That is what professionally trained guide dog!
Seventy nine million two hundred seventy five thousand nine hundred eighty
I was recently witness the training of a guide dog in an urban environment. Very exciting, I tell you! A young puppy with his trainer walked down the street and was interested in literally everything. But the man held him firmly by the special handle on the vest, not giving the dog space to maneuver.
This couple walked up to the crosswalk at a traffic light. The young guide tried to translate his charge to the green light, but received only a reprimand. His face read clear confusion. Then he still took the man to a special traffic light for the blind nearby. There he did everything right: carefully translate man strictly on "Zebra", not allowing him to do an extra step to the side. And still with the same puzzled expression led to the previous intersection.
And today I met this dog, but he, apparently, already passed the test of aptitude. Gave him as a ward capricious lady, which per kilometer carried cheap perfume. She was constantly pulling the dog by the leash, dragged him at a red light on the road, smoked a cigarette, and finally brought the dog to the cat. But a smart dog not to succumb to provocations! He carefully let down the "hostess" to the correct transition, ignored the cats and, without flinching a single muscle in the face, walked past exploded in his face firecrackers. Only at the end carefully sniffed "the hostess" a little below the belt...
via talumala.com/ru/mir-semi/domashnie-lyubimtsy/khochu-druga/823-kak-dressiruyut-sobak-povodyrej
I was recently witness the training of a guide dog in an urban environment. Very exciting, I tell you! A young puppy with his trainer walked down the street and was interested in literally everything. But the man held him firmly by the special handle on the vest, not giving the dog space to maneuver.
This couple walked up to the crosswalk at a traffic light. The young guide tried to translate his charge to the green light, but received only a reprimand. His face read clear confusion. Then he still took the man to a special traffic light for the blind nearby. There he did everything right: carefully translate man strictly on "Zebra", not allowing him to do an extra step to the side. And still with the same puzzled expression led to the previous intersection.
And today I met this dog, but he, apparently, already passed the test of aptitude. Gave him as a ward capricious lady, which per kilometer carried cheap perfume. She was constantly pulling the dog by the leash, dragged him at a red light on the road, smoked a cigarette, and finally brought the dog to the cat. But a smart dog not to succumb to provocations! He carefully let down the "hostess" to the correct transition, ignored the cats and, without flinching a single muscle in the face, walked past exploded in his face firecrackers. Only at the end carefully sniffed "the hostess" a little below the belt...
via talumala.com/ru/mir-semi/domashnie-lyubimtsy/khochu-druga/823-kak-dressiruyut-sobak-povodyrej