CHEAP raw food diet. How significantly reduce the cost of the raw food diet, many ways.

How significantly reduce the cost of the raw food diet?
Raw food diet at all should not be expensive, I will tell a lot of ideas and ways to save considerably.
Raw food should not be at all expensive blyudomanstva, and if correct intelligently approach the matter - that will cost just a penny!
1) how to buy at wholesale ovoschebazah
2) Economy Guppy products
raw foodists 3) how to store bought fruit in season vegetables that used in winter to pay
Storage - is a very interesting topic, may be stored for a long time and watermelons and melons and tomatoes, and even grapes - thus there is winter on the summer price :) main thing to know how to store
I think these tips are valuable because they are not very significant in the early years of the raw food diet, and they could help me greatly.
The high cost of fruit should not be an excuse for what would not go on a raw food diet, all you can rganizovat and very cheap raw foodists