10 facts about Saudi Arabia, from which flows into the jitters. I did not dare to live there ...
The largest country in the Arabian Peninsula, washed by the Persian Gulf in the northeast and the Red Sea - in the west. In this country there are huge reserves of oil. Saudi Arabia - the cradle of striking contrasts. It is also called the "Land of the two mosques," meaning Mecca and Medina - the two major shrines of Islam.
Surely you've heard a lot about that in this country is not sweet woman lives. But in Saudi Arabia there is still a lot of what you do not know. Ofigenno.cc is your 10 incredible facts about the country of contradictions. Just do not tell me you knew about this!
1. In Saudi Arabia, a huge problem with water. It desalinates seawater longer than any other country on the planet. B>
2. «Sidewalk skiing» Saudi Arabia - quite a popular pastime. This is so that you understand, riding in a car, overturned on two wheels on one side. B>
3. Once lingerie in local stores selling only men, since women are usually forbidden to work. This caused embarrassment at the beautiful half of humanity. But activists have put a lot of effort to change this order of things. B>
4. Presumably in 2018 the Royal Tower, which will become the center of a new city on the coast of Saudi Arabia, prisvoyut tallest building in the world. B>
5. Here you can buy off sin. For example, the deliberate murder of a man over the current prices will cost 106,000 dollars. B>
6. In 2012, more than 3 million Muslims made a pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia. This phenomenon is called 'Hajj'. However, the government noted that such campaigns lead to the spread of deadly viruses, so the Saudis decided to issue a quota for each country, indicating how many of its citizens can make a pilgrimage to Mecca. B>
7. In Saudi Arabia, a strong demand for the executioners, because here very often practice the death penalty, for example, adultery or abandonment of Islam. B>
8. In 2001, a woman from the US armed forces, which have been in service in Saudi Arabia, have been outside the military base to wear clothes that cover them from head to toe. B>
9. If you will go to Saudi Arabia, you will be faced with such a concept as "magical" by the police. Here there is a special police unit to catch witches. Witches and sorceress can permanently put behind bars, and even to remain without a head. B>
10. Until 2011, Saudi Arabia was the last country in the world that prohibits women to vote. Now the situation in the country has changed a bit. B>
It's crazy, I did not dare to live here. What can we say about women ... Tell me about these stunning facts of your friends. I guarantee, you will be able to shock them.
via ofigenno ru
Surely you've heard a lot about that in this country is not sweet woman lives. But in Saudi Arabia there is still a lot of what you do not know. Ofigenno.cc is your 10 incredible facts about the country of contradictions. Just do not tell me you knew about this!
1. In Saudi Arabia, a huge problem with water. It desalinates seawater longer than any other country on the planet. B>

2. «Sidewalk skiing» Saudi Arabia - quite a popular pastime. This is so that you understand, riding in a car, overturned on two wheels on one side. B>

3. Once lingerie in local stores selling only men, since women are usually forbidden to work. This caused embarrassment at the beautiful half of humanity. But activists have put a lot of effort to change this order of things. B>
4. Presumably in 2018 the Royal Tower, which will become the center of a new city on the coast of Saudi Arabia, prisvoyut tallest building in the world. B>

5. Here you can buy off sin. For example, the deliberate murder of a man over the current prices will cost 106,000 dollars. B>

6. In 2012, more than 3 million Muslims made a pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia. This phenomenon is called 'Hajj'. However, the government noted that such campaigns lead to the spread of deadly viruses, so the Saudis decided to issue a quota for each country, indicating how many of its citizens can make a pilgrimage to Mecca. B>

7. In Saudi Arabia, a strong demand for the executioners, because here very often practice the death penalty, for example, adultery or abandonment of Islam. B>

8. In 2001, a woman from the US armed forces, which have been in service in Saudi Arabia, have been outside the military base to wear clothes that cover them from head to toe. B>
9. If you will go to Saudi Arabia, you will be faced with such a concept as "magical" by the police. Here there is a special police unit to catch witches. Witches and sorceress can permanently put behind bars, and even to remain without a head. B>

10. Until 2011, Saudi Arabia was the last country in the world that prohibits women to vote. Now the situation in the country has changed a bit. B>

It's crazy, I did not dare to live here. What can we say about women ... Tell me about these stunning facts of your friends. I guarantee, you will be able to shock them.
via ofigenno ru
This girl was left overnight with my dad ... An hour later, doctors struggled fought for her life.
I froze in horror: this photo from festival of cat and dog meat shocked the world.