10 animals, whose accomplishments far surpass your own
People love to brag, but some animals may well outdo any hvastunuOdna of the reasons we love animals, we are what we think them stupid ourselves and our warm feeling of superiority. Well, yes, we could have spent the last few hours of watching "Pokemon" on the cable channel, but it is still a productive activity in comparison with the dog, which for four hours trying to bite his own reflection in the mirror. However, there are animals who refused to play by these rules and have achieved what we can only dream of, for example ...
1. Tama, the cat with podchinёnnymi
Tama - a cat from Japan, which has attracted international media attention when, for unknown reasons, was appointed head of the railway station in Kinokave, in 2007, the year. How did it happen? Well, in 2006, the company which owns this station, decided to reduce the funding and insisted that everything was working at the station automatically. This was very bad news for Tama, which together with other homeless cats lived at the station, and that fed employees. To Tama and her friends did not began to starve, the company enrolled her in the States and started to give her "salary" in the form of cat food. And so it all looked even steeper, the cat was given his cap and uniform, which she wears on the job.
A month after hiring Tama movement of trains at the station increased by 17%, which meant more work for her. Her main duty is a greeting passengers, Tama was so good at attracting people to the tiny station that in 2007, she was promoted to chief of station. It should also be noted that Tam - the only "female boss", which has taken such a high managerial position, so that it has a pair of cats helpers: Chibi and Miyiko. Still not impressed? In 2012, the popularity of Tama has grown to such an extent that it was awarded a human assistant, deputy, and by train, painted it.
2. Hercules, bear, who became a professional restlerom
When it comes to animals, which you absolutely do not want to fight, bears on the list in the first position. Bears are not just dangerous. It is the predators who have power, which is enough to tear your head off if they suddenly have such a desire. That is the Hercules. Taken from a Scottish zoo in 1976, Hercules quickly gained international fame when his owner Andy Robin decided he wanted to make a trip to the UK, engaged in a struggle with their new pet. Using his knowledge gained during a career of professional wrestling, Andy learned many tricks of Hercules. He taught his grip and toss to the audience was really surprised by abilities of the beast. They show quickly became a hit, it gathers huge crowds across the UK. Surprisingly calm disposition Hercules struck the experts. It seems that the bear does not show at all any aggression towards humans. Besides the fact that it is a popular wrestler, Hercules starred in commercials, television shows and in movies. And all this happened before his 25th birthday, which means that this giant is now better resume than most people reading this, not to mention the incredibly steep name.
3. Penguin rytsar
No matter how they look in their tiny "tuxedos" penguin - a creature that hardly anyone would associate with the nobility. But apparently no one told this Sir Nils Olav II, King Penguin living in Edinburgh Zoo. In 1987 he attracted the attention of a group of soldiers from the Norwegian Royal Guard, because of its resemblance to Nils Olav I, penguin, who was the mascot of the unit, and who recently passed away. Like its namesake, Nils Olav II received the rank, in the future more soldiers visited him several times at the zoo. By 2005, the ninth year Nils Olav II «promoted" to the rank of colonel. But the most remarkable point in his life came in 2008, when during a routine visit to the Norwegian Royal Guard, he was awarded the title of knight. Now it sounds like the official title of "Sir Nils Olav II, Colonel Norwegian army." And this is not the name of a penguin. This is what people usually write on their business cards when the desire to impress supermodels.
4. Dog successfully passed sobesedovanie
Most people feel fine when successfully interviewed. It is neither an incomparable feeling of satisfaction experienced by people who showed themselves in the best light. But if your interview is not included jumping into the raging river, then a dog named Pal is the history of your interview better.
For those of you who are not too familiar with the career achievements of the dogs should be reported: Pal - this is just the dog who played Lassie. Pala first did not want to take on this role because the director paintings believed to be the best suitable Collie female. But when it was time to shoot the scene where Lassie crosses a raging river, dog, approved by the director, flatly refused to do so. Owner and trainer Rudd Pala Vetervoks still hoped that his pet still have a chance to steal the show. Because he told the director that Pal could dream of in this scene. The director, wanting to quickly shoot the scene, agreed to let the shot fell. When the cameras have earned, Pal, to the amazement of everyone (except Vetervoksa) jumped into the river, swam across it quickly, on the other side pretended to "fall into a swoon from exhaustion", and thus passed the interview to work at the first attempt. Subsequently Pal played Lassie in all parts of the film, as long as it is not replaced by his son, "Lassie Jr.».
5. Hachiko, a dog, talk to millions of underworld mira
You've probably already heard about Hachiko, a Japanese dog, known for his devotion to his master Hidesaburo Ueno. The professor of the University of Tokyo Ueno was a schedule to which it is accustomed, and Hachiko. Dog always waited patiently for the return of a master work at the station Shibuya. When, in 1925, Ueno died suddenly right on the work, the dog continued to wait for him. Reportedly, the dog appeared to station in the same time, and waiting for the host. So it was every day for nine years, and then the dog died. Hachiko incredible devotion to his master, turned out to be seen one of Ueno's former students, who wrote several articles about Hachiko, turned the dog into a real national symbol. Since Hachiko is the embodiment of devotion, and the history of this dog - one of the most famous in Japan. Perhaps all this you have already heard, but this is not the end. In 1994, the year the dog again attracted public attention when it was discovered the old record of its bark. Recording discovered on a broken gramophone record, it was restored, and then reproduce it on national television to millions of listeners who gathered in certain special time to listen to "Hachiko cry».
6. The eagle, which could not catch more nedeli
This story happened in 1965 with Orlici named Goldie. Once she had the opportunity to escape from the London Zoo, Goldie was flying over London, and it could not catch one and a half weeks. Perseverance Goldie attracted the attention of the crowd, and within 12 days of the movement in some parts of London stopped, and hundreds of people began to gather in Regent's Park in order to make fun of unsuccessful attempts by police and fire grab the bird. Every attempt to catch Goldie, to the delight of the public, fails. So much so that the owners of the zoo seriously thinking over to send a request to the Navy for the provision of special weapons, firing networks. Eventually Goldie was caught zoo keeper, who literally took the bird with bare hands, patiently waiting for when she sits down on the ground. In those days, after adventures Goldie, at London Zoo has been an incredible influx of visitors. And each of them wanted to get a photo of the bird, conquered their hearts during a 12-day adventure. Moments chronicles the adventures Goldie:
7. The cow, which cheated death and received the keys to the goroda
"To avoid certain death" - this is probably not what most people write in their list of daily tasks. But it's definitely something that these people will show off when this happens. The same can be said about the situation where you are given a key to the city, that you call her. Cow named Liberty Cincinnati has done both of the above things and then do something else. In 2002, the year the cow should have scored in the slaughterhouse, but she managed to show the death of the middle finger, jumping metal fence that separates the slaughterhouse from the outside world. Catch it then could not 11 days, which is an incredible event, as the cow never really known for their cunning and resourcefulness. In the end in unpleasant "cow thing" was involved and the company that owned the cow - Meyer Meats. And the company was in a difficult situation. On the one hand, they had every right to take away their property. On the other hand, an incredible desire to Cincy for freedom has become public and in detail reported in the press. Public Cincy incredibly liked among her admirers was the mayor of Cincinnati, who has promised to hand over the keys to a cow town.
One particularly enthusiastic fans Cincy was an artist by the name of Peter Max. He offered to buy a cow from Meyer Meats after it finally found. The company decided not to deal with the consequences of the murder of his beloved cows in the media, and took the money. Rest of his life spent cow in a shelter for animals that have passed through similar trials.
8. Dog, botched attempt ubiystva
There are dozens, if not hundreds of stories about dogs who saved the lives of their owners. Today, however, there is history of a pug named Pompey. Pugs - amazing rock small toy dogs. One of them, Pompey, in the 14th century belonged to a Dutch nobleman named William Pacific. Little Pug made history after being rescued its owner from the killer most suitable for pug way - by jumping on the face of the owner, as he slept. Legend has it that Pompey heard the assassin creeps into the tent of his master. And when the pug was not able to wake up the owner barking, he jumped right on his face. This prompted William to wake up and call for help.
9. Omar, who helped create interactive televidenie
One of the most annoying features of modern television is its "interactivity". These days, there's nothing you can see without prior request and without prior tweets and "likes" on Facebook. And thanks for everything it's worth lobster named Larry. In 1982, Eddie Murphy wrote the sketch marked the beginning of a fundamentally new television, in which everything depended on lobster named Larry.
Murphy showed the audience a lobster and said that now only the audience can decide whether eaten lobster, or get a life. Everything depended on the number of votes on the screen. The joke was that the number of votes cast for the salvation of Larry Murphy read very quickly, they flashed on the screen and vanished in just a second, while the number of votes cast for the mercy Larry Read very slowly, and displays the maximum long. During the broadcast phoned more than 500,000 people, the cost of each call was 50 cents. This load is almost overwhelmed the telephone company AT & T, which had no idea that Murphy is going to make half a million people call at once. Number of votes cast for and against Larry, was almost the same, but in the end to vote in favor of saving the lobster advantage. However, Murphy still ate lobster a week. But Larry's death was not in vain. Because he showed chiefs on television that you can earn hundreds of thousands of dollars just asking people to participate in something.
10. A dog that visited kosmose
Of course, this Laika. Without Laika would not be space travel. This dog was one of the first living beings caught in Earth orbit, and neither her name nor her sacrifice will never be forgotten by science. She has gone from being a stray dog to one of the most famous and important animal in the history of mankind, and we should all remember that it was a good dog.
via factroom.ru
1. Tama, the cat with podchinёnnymi

Tama - a cat from Japan, which has attracted international media attention when, for unknown reasons, was appointed head of the railway station in Kinokave, in 2007, the year. How did it happen? Well, in 2006, the company which owns this station, decided to reduce the funding and insisted that everything was working at the station automatically. This was very bad news for Tama, which together with other homeless cats lived at the station, and that fed employees. To Tama and her friends did not began to starve, the company enrolled her in the States and started to give her "salary" in the form of cat food. And so it all looked even steeper, the cat was given his cap and uniform, which she wears on the job.

A month after hiring Tama movement of trains at the station increased by 17%, which meant more work for her. Her main duty is a greeting passengers, Tama was so good at attracting people to the tiny station that in 2007, she was promoted to chief of station. It should also be noted that Tam - the only "female boss", which has taken such a high managerial position, so that it has a pair of cats helpers: Chibi and Miyiko. Still not impressed? In 2012, the popularity of Tama has grown to such an extent that it was awarded a human assistant, deputy, and by train, painted it.

2. Hercules, bear, who became a professional restlerom

When it comes to animals, which you absolutely do not want to fight, bears on the list in the first position. Bears are not just dangerous. It is the predators who have power, which is enough to tear your head off if they suddenly have such a desire. That is the Hercules. Taken from a Scottish zoo in 1976, Hercules quickly gained international fame when his owner Andy Robin decided he wanted to make a trip to the UK, engaged in a struggle with their new pet. Using his knowledge gained during a career of professional wrestling, Andy learned many tricks of Hercules. He taught his grip and toss to the audience was really surprised by abilities of the beast. They show quickly became a hit, it gathers huge crowds across the UK. Surprisingly calm disposition Hercules struck the experts. It seems that the bear does not show at all any aggression towards humans. Besides the fact that it is a popular wrestler, Hercules starred in commercials, television shows and in movies. And all this happened before his 25th birthday, which means that this giant is now better resume than most people reading this, not to mention the incredibly steep name.
3. Penguin rytsar

No matter how they look in their tiny "tuxedos" penguin - a creature that hardly anyone would associate with the nobility. But apparently no one told this Sir Nils Olav II, King Penguin living in Edinburgh Zoo. In 1987 he attracted the attention of a group of soldiers from the Norwegian Royal Guard, because of its resemblance to Nils Olav I, penguin, who was the mascot of the unit, and who recently passed away. Like its namesake, Nils Olav II received the rank, in the future more soldiers visited him several times at the zoo. By 2005, the ninth year Nils Olav II «promoted" to the rank of colonel. But the most remarkable point in his life came in 2008, when during a routine visit to the Norwegian Royal Guard, he was awarded the title of knight. Now it sounds like the official title of "Sir Nils Olav II, Colonel Norwegian army." And this is not the name of a penguin. This is what people usually write on their business cards when the desire to impress supermodels.

4. Dog successfully passed sobesedovanie

Most people feel fine when successfully interviewed. It is neither an incomparable feeling of satisfaction experienced by people who showed themselves in the best light. But if your interview is not included jumping into the raging river, then a dog named Pal is the history of your interview better.
For those of you who are not too familiar with the career achievements of the dogs should be reported: Pal - this is just the dog who played Lassie. Pala first did not want to take on this role because the director paintings believed to be the best suitable Collie female. But when it was time to shoot the scene where Lassie crosses a raging river, dog, approved by the director, flatly refused to do so. Owner and trainer Rudd Pala Vetervoks still hoped that his pet still have a chance to steal the show. Because he told the director that Pal could dream of in this scene. The director, wanting to quickly shoot the scene, agreed to let the shot fell. When the cameras have earned, Pal, to the amazement of everyone (except Vetervoksa) jumped into the river, swam across it quickly, on the other side pretended to "fall into a swoon from exhaustion", and thus passed the interview to work at the first attempt. Subsequently Pal played Lassie in all parts of the film, as long as it is not replaced by his son, "Lassie Jr.».

5. Hachiko, a dog, talk to millions of underworld mira

You've probably already heard about Hachiko, a Japanese dog, known for his devotion to his master Hidesaburo Ueno. The professor of the University of Tokyo Ueno was a schedule to which it is accustomed, and Hachiko. Dog always waited patiently for the return of a master work at the station Shibuya. When, in 1925, Ueno died suddenly right on the work, the dog continued to wait for him. Reportedly, the dog appeared to station in the same time, and waiting for the host. So it was every day for nine years, and then the dog died. Hachiko incredible devotion to his master, turned out to be seen one of Ueno's former students, who wrote several articles about Hachiko, turned the dog into a real national symbol. Since Hachiko is the embodiment of devotion, and the history of this dog - one of the most famous in Japan. Perhaps all this you have already heard, but this is not the end. In 1994, the year the dog again attracted public attention when it was discovered the old record of its bark. Recording discovered on a broken gramophone record, it was restored, and then reproduce it on national television to millions of listeners who gathered in certain special time to listen to "Hachiko cry».
6. The eagle, which could not catch more nedeli

This story happened in 1965 with Orlici named Goldie. Once she had the opportunity to escape from the London Zoo, Goldie was flying over London, and it could not catch one and a half weeks. Perseverance Goldie attracted the attention of the crowd, and within 12 days of the movement in some parts of London stopped, and hundreds of people began to gather in Regent's Park in order to make fun of unsuccessful attempts by police and fire grab the bird. Every attempt to catch Goldie, to the delight of the public, fails. So much so that the owners of the zoo seriously thinking over to send a request to the Navy for the provision of special weapons, firing networks. Eventually Goldie was caught zoo keeper, who literally took the bird with bare hands, patiently waiting for when she sits down on the ground. In those days, after adventures Goldie, at London Zoo has been an incredible influx of visitors. And each of them wanted to get a photo of the bird, conquered their hearts during a 12-day adventure. Moments chronicles the adventures Goldie:
7. The cow, which cheated death and received the keys to the goroda

"To avoid certain death" - this is probably not what most people write in their list of daily tasks. But it's definitely something that these people will show off when this happens. The same can be said about the situation where you are given a key to the city, that you call her. Cow named Liberty Cincinnati has done both of the above things and then do something else. In 2002, the year the cow should have scored in the slaughterhouse, but she managed to show the death of the middle finger, jumping metal fence that separates the slaughterhouse from the outside world. Catch it then could not 11 days, which is an incredible event, as the cow never really known for their cunning and resourcefulness. In the end in unpleasant "cow thing" was involved and the company that owned the cow - Meyer Meats. And the company was in a difficult situation. On the one hand, they had every right to take away their property. On the other hand, an incredible desire to Cincy for freedom has become public and in detail reported in the press. Public Cincy incredibly liked among her admirers was the mayor of Cincinnati, who has promised to hand over the keys to a cow town.

One particularly enthusiastic fans Cincy was an artist by the name of Peter Max. He offered to buy a cow from Meyer Meats after it finally found. The company decided not to deal with the consequences of the murder of his beloved cows in the media, and took the money. Rest of his life spent cow in a shelter for animals that have passed through similar trials.
8. Dog, botched attempt ubiystva

There are dozens, if not hundreds of stories about dogs who saved the lives of their owners. Today, however, there is history of a pug named Pompey. Pugs - amazing rock small toy dogs. One of them, Pompey, in the 14th century belonged to a Dutch nobleman named William Pacific. Little Pug made history after being rescued its owner from the killer most suitable for pug way - by jumping on the face of the owner, as he slept. Legend has it that Pompey heard the assassin creeps into the tent of his master. And when the pug was not able to wake up the owner barking, he jumped right on his face. This prompted William to wake up and call for help.
9. Omar, who helped create interactive televidenie

One of the most annoying features of modern television is its "interactivity". These days, there's nothing you can see without prior request and without prior tweets and "likes" on Facebook. And thanks for everything it's worth lobster named Larry. In 1982, Eddie Murphy wrote the sketch marked the beginning of a fundamentally new television, in which everything depended on lobster named Larry.
Murphy showed the audience a lobster and said that now only the audience can decide whether eaten lobster, or get a life. Everything depended on the number of votes on the screen. The joke was that the number of votes cast for the salvation of Larry Murphy read very quickly, they flashed on the screen and vanished in just a second, while the number of votes cast for the mercy Larry Read very slowly, and displays the maximum long. During the broadcast phoned more than 500,000 people, the cost of each call was 50 cents. This load is almost overwhelmed the telephone company AT & T, which had no idea that Murphy is going to make half a million people call at once. Number of votes cast for and against Larry, was almost the same, but in the end to vote in favor of saving the lobster advantage. However, Murphy still ate lobster a week. But Larry's death was not in vain. Because he showed chiefs on television that you can earn hundreds of thousands of dollars just asking people to participate in something.
10. A dog that visited kosmose

Of course, this Laika. Without Laika would not be space travel. This dog was one of the first living beings caught in Earth orbit, and neither her name nor her sacrifice will never be forgotten by science. She has gone from being a stray dog to one of the most famous and important animal in the history of mankind, and we should all remember that it was a good dog.
via factroom.ru
Why cramming before an exam does not work
Half of the world's animal life was gone in less than two generations