7 strange restrictions on the rights of women, operating in different countries of the world
The gender gap index by the world economic forum in 2013. The biggest legal inequality between man and woman exists in the countries marked in red and orange
Women in Saudi Arabia got behind the wheel in protest against the authorities ' refusal to issue them a driver's license. Thus, they challenged not only long-standing restriction, but also the entire system of laws based on gender. Saudi Arabia is considered the most rigid in this sense, the country.
However, according to one study, in the world there are some countries where women's rights are violated almost more than in Saudi Arabia.
The world economic forum annually publishes a ranking of countries by gender inequality. In 2013, Saudi Arabia was tenth from the end, followed by Mali, Morocco, Iran, Cote d'ivoire, Mauritania, Syria, Chad, Pakistan and Yemen. Infringement of the rights of women is not confined to Northern and Western Africa or the Middle East, although from there we hear similar stories frequently.
"A large number of very serious problems in this area comes from the long-established legal systems," says Rotna Begum, a researcher of women's rights in the Middle East and North Africa from the independent organization human rights watch.
However, she also believes that some "modernization" happens, especially Saudi Arabia.
Below you will find nine of the most bizarre restrictions for women, effective rights in different parts of the world, from Asia to Latin America.
1. India: safety Rules on the roads do not belong to the women
In some parts of India safety rules on the road do not apply to women. For example, women are not required to wear a helmet when travelling on a motorcycle, this assumption is worth a thousand lives each year. Women's rights advocates argue that this is due to obscurenote women's lives. Defenders of the act argue that just care about the hair and makeup.
2. Yemen: a Woman is not considered a full witness
On the report of the human rights organization "freedom house", according to the policy of legal testimony Yemen, a woman cannot be considered a full witness in court. To the evidence of woman is not taken seriously if they are not supported by the testimony of men or do not relate to places or situations where men cannot be. Also a woman has no right to testify in cases of adultery, libel, theft or homosexuality.
3. Saudi Arabia and Vatican city: Women still can't vote
Surprisingly, this is true, although the Royal decree of 2011 still allows women to vote in the upcoming elections in 2015 in Saudi Arabia. The Vatican is the only such country where voting is open to men only.
4. Ecuador: Abortion is prohibited to all but the "idiots"
Ecuador is a country where abortions have long been outlawed for all but the "idiots" and "insane." Today, politics has replaced these terms for the more accurate "mentally unhealthy", but it does not change the illegal status of abortion and the fact that the law is often used to criminalize such an operation.
5. Saudi Arabia and Morocco, victims of violence may themselves be accused of crimes
Many countries do not protect the victims of violence, but some go even further – punishing women for what they left the house without a male escort, for being alone with a man who is not a relative, or subsequent pregnancy. The most notorious case – the case of the "girl from El Katif in Saudi Arabia, but a recent suicide in Morocco also created a sensation – 16-year-old Amina Filali has imposed on herself after court ordered her to marry her rapist, because the law of that country takes all the rape charges if the parties marry.
6. Yemen: a Woman cannot leave the house without her husband's permission
However, in Yemen, where it is still valid this law, there are some exceptions. For example, if a woman needs to leave in order to care for their sick parents.
7. Saudi Arabia: Women can't drive
However, there is good news. The report of the world economic forum says that the middle East still has the progress on women's rights and there are prospects for further changes.
Women in Saudi Arabia are highly educated and competent, they don't want to stay in the shadows.
Source: /users/133