Donuts with plums!

donuts with plums: dough; 1 cup muki.1 tsp sahara.1 glass moloka.1 / 4ch.l soli.2 tbsp vegetable masla.2 eggs. for stuffing; 300gr.sliv100 gr.sahara 50 gr.kokosovoy struzhki.1 Article l.roma.rastitelnoe oil frityura.saharnaya powder.
Preparation: Pour into the flour mixed with egg yolks and warm moloko.dobavit sahar.sol maslo.zamesit testo.nakryt the liquid and leave for 30 min.0zatem mix with whipped belki.slivy cut remove kostochki.vzbryznut romom.posypat saharom.i let stand. pour juice and mix it with coconut struzhkoy.skatat dough shariki.razmyat in kruzhok.vylozhit pieces sliv.zaschepnut kraya.zharit fried until golden korochki.ponchiki roll in coconut sprinkled with powdered sugar! enjoy your meal!