Women of the world dedicated...
Women of the world... we bow to you
You are "less" than men, you are not objects for manipulation,
You are not there to satisfy our needs
We can learn from you how to feel, how to touch her body, how to live with your feelings, cry, laugh, dance, how to be alive...
You can show us that there is no need to be afraid of their susceptibility.
We don't always need answers (we were so tired to pretend this).
There is nothing shameful in a soft embrace flexibility, openness, kindness.
Once we thought we control the world and he is our.
Now we Wake up.
You have shown us through your courage, your patience, your determination,
that there is another way.
Let's listen to women more deeply to hear, really hear,
their joys and pains, their fears and desires, their agony and ecstasy.
We were sent to fix, rescue, or complement each other.
We were sent to reflect in each other our best qualities.
Our strong men's and women's side.
To be as strong as a tree trunk.
To be soft and flexible as the branches and leaves.
You want male femininity, female — masculinity,
as the wind shakes the branches, but the tree fills up.
These qualities in each of us.
A penis, a vagina, or something
we can recognize our common nature.
Help us create a safe space.
Alone. Together. Here again alone. Here again together.
We remember every day: we were born from a woman.
We don't exist without it.
We are part women — to help us master this.
Mother is in our bones.
Help us to make a step towards our femininity.
After doing this, we step to our true manhood.
Yes, we need
The capacity of the trunk of the tree.
And power branches.
Need integrity.
Be gentle with us - we are learning slowly.
Be straight with us - we crave your unvarnished truth.
Be patient with us - we carry the sad legacy of violence, of domination.
Be patient with us — we try to heal from this.
Physically, we are different. Of course.
But in the core we meet.
In Consciousness, the Unity of all.
Please understand:
We have long been blind, that's all.
Was not realized.
Little boys are looking for Mama.
Trying to feel the power.
Trying to feel like "men."
Pretending to "know".
This is not true power.
True power need a woman!
We long to grow up!
Help us grow! Tell us the truth!
Give us your powerful Medicine!
Mothers, lawyers, healers,
nurses, doctors, managers, women of the world,
strong and beautiful — we bow to you!
The world is being destroyed without you!
@ Jeff Foster
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: sobiratelzvezd.ru/zhenshhiny-nizkij-vam-poklon/
You are "less" than men, you are not objects for manipulation,
You are not there to satisfy our needs
We can learn from you how to feel, how to touch her body, how to live with your feelings, cry, laugh, dance, how to be alive...

You can show us that there is no need to be afraid of their susceptibility.
We don't always need answers (we were so tired to pretend this).
There is nothing shameful in a soft embrace flexibility, openness, kindness.
Once we thought we control the world and he is our.
Now we Wake up.
You have shown us through your courage, your patience, your determination,
that there is another way.
Let's listen to women more deeply to hear, really hear,
their joys and pains, their fears and desires, their agony and ecstasy.
We were sent to fix, rescue, or complement each other.
We were sent to reflect in each other our best qualities.
Our strong men's and women's side.
To be as strong as a tree trunk.
To be soft and flexible as the branches and leaves.
You want male femininity, female — masculinity,
as the wind shakes the branches, but the tree fills up.
These qualities in each of us.
A penis, a vagina, or something
we can recognize our common nature.
Help us create a safe space.
Alone. Together. Here again alone. Here again together.
We remember every day: we were born from a woman.
We don't exist without it.
We are part women — to help us master this.
Mother is in our bones.
Help us to make a step towards our femininity.
After doing this, we step to our true manhood.
Yes, we need
The capacity of the trunk of the tree.
And power branches.
Need integrity.
Be gentle with us - we are learning slowly.
Be straight with us - we crave your unvarnished truth.
Be patient with us - we carry the sad legacy of violence, of domination.
Be patient with us — we try to heal from this.
Physically, we are different. Of course.
But in the core we meet.
In Consciousness, the Unity of all.
Please understand:
We have long been blind, that's all.
Was not realized.
Little boys are looking for Mama.
Trying to feel the power.
Trying to feel like "men."
Pretending to "know".
This is not true power.
True power need a woman!
We long to grow up!
Help us grow! Tell us the truth!
Give us your powerful Medicine!
Mothers, lawyers, healers,
nurses, doctors, managers, women of the world,
strong and beautiful — we bow to you!
The world is being destroyed without you!
@ Jeff Foster
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: sobiratelzvezd.ru/zhenshhiny-nizkij-vam-poklon/
7 laws of mentality that everyone should know!
He wants to tell the body from the point of view of psychosomatics