How are women in Saudi Arabia
Now we will talk about the life of women in Saudi Arabia. You are immediately presented themselves oppressed poor women of the East? Of course, according to reports of human rights defenders live it is not sweet. As of 2009, the country ranks 130th out of 134 countries on the infringement of women's rights.
In fact, it's not so scary and many women like this kind of life. The position of women in Saudi can be compared with the position of the child in European society. Yes, you can not vote, it is difficult to travel alone, a woman has no right to study / work / go abroad if her husband does not give permission / relative, but in many ways life easier. Let's see if we can live with them with such restrictions.
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2. For example, women can not drive a car. By the way, Saudi only country in the world where this restriction. It is impossible for many reasons, primarily for religious - not Babskii this case, turn the steering wheel. Professor Kamal Subhi claims that if the woman in the country to allow cars to drive in ten years there will not remain virgins. Another influential Sheikh Saleh Lohaydan said that if a woman is driving a car, it can have a baby with birth defects.
3. For many years, women fought for the right to drive, but to no avail. Although formally ban on driving is not, but the woman is impossible to obtain a driver's license here. Many women drive a car without a license, especially in rural areas. Officially, no punishment for driving women do not. The maximum that can make a cop is to call the offending parents or return home to her husband. On the other hand, if men do not allow women to drive, they should give it a driver or a taxi. It takes a lot of money and often have men themselves in order to save the king require longer allow women to drive. With taxi drivers also happens a lot of funny stories. For example, the taxi driver actually "strange man", with whom a woman should not communicate. How to go? Comes to idiocy. In 2010, the advisor of the royal court and the Ministry of Justice issued a fatwa according to which the woman is obliged to breastfed driver working on it, that it was for women mahram (relative). Thus, the driver can without violating the law to deal with a woman.
The king smiled and said that he is for equal rights, but society is not ready:
"I firmly believe in women's rights. My mother is a woman. My sister is a woman. My daughter is a woman. My wife is a woman. I believe that the day will come when women will start to drive. In fact, if you look at the suburban area, you will find a woman behind the wheel. I believe that this will be possible at the time and I believe that patience is a virtue. »
But there is good news. This year, for example, Saudi women were allowed to ride bicycles, but only in the parks.
4. Women in Saudi Arabia rarely work. Many professions are closed to them, such as those where it can or should associate with strange men. But the situation is improving gradually. This year, in Saudi Arabia women were allowed to work as a lawyer. One time here wanted to build a separate area for women where they can work freely woman. Because of the limitations on leisure, and in Saudi Arabia no theaters, no movies, only entertainment for women is a store. Women often can not get a full education, as early marriage. They know nothing, they did not really studied, they are interested only clothes. This leads to the fact that they themselves Saudi men prefer foreign company, with them at least possible for something to talk about.
The most unpleasant restrictions in clothes. Women are required to wear the black abaya, or as a joke here - raincoats.
5. It is not recommended to go bareheaded. Relishiodnaya police make sure you note. Many women are completely closed and face, leaving only the eyes. This is not mandatory, but many do so voluntarily. So it is accepted. Who wants to can safely walk like this:
6. Saudi men are also almost 100% go all in white long shirt and nothing else. Actually, I think it's pretty convenient, do not think what to wear. Put on a robe and all.
By the way, before all the wild things happened. In 2002, a women's school in Mecca was a fire that killed 15 students. Moreover, burned girls just because they were forced back into the fire as they tried to escape. The girls were dressed inappropriately. However, the religious police custody in Mecca were on the alert. Witnesses told the fire while the police even beat schoolgirls as they did not want to go back for decent clothing. It took 8 years and in 2010 the good King Abdullah graciously allowed firefighters to rescue from the fire "undressed" in accordance with Islamic rules women.
All of Saudi Arabia is divided into two parts - male and female. Female part delicately called "family." In any restaurant, there is a section for men and there is a section for families.
7. Often, the restaurant even separate entrances for men and women. Section for men is small, there are usually only a few tables and some cash. On the other hand the entrance to the family section, which is usually large. In restaurants, these tables are closed shutters - there women can open a person to eat. Many stores FAMILY ONLY implies entrance only for women, because there may include "foreign" women who can not see the man.
8. In many parks are only allowed women or families in supermarkets, most banks do not serve single men. Some stores have entire floors where men are not allowed. In hotels also often make separate women's floor, where the entrance is closed to men.
9. Sometimes the two sexes students learn at different times, so as not to overlap. It is clear that public transport too rigid division. Even on the plane, if a man was given a seat next to a strange woman, then transplanted man, not a woman. A paradoxical thing for men in social life limits greater than for women. In general, the lone man in Saudi Arabia have not sweet - half the seats closed to him.
Single men is almost impossible to rent a house. When my friend lived in Riyadh, his agent went to the neighbors and ask if they do not mind that the next will live a bachelor. All were against. He is 4 months looking for an apartment and found - from the back of some shabby houses. Separate entrance, almost under the fence had to crawl to the house to visit.
Previously, it was almost impossible for women unaccompanied travel and move around. Today, they are free to go without a male escort. Recently, women were even allowed unaccompanied travel abroad. But the husband's permission is necessary.
You probably want to know how young people are introduced here, if everything is so strictly divided? Or the old-fashioned, through relatives, sisters through or over the phone. In Saudi is very popular app called «Who Is There?». This application is looking for people within a radius of several kilometers, and they are written, send each other pictures without the pale and acquaintances. Unfortunately, in the beginning it was not so simple. In 2007, his father killed a young girl, when I learned that she spoke with a young man on Facebook. The case received wide attention and media coverage. Conservatives have called on the government to ban Facebook, because, according to them, the network incites lust and causes social discord, encouraging sexual confusion.
10. The strongest woman is a disgrace to the arrest of the religious police as a result of contact with a male nemahramom (not a relative). So in 2009, two young girls after his arrest as a result of intercourse with men publicly executed in the presence of the brothers of his father. In the same year, 23-year-old unmarried woman was sentenced to one year in prison and 100 lashes for "adultery" as was raped and tried unsuccessfully to have an abortion. Spanking has been postponed for the time after childbirth. But such cases occur less.
What a shame! The image of a naked woman on the street.
In fact, it's not so scary and many women like this kind of life. The position of women in Saudi can be compared with the position of the child in European society. Yes, you can not vote, it is difficult to travel alone, a woman has no right to study / work / go abroad if her husband does not give permission / relative, but in many ways life easier. Let's see if we can live with them with such restrictions.
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2. For example, women can not drive a car. By the way, Saudi only country in the world where this restriction. It is impossible for many reasons, primarily for religious - not Babskii this case, turn the steering wheel. Professor Kamal Subhi claims that if the woman in the country to allow cars to drive in ten years there will not remain virgins. Another influential Sheikh Saleh Lohaydan said that if a woman is driving a car, it can have a baby with birth defects.

3. For many years, women fought for the right to drive, but to no avail. Although formally ban on driving is not, but the woman is impossible to obtain a driver's license here. Many women drive a car without a license, especially in rural areas. Officially, no punishment for driving women do not. The maximum that can make a cop is to call the offending parents or return home to her husband. On the other hand, if men do not allow women to drive, they should give it a driver or a taxi. It takes a lot of money and often have men themselves in order to save the king require longer allow women to drive. With taxi drivers also happens a lot of funny stories. For example, the taxi driver actually "strange man", with whom a woman should not communicate. How to go? Comes to idiocy. In 2010, the advisor of the royal court and the Ministry of Justice issued a fatwa according to which the woman is obliged to breastfed driver working on it, that it was for women mahram (relative). Thus, the driver can without violating the law to deal with a woman.
The king smiled and said that he is for equal rights, but society is not ready:
"I firmly believe in women's rights. My mother is a woman. My sister is a woman. My daughter is a woman. My wife is a woman. I believe that the day will come when women will start to drive. In fact, if you look at the suburban area, you will find a woman behind the wheel. I believe that this will be possible at the time and I believe that patience is a virtue. »
But there is good news. This year, for example, Saudi women were allowed to ride bicycles, but only in the parks.

4. Women in Saudi Arabia rarely work. Many professions are closed to them, such as those where it can or should associate with strange men. But the situation is improving gradually. This year, in Saudi Arabia women were allowed to work as a lawyer. One time here wanted to build a separate area for women where they can work freely woman. Because of the limitations on leisure, and in Saudi Arabia no theaters, no movies, only entertainment for women is a store. Women often can not get a full education, as early marriage. They know nothing, they did not really studied, they are interested only clothes. This leads to the fact that they themselves Saudi men prefer foreign company, with them at least possible for something to talk about.
The most unpleasant restrictions in clothes. Women are required to wear the black abaya, or as a joke here - raincoats.

5. It is not recommended to go bareheaded. Relishiodnaya police make sure you note. Many women are completely closed and face, leaving only the eyes. This is not mandatory, but many do so voluntarily. So it is accepted. Who wants to can safely walk like this:

6. Saudi men are also almost 100% go all in white long shirt and nothing else. Actually, I think it's pretty convenient, do not think what to wear. Put on a robe and all.
By the way, before all the wild things happened. In 2002, a women's school in Mecca was a fire that killed 15 students. Moreover, burned girls just because they were forced back into the fire as they tried to escape. The girls were dressed inappropriately. However, the religious police custody in Mecca were on the alert. Witnesses told the fire while the police even beat schoolgirls as they did not want to go back for decent clothing. It took 8 years and in 2010 the good King Abdullah graciously allowed firefighters to rescue from the fire "undressed" in accordance with Islamic rules women.
All of Saudi Arabia is divided into two parts - male and female. Female part delicately called "family." In any restaurant, there is a section for men and there is a section for families.

7. Often, the restaurant even separate entrances for men and women. Section for men is small, there are usually only a few tables and some cash. On the other hand the entrance to the family section, which is usually large. In restaurants, these tables are closed shutters - there women can open a person to eat. Many stores FAMILY ONLY implies entrance only for women, because there may include "foreign" women who can not see the man.

8. In many parks are only allowed women or families in supermarkets, most banks do not serve single men. Some stores have entire floors where men are not allowed. In hotels also often make separate women's floor, where the entrance is closed to men.

9. Sometimes the two sexes students learn at different times, so as not to overlap. It is clear that public transport too rigid division. Even on the plane, if a man was given a seat next to a strange woman, then transplanted man, not a woman. A paradoxical thing for men in social life limits greater than for women. In general, the lone man in Saudi Arabia have not sweet - half the seats closed to him.
Single men is almost impossible to rent a house. When my friend lived in Riyadh, his agent went to the neighbors and ask if they do not mind that the next will live a bachelor. All were against. He is 4 months looking for an apartment and found - from the back of some shabby houses. Separate entrance, almost under the fence had to crawl to the house to visit.
Previously, it was almost impossible for women unaccompanied travel and move around. Today, they are free to go without a male escort. Recently, women were even allowed unaccompanied travel abroad. But the husband's permission is necessary.
You probably want to know how young people are introduced here, if everything is so strictly divided? Or the old-fashioned, through relatives, sisters through or over the phone. In Saudi is very popular app called «Who Is There?». This application is looking for people within a radius of several kilometers, and they are written, send each other pictures without the pale and acquaintances. Unfortunately, in the beginning it was not so simple. In 2007, his father killed a young girl, when I learned that she spoke with a young man on Facebook. The case received wide attention and media coverage. Conservatives have called on the government to ban Facebook, because, according to them, the network incites lust and causes social discord, encouraging sexual confusion.

10. The strongest woman is a disgrace to the arrest of the religious police as a result of contact with a male nemahramom (not a relative). So in 2009, two young girls after his arrest as a result of intercourse with men publicly executed in the presence of the brothers of his father. In the same year, 23-year-old unmarried woman was sentenced to one year in prison and 100 lashes for "adultery" as was raped and tried unsuccessfully to have an abortion. Spanking has been postponed for the time after childbirth. But such cases occur less.
What a shame! The image of a naked woman on the street.
