Tsvetaeva's famous pie with crunchy sand foundation and the queen of berries - raspberries. Delicious!
The network has a huge number of recipes for a variety of cakes for every taste: sweet, salt, meat, vegetables and fruit. Today, I invite you to cook the famous cake Tsvetaeva. This cake is known to many, they say that it was such a treat to their guests were treated to numerous literary gatherings sisters Marina and Anastasia. Hence the name of the dessert, although it's true or not, no one knows for sure not. But all who have tried the cake, it is recognized that it is very tasty. Usually it is added apples, but also can use other fruits and berries. Whatever toppings you choose, it will be wonderful to be in harmony with crisp and delicate sand foundation pouring sour cream. Below is the recipe that we propose to add to this tart raspberries.
To the sand bases:
1/2 Art. sour cream; 150 g butter; 1 h. liter. baking powder; 1/2 Art. sugar; 2 tbsp. flour. For the sour cream filling:
2 tbsp. l. flour; 1 tbsp. sugar; 1 egg; 1 tbsp. sour cream. For the fruit filling:
350 g frozen raspberries. Preparation:
1. Before preparing the dough and sour cream filling is to get raspberries from the freezer. During this period she did not have time to fully thaw and leak.
2. Now you can do the test. To do this, mix the sugar with cream.
3. Melt the butter in the microwave.
4. When it has cooled, pour oil to the weight of sour cream and mix thoroughly.
5. Add the flour and baking powder and knead the dough well. It should get a nice and elastic to the touch.
6. Take the form of baking pie Tsvetaeva, it is desirable that she had high boards. Across the surface of the mold distribute this dough, do not forget to create from it for filling bumpers.
7. After that, you can prepare sour cream filling. To do this, mix the eggs with the sugar, flour and sour cream. Vzbey all ingredients with a mixer, not to leave lumps.
8. Then spread the raspberries over the surface already lined dough and sour cream zaley its weight.
9. Place the cake in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for about an hour.
10. Only after the cake has cooled completely, it can be laid on a dish.
Such Tsvetaeva pie can be cooked with fresh berries. It blends perfectly with tea, coffee and cocoa. Try to cook this delicacy myself and tell about it to their friends and girlfriends!
via takprosto cc
To the sand bases:
1/2 Art. sour cream; 150 g butter; 1 h. liter. baking powder; 1/2 Art. sugar; 2 tbsp. flour. For the sour cream filling:
2 tbsp. l. flour; 1 tbsp. sugar; 1 egg; 1 tbsp. sour cream. For the fruit filling:
350 g frozen raspberries. Preparation:
1. Before preparing the dough and sour cream filling is to get raspberries from the freezer. During this period she did not have time to fully thaw and leak.
2. Now you can do the test. To do this, mix the sugar with cream.

3. Melt the butter in the microwave.
4. When it has cooled, pour oil to the weight of sour cream and mix thoroughly.

5. Add the flour and baking powder and knead the dough well. It should get a nice and elastic to the touch.

6. Take the form of baking pie Tsvetaeva, it is desirable that she had high boards. Across the surface of the mold distribute this dough, do not forget to create from it for filling bumpers.

7. After that, you can prepare sour cream filling. To do this, mix the eggs with the sugar, flour and sour cream. Vzbey all ingredients with a mixer, not to leave lumps.
8. Then spread the raspberries over the surface already lined dough and sour cream zaley its weight.

9. Place the cake in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for about an hour.
10. Only after the cake has cooled completely, it can be laid on a dish.

Such Tsvetaeva pie can be cooked with fresh berries. It blends perfectly with tea, coffee and cocoa. Try to cook this delicacy myself and tell about it to their friends and girlfriends!
via takprosto cc
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