Help decide the fate of the flies ?!
In short this story: I fly Jam: climbed in the face, hands ... as is karoch Jam! Well, I have it and swatted. No sneakers, not a newspaper, and that's how the concert applauded, one sharp movement, she fell to the floor, pulled a couple of times the front foot and stopped ... and then I began to feel it a great pity ... people do not mind - fly sorry, you know ... I picked it up and laid it on the table, fly zero movement and conscience gnaws ... So I let her zaebyvat, push, blow on it ... Jam generally so quiet that she began to revive! First pull one paw, then the second well, etc. Immediately I remembered as a child tossed frogs as possible, they Jahan with a characteristic sound of the ground and fell into a stupor (we called it "stun"), but after ten minutes they started otduplyatsya until calm myself not uprygivali back home ... The result: a fly Now quite cheerfully currently runs on the table. Sensitively lame ... but certainly not fly, though seemingly whole wings, and not that sagged like that ... brought her condensed milk on a toothpick, she smeared legs, then began to lick like pohavat. There is a single word worthy of its Kent came down to it, it seemed at first that they lick it, but then I noticed that they are trying to push her off the table ... WTF? Well, I gave them pizdyuley from his fly drove like behind. So, is there any hope that my fly completely break hollows like those lyaguhi? Or its viability and costs of being lost forever to finish it? ZY finish Pts sorry, I'm afraid not cope with a shorter help good people !!! (((
