Mistress is a pity all the same ....
Those who today was in Strogino stroitelmnom market about an hour of the day, could see an unforgettable show, worthy of "USSR" and "You are a witness."
Stylishly "estimate" lady gently taxied on the market.
Parked his shining silver Toyota Corolla, she sent two of his fellow travelers in search of the right materials, and she went to a nearby container lacquers.
After some negotiations the deal was made and the lady, opening the trunk, waited loading purchased.
Five minutes later because of the container slowly came two Azerbaijanis, huffing and tuzhas Tashchyan stolitrovuyu barrel blue oil paint.
The lady told me to ship a barrel in the trunk. Hardworking put the barrel in the car and realized that the trunk is closed
. After some wrangling, konvulsium ruled that the lid is closed, if the barrel to put on the side, and that was done.
The trunk is closed and the lady sat behind the wheel, waiting for travel. With a sense of accomplishment laborers staged a break.
Suddenly the noise of the market blocked Furious Howl! From Toyota flew shrieking landlady, and rushed to the trunk.
An autopsy showed to all surreal - a cover of the barrel (in its entire diameter) disappeared, and 100 liters of bright blue paint evenly distributed inside the machine.
As the moment of silence. Hard workers fell out of his mouth a cigarette, the other gently lowered to the ground, lamenting "allahakbarr."
First lady woke up. Terribly verischa she began to kick the Azerbaijanis. Stunned workers with square eyes rushed to the boot and with folded hands began to frantically otcherpyvat boat paint, throwing her to the ground.
It turned out it does not matter. To help them arrived two more. The work went more cheerfully.
The blue paint around Corolla spot was getting wider, but inside the luggage situation has not changed.
Again there was a howl mistress: despicable paint leaked, again, to the salon. We rushed to the aid of four more. Apparently, they were in a hurry.
Slipping on the paint, the two newcomers blurted out to the ground, knocking on the road as the blue bowling his three companions.
It began hell. Screech, mate, lamentations, wild laughter of onlookers accompany this magical spectacle.
A look at what. The rear of the car of silver steadily transformed into a blue, as rescuers not to fall permanently clutching oily hands to the body.
From the open back doors flew paint and threw back her two hands to the sides. In the trunk were two Buckets and work started with a bang.
There were two senior Azerbaijani and began to lead the rescue operation from a distance, since the approach was dangerous: hard workers constantly falling on slippery surfaces, on the road clinging to the car, the pants of his countrymen and other protruding parts and components.
Around the ring formed a tight circle of curious onlookers, all of which tried to force their abilities to support the fighters and suggest the most correct course of action.
Ten minutes passed. Bluish lady long ceased to scream, staring glassy-eyed at the horizon ...
Finally, over the horizon out two of her companion. They could not understand where their friend and the car as a crowd of gray-blue, and the trough does not associated them with the purpose of shopping, and its new machine.
In a few minutes before they reached the whole tragedy of the situation. What would I do in this case, two healthy man?
That's right: o). Assessing the situation, they chose the object of claims. Blue Azerbaijanis could hardly fit for this role, because of its slipperiness.
But their leaders have appeared clean at the time. It started a great mochilovo.
The national question could not resist this celebration: to show the Azerbaijanis have joined the blue and shouting "our beat" the Russians sympathize with the national idea.
Costumed presentation in blue colors has entered the final phase. Palette faded.
Realizing that there is nothing more exciting to see will not succeed, I left the scene of the battle, wondering what has happened, and regretting the lack of camera.
Found Tuta
Stylishly "estimate" lady gently taxied on the market.
Parked his shining silver Toyota Corolla, she sent two of his fellow travelers in search of the right materials, and she went to a nearby container lacquers.
After some negotiations the deal was made and the lady, opening the trunk, waited loading purchased.
Five minutes later because of the container slowly came two Azerbaijanis, huffing and tuzhas Tashchyan stolitrovuyu barrel blue oil paint.
The lady told me to ship a barrel in the trunk. Hardworking put the barrel in the car and realized that the trunk is closed
. After some wrangling, konvulsium ruled that the lid is closed, if the barrel to put on the side, and that was done.
The trunk is closed and the lady sat behind the wheel, waiting for travel. With a sense of accomplishment laborers staged a break.
Suddenly the noise of the market blocked Furious Howl! From Toyota flew shrieking landlady, and rushed to the trunk.
An autopsy showed to all surreal - a cover of the barrel (in its entire diameter) disappeared, and 100 liters of bright blue paint evenly distributed inside the machine.
As the moment of silence. Hard workers fell out of his mouth a cigarette, the other gently lowered to the ground, lamenting "allahakbarr."
First lady woke up. Terribly verischa she began to kick the Azerbaijanis. Stunned workers with square eyes rushed to the boot and with folded hands began to frantically otcherpyvat boat paint, throwing her to the ground.
It turned out it does not matter. To help them arrived two more. The work went more cheerfully.
The blue paint around Corolla spot was getting wider, but inside the luggage situation has not changed.
Again there was a howl mistress: despicable paint leaked, again, to the salon. We rushed to the aid of four more. Apparently, they were in a hurry.
Slipping on the paint, the two newcomers blurted out to the ground, knocking on the road as the blue bowling his three companions.
It began hell. Screech, mate, lamentations, wild laughter of onlookers accompany this magical spectacle.
A look at what. The rear of the car of silver steadily transformed into a blue, as rescuers not to fall permanently clutching oily hands to the body.
From the open back doors flew paint and threw back her two hands to the sides. In the trunk were two Buckets and work started with a bang.
There were two senior Azerbaijani and began to lead the rescue operation from a distance, since the approach was dangerous: hard workers constantly falling on slippery surfaces, on the road clinging to the car, the pants of his countrymen and other protruding parts and components.
Around the ring formed a tight circle of curious onlookers, all of which tried to force their abilities to support the fighters and suggest the most correct course of action.
Ten minutes passed. Bluish lady long ceased to scream, staring glassy-eyed at the horizon ...
Finally, over the horizon out two of her companion. They could not understand where their friend and the car as a crowd of gray-blue, and the trough does not associated them with the purpose of shopping, and its new machine.
In a few minutes before they reached the whole tragedy of the situation. What would I do in this case, two healthy man?
That's right: o). Assessing the situation, they chose the object of claims. Blue Azerbaijanis could hardly fit for this role, because of its slipperiness.
But their leaders have appeared clean at the time. It started a great mochilovo.
The national question could not resist this celebration: to show the Azerbaijanis have joined the blue and shouting "our beat" the Russians sympathize with the national idea.
Costumed presentation in blue colors has entered the final phase. Palette faded.
Realizing that there is nothing more exciting to see will not succeed, I left the scene of the battle, wondering what has happened, and regretting the lack of camera.
Found Tuta