Chuck, what you want
The theme of the quality of fuel we have enough sick. I might add that experienced it myself. Although the situation in Kiev a little better than in the regions, still, not even the most fastidious in relation to gasoline engines grunting and indignant, digesting nekonditsiyu. And that's exactly nekonditsiya and its percentage in the past year has grown decently, shows a disappointing statistic. From the PivotTable sad conclusions suggest themselves. What is there in FIG Euro 4 or, especially, the Euro-5. Then won more than a third of the proposed fuel does not meet even the old Ukrainian standards. And it is quite good. From all points of view. And for a large engine ay-ay-ay work. And for the environment tryndets creeps. And is not that noticeable. And that is very unpleasant situation is typical for the leading brands, with some reservations. More or less well faring and OKKO WOG. Others - and on the verge of it. And often even do not need to carry out the analysis - the color and the smell of gasoline such that recalls the "scoop", with its 76-m and 80-m blessed memory of fuel. Now in Ukraine there are only one of the six oil refineries. The lion's share of imported fuel. Prices allegedly kept in the "economically reasonable" limits dictated by the Cabinet of Ministers. That's just due to what. And at whose expense.
The data are taken from the site benzina.com.ua/statistics/
The data are taken from the site benzina.com.ua/statistics/