Limiting the hours of eating a beneficial effect on the heart flies

American scientists from the Salk Institute and the University of San Diego established , that the time in which the meal may be equally important, as it is composed. At least this is true for fruit flies - the experience they have shown that the time limit in which they can have a beneficial impact on the work of the heart.
In the experiment, one group of flies fed on request, for the second time the same food intake was limited to 12 hours every day. After three weeks of distinctions emerged that flies a limited diet slept better, gained less weight, and their hearts were healthier than the gluttons. The quantity of food eaten by weight in both groups of flies were similar. The result is stored in five weeks.
One of the researchers said that in the first experiment examined the hearts of flies that had limited access to food, the scientists were amazed safety of their hearts. They first have even decided that somehow mixed up these flies with a younger party. They had to repeat the experiment several times to make sure it has a beneficial effect is temporary restriction diet.
Experiments have shown that even for older flies (and the lifetime of these flies is about 60 days) dietary restrictions have led to an improvement in the condition of their hearts.
Was also found yet unexplored relationship of the heart with the genes responsible for circadian rhythms. In the event that this diet been party flies in which these genes were disabled, visible improvements heart condition did not occur.
According to the results of previous studies it is known that people carrying meals at late hours, more likely to have problems with the cardiovascular system. Of course, people - it does not fly, moreover, people usually do not eat the same thing every day (except, perhaps, students). But at least the results of the study reveal an interesting context in which it will be possible to extend our understanding of the impact of diet and nutrition on health principles. In the meantime, it is better not eat at night.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/247238/
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