Beginner raw foodists - where to start?
NATURAL FOOD IS POWER WITHOUT killing and violence. That's right said Julia, about food clean energy, but that before it DOEVOLYUTSIONIROVAT SOME NEED brainwashed to ASS;) ... to wash all that garbage which THEY THEMSELVES AND YOURSELF Load ... This is not just WAY HARD AND IT IS NOT FOR EVERYONE ONLY for the elite!
I advise you to read selected books about nutrition and cleansing of body and mind:
Prof. AP Stoleshnikov - How to come back to life, coal AM "The theory of adequate nutrition and trophic ecology" and Arnold Ehret - "BeZslizistaya diet»
Download these and other possible here: pravdu.ru/dieta.htm
- I advise you to see:
vk.com/video3227180_162491111 - Live food!
vk.com/video3227180_161927744 - Freedom from decay!
vk.com/video3227180_162904333 - Status of blood and food
vk.com/video3227180_162464567 - haematologist on a raw food diet!
vk.com/video3227180_162441747 - Jericho Sunfire Why do we eat
vk.com/video3227180_162040051 - to hush up about the harmful health and nutrition
vk.com/video3227180_161598456 - bowel obstruction. Visual aids.
vk.com/video3227180_161810646 - A variety of vegetarian diet, and raw foodists
I advise you to read selected books about nutrition and cleansing of body and mind:
Prof. AP Stoleshnikov - How to come back to life, coal AM "The theory of adequate nutrition and trophic ecology" and Arnold Ehret - "BeZslizistaya diet»
Download these and other possible here: pravdu.ru/dieta.htm
- I advise you to see:
vk.com/video3227180_162491111 - Live food!
vk.com/video3227180_161927744 - Freedom from decay!
vk.com/video3227180_162904333 - Status of blood and food
vk.com/video3227180_162464567 - haematologist on a raw food diet!
vk.com/video3227180_162441747 - Jericho Sunfire Why do we eat
vk.com/video3227180_162040051 - to hush up about the harmful health and nutrition
vk.com/video3227180_161598456 - bowel obstruction. Visual aids.
vk.com/video3227180_161810646 - A variety of vegetarian diet, and raw foodists