apples
  • 5 eggs
  • 250g sugar
  • 200g butter
  • 400g cottage cheese
  • 450g flour
  • 10g baking powder

  1. First of all, take a big deep bowl and put eggs in it. Then add sugar to the bowl and beat the eggs well until it is completely dissolved.

  2. Take the butter out of the fridge, put it in a small saucer and grind on a slow heat. Send melted oil to a common bowl along with cottage cheese.

  3. Next, sift the flour with baking powder and also add to the other ingredients. Again, mix all the contents of the bowl and make sure that the dough is thick enough.

  4. Then it remains only to send the workpiece to the oven heated to 180 degrees, distributing the dough in the form for baking and laying out peeled cut apples on top.

  5. Bake the charlotte for 40 minutes, then check the readiness of the cake with a wooden sword. If the dough inside is still a little loose, give it another 20 minutes to cook. The finished cake, if desired, can be decorated with powdered sugar or any other confectionery powder.

We very much hope that cheesecake You and your family will enjoy it. Bon appetit!


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