Why does not the diet?
Aimed at weight loss diet without power load in the gym thing - almost useless.
Explained this phenomenon is quite simple: "factory", the processing of fat into energy, are in the mitochondria. That is - in your muscles. Accordingly, the more you muscle tissue (and hence - the mitochondria), the easier and more efficient, you can get rid of excess fat ballast.
Women, for the same reason, more prone to weight gain: they have, by nature, have less muscle. Therefore, middle-aged woman can torture yourself with the most stringent diets, with almost zero results: for their miserable "factory" for fat burning (mitochondria), are simply unable to cope with the processing of a huge number of fat cells.
It turns a blind alley: tougher diet - less mitochondria. Few mitochondria - no fat burning.
Output, there can be only one - the gym. The more you have on the body appear proteinaceous tissue, the more your body will become elastic. And the more efficiently it will process either fat into energy.