Tsvetaeva's apple pie

Tsvetaeva pie
Cake recipe:
150 gr. butter
! 5 cups flour
0, 5 cups of sour cream
1 tsp baking powder
Filling - Cream:
1 cup sour cream
1 cup sugar
2 st.l.muki
1 egg
sachet of vanillin (all beat up)
Sift flour with baking powder, rub on a grater frozen butter maslo.Rastiraem fingers to the state kroshki.Dobavlyaem fatty cream and quickly knead plastic testo.Dolgo should not knead the dough in the finished form has not turned zhёstkim.Testo put in a baking dish and spread his hands the form, be sure to make bortiki.Plotno put apples on the surface of the dough and pour kremom.Vypekat in the oven 50 minutes at 180
Red cabbage for Christmas (in Danish)
Roll of chicken breast with dried apricots, green beans and Dorblu)