How to bring down the price of anything
My name is Ilya Sinelnikov, I learn more to earn more, to get their way without insulting compromises to save the relationship.
To negotiate the price difficult: trade makes us nervous and often offends sellers. Therefore, it is easier to pay extra than to ask about the discount.
I will talk about the five rules of trade. These rules will help you to bargain more effectively: not to offend anyone, less nervous and save more.
1. Ask about the discount
Sometimes to reduce the price, you just need to ask about it. If the seller is easy to give a discount, he will readily go forward.
Do you have any idea how many sellers opportunities to influence the price.
A couple of months ago I bought a program to clean the hard drive. To pay for it $ 40 I didn't want to download torrents too. I wrote in support: "Guys, I want to buy, but $ 40 is expensive for me. How to buy cheaper?". They replied in a couple of hours: "hi! We are glad to give you a 30% discount. Here is the link". I spent 2 minutes and saved 600 rubles.
Don't be afraid to ask about discounts everywhere:
in the supermarket,
on the market
in the center,
at the cinema box office,
at McDonald's,
To not be afraid, imagine to ask about the discount — it's a game. If you lose, just buy at the regular price.
Don't regard it too seriously. Want to give you a discount? Just ask about it.
Open questions to Ask about the discount better question. But not simple, and open. When you ask open questions, you encourage the seller to ensure that he found a reason to reduce the price. Compare:
Do you have any discounts? → Do you have any discounts? But you can get cheaper? → How to buy cheaper? 2. Go Manager
Sometimes the seller is unable to give a discount not because I do not want to, but because is not authorized. He will have to call the main office or call the Manager.
For example, you order something in the online store. The phone communicates with you by the call center. Most often, it really can't affect the price. If the seller's hands are tied, try to work around it.
Negotiate with those making the decision: the Manager to give a discount easier than Secretary.
But first, let's deal with the seller. To disturb the boss to his advantage. Throw out the rulebook and to give a discount — risk. Therefore, the seller will defend and try not to let you to the boss.
The secret is that the seller should not regret the decision to disturb the boss. You need not to go beyond it and to take as allies. Think how to help him:
I have the third year to order. Let's talk about the discount?
— I can't.
— I am not responsible for the price.
— And who decides?
— In fact, the price of the boss sets.
Can I go with the chief to talk?
— Uh-uh, impossible, he's on vacation.
Look, I understand that you are uncomfortable. That's what I thought, if you will help me to talk to him, I'm happy to leave good feedback about your work and the work of the company. What do you think?
— Well, I think we can work something out. When you call back?
Try to benefit. If this is not possible, prove that your case is exceptional. Sometimes it is enough to say "you have helped me very much". The main thing that was the reason to help you.
3. Give the right to "no"
Many people are offended when ask about the discount. But it's not because they're weird, but because we are asking incorrectly.
The seller is the same person as you. He may be afraid, nervous, confused, standing in a defensive stance. When you force a man to defend, he is unlikely to want to help.To reap trade benefit, you need to think about the seller. Help him relax. The easiest way is to create a right to waiver: "I understand that you are not profitable to give me a discount. If you can regret your decision, just don't let her, I totally understand. But I'll help out, if you reduce the price".
How would you help a person to refuse you. The paradox is that it is easier to deny, the easier to accept. When you are given the choice, how would you tell the person "you're safe, you're making a decision." But if the defensive do not need, then why not help?
Help the seller to refuse, then it will be easier to accept
Even better, when the right of refusal is your desire to solve the problem of man. For example, you buy a piano on Craigslist. Likely that time does not know what to do with it. Help him see the solution: "If you are not profitable to give me a discount, don't let. I don't want you to regret it. But I just can't buy for this price, I unprofitable. But if you agree, I will take the piano's right tomorrow."
Pursue your interests, but don't make the person nervous. To take care of him, help him to reject you. It stops protecting, it will go into your position and figure out how to help.
Memorize the mantra: "Nobody owes anybody anything". You don't have to buy. You don't have to give a discount. But if you agree, will be good.
4. Be prepared to walk away
As in any negotiation, the trade in harmful be in distress. If the seller sees that you want him for something very-very necessary, it is easier to stand your ground. To protect the psychologically comfortable price, if you know what the buyer is interested in the transaction.
Try not to feel the need, or at least not to show it. We often unknowingly make this mistake before we begin to haggle. For example, if the reason to praise the product before buying it: "Nowhere couldn't find this model, seven shops have traveled! How much and how to buy?".
If we have a seasoned seller, he will not only sell us goods at full price, but will sell a lot of things unnecessary.
Don't show neediness, otherwise it will use
Neediness causes us to show their motives. For example, to explain why the right product. But the seller does not need to know. The less you show their attitude to the product, the better.
Better show their attitude to price. Options:
Sorry, I not buy for this price
My wife would kill me if I buy a gift for the mother-in-law at this price
Something I'm not sure. I like it, but too expensive for me. No offense, but you have to look at other options
There is no belief — you are just stating the fact. The seller will decide to help you or not.
Show that there is no need. The best way is to take a time-out. If you turn around and walk away, the seller thinks it's forever. But any action can be "cancel": return to store or call back. Next time the seller may agree to reduce the price.
Don't show neediness, otherwise it will use it. Do not make excuses. Sometimes the best argument is to say "I am profitable" and leave. Hard to argue with that.
The specific numbers don't make a person think and wonder what you "profitable". Compare:
To me it is unprofitable. Are there any discounts? → You will be very helpful if you give a discount of 3,000 rubles. What do you think? 5. Follow the relations
A stranger to bargain easier. If I will never see him again, why not try? Risks are almost none.
But when traded with a friend to save a relationship is more important. Because of this, we often agree to any named price, but would not jeopardize the relationship. But this is wrong: we are not protecting our interests, even if they suffer.
For many, talking about the price — unpleasant. You need to strain and worry. People interpretiruya request for discount as the pressure and begin to defend itself.
When the stakes are high, the situation may be not in your favor. For example, you want to rent an apartment and negotiate with the owner about the price of the rent:
I want to rent an apartment, but I can't pay 30 000 rubles...
Well that's no good. In the ad it says "30 000 communal". Why are you wasting my time?
Even if you're not familiar, the landlord — this is a long-term relationship. You can't just readily available.
In the example with the landlord can be the opposite. Imagine that you are asked for a discount and he agreed at once, almost by accident. Because of this, the relationship will suffer: he'll hold a grudge and play something else. No man agreed, and then he regretted it.
Not to push, but to defend their interests, grass line:
— Ivan, I can see how it looks. I don't want to pressure you. But the apartment for 30 000 is too expensive for me. I'd like to pay 28 000 plus communal. But if your interests will suffer, I'll look for other options.
Like you said the same thing, but milder: he showed concern and showed that control in the hands of the interlocutor.
No man agreed, and then regretted it
If you show that you need to preserve the relationship, asking for discount is unlikely to lead to open conflict. Rather, people will see that you can deal with. There's a chance he'll give a discount just because you "own".
Always put yourself in the shoes of the person with whom traded. The seller is not a rival, but simply a man who has the goods. Don't make him feel uncomfortable or ashamed. Trade is not a competition in strength, the competition in the care.
1.To get the discount, just ask about it 2.Do not bargain with those who do not accept the decision 3.Help the person to refuse you, and it will be easier to accept 4.Don't show neediness, otherwise it will use 5.Take care of relationships. The grass line so as not to make enemies. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
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Source: journal.tinkoff.ru/sinelnikov/
To negotiate the price difficult: trade makes us nervous and often offends sellers. Therefore, it is easier to pay extra than to ask about the discount.
I will talk about the five rules of trade. These rules will help you to bargain more effectively: not to offend anyone, less nervous and save more.

1. Ask about the discount
Sometimes to reduce the price, you just need to ask about it. If the seller is easy to give a discount, he will readily go forward.
Do you have any idea how many sellers opportunities to influence the price.
A couple of months ago I bought a program to clean the hard drive. To pay for it $ 40 I didn't want to download torrents too. I wrote in support: "Guys, I want to buy, but $ 40 is expensive for me. How to buy cheaper?". They replied in a couple of hours: "hi! We are glad to give you a 30% discount. Here is the link". I spent 2 minutes and saved 600 rubles.
Don't be afraid to ask about discounts everywhere:
in the supermarket,
on the market
in the center,
at the cinema box office,
at McDonald's,
To not be afraid, imagine to ask about the discount — it's a game. If you lose, just buy at the regular price.
Don't regard it too seriously. Want to give you a discount? Just ask about it.
Open questions to Ask about the discount better question. But not simple, and open. When you ask open questions, you encourage the seller to ensure that he found a reason to reduce the price. Compare:
Do you have any discounts? → Do you have any discounts? But you can get cheaper? → How to buy cheaper? 2. Go Manager
Sometimes the seller is unable to give a discount not because I do not want to, but because is not authorized. He will have to call the main office or call the Manager.
For example, you order something in the online store. The phone communicates with you by the call center. Most often, it really can't affect the price. If the seller's hands are tied, try to work around it.
Negotiate with those making the decision: the Manager to give a discount easier than Secretary.
But first, let's deal with the seller. To disturb the boss to his advantage. Throw out the rulebook and to give a discount — risk. Therefore, the seller will defend and try not to let you to the boss.
The secret is that the seller should not regret the decision to disturb the boss. You need not to go beyond it and to take as allies. Think how to help him:
I have the third year to order. Let's talk about the discount?
— I can't.
— I am not responsible for the price.
— And who decides?
— In fact, the price of the boss sets.
Can I go with the chief to talk?
— Uh-uh, impossible, he's on vacation.
Look, I understand that you are uncomfortable. That's what I thought, if you will help me to talk to him, I'm happy to leave good feedback about your work and the work of the company. What do you think?
— Well, I think we can work something out. When you call back?
Try to benefit. If this is not possible, prove that your case is exceptional. Sometimes it is enough to say "you have helped me very much". The main thing that was the reason to help you.
3. Give the right to "no"
Many people are offended when ask about the discount. But it's not because they're weird, but because we are asking incorrectly.
The seller is the same person as you. He may be afraid, nervous, confused, standing in a defensive stance. When you force a man to defend, he is unlikely to want to help.To reap trade benefit, you need to think about the seller. Help him relax. The easiest way is to create a right to waiver: "I understand that you are not profitable to give me a discount. If you can regret your decision, just don't let her, I totally understand. But I'll help out, if you reduce the price".
How would you help a person to refuse you. The paradox is that it is easier to deny, the easier to accept. When you are given the choice, how would you tell the person "you're safe, you're making a decision." But if the defensive do not need, then why not help?
Help the seller to refuse, then it will be easier to accept
Even better, when the right of refusal is your desire to solve the problem of man. For example, you buy a piano on Craigslist. Likely that time does not know what to do with it. Help him see the solution: "If you are not profitable to give me a discount, don't let. I don't want you to regret it. But I just can't buy for this price, I unprofitable. But if you agree, I will take the piano's right tomorrow."
Pursue your interests, but don't make the person nervous. To take care of him, help him to reject you. It stops protecting, it will go into your position and figure out how to help.
Memorize the mantra: "Nobody owes anybody anything". You don't have to buy. You don't have to give a discount. But if you agree, will be good.
4. Be prepared to walk away
As in any negotiation, the trade in harmful be in distress. If the seller sees that you want him for something very-very necessary, it is easier to stand your ground. To protect the psychologically comfortable price, if you know what the buyer is interested in the transaction.
Try not to feel the need, or at least not to show it. We often unknowingly make this mistake before we begin to haggle. For example, if the reason to praise the product before buying it: "Nowhere couldn't find this model, seven shops have traveled! How much and how to buy?".
If we have a seasoned seller, he will not only sell us goods at full price, but will sell a lot of things unnecessary.
Don't show neediness, otherwise it will use
Neediness causes us to show their motives. For example, to explain why the right product. But the seller does not need to know. The less you show their attitude to the product, the better.
Better show their attitude to price. Options:
Sorry, I not buy for this price
My wife would kill me if I buy a gift for the mother-in-law at this price
Something I'm not sure. I like it, but too expensive for me. No offense, but you have to look at other options
There is no belief — you are just stating the fact. The seller will decide to help you or not.
Show that there is no need. The best way is to take a time-out. If you turn around and walk away, the seller thinks it's forever. But any action can be "cancel": return to store or call back. Next time the seller may agree to reduce the price.
Don't show neediness, otherwise it will use it. Do not make excuses. Sometimes the best argument is to say "I am profitable" and leave. Hard to argue with that.
The specific numbers don't make a person think and wonder what you "profitable". Compare:
To me it is unprofitable. Are there any discounts? → You will be very helpful if you give a discount of 3,000 rubles. What do you think? 5. Follow the relations
A stranger to bargain easier. If I will never see him again, why not try? Risks are almost none.
But when traded with a friend to save a relationship is more important. Because of this, we often agree to any named price, but would not jeopardize the relationship. But this is wrong: we are not protecting our interests, even if they suffer.
For many, talking about the price — unpleasant. You need to strain and worry. People interpretiruya request for discount as the pressure and begin to defend itself.
When the stakes are high, the situation may be not in your favor. For example, you want to rent an apartment and negotiate with the owner about the price of the rent:
I want to rent an apartment, but I can't pay 30 000 rubles...
Well that's no good. In the ad it says "30 000 communal". Why are you wasting my time?
Even if you're not familiar, the landlord — this is a long-term relationship. You can't just readily available.
In the example with the landlord can be the opposite. Imagine that you are asked for a discount and he agreed at once, almost by accident. Because of this, the relationship will suffer: he'll hold a grudge and play something else. No man agreed, and then he regretted it.
Not to push, but to defend their interests, grass line:
— Ivan, I can see how it looks. I don't want to pressure you. But the apartment for 30 000 is too expensive for me. I'd like to pay 28 000 plus communal. But if your interests will suffer, I'll look for other options.
Like you said the same thing, but milder: he showed concern and showed that control in the hands of the interlocutor.
No man agreed, and then regretted it
If you show that you need to preserve the relationship, asking for discount is unlikely to lead to open conflict. Rather, people will see that you can deal with. There's a chance he'll give a discount just because you "own".
Always put yourself in the shoes of the person with whom traded. The seller is not a rival, but simply a man who has the goods. Don't make him feel uncomfortable or ashamed. Trade is not a competition in strength, the competition in the care.
1.To get the discount, just ask about it 2.Do not bargain with those who do not accept the decision 3.Help the person to refuse you, and it will be easier to accept 4.Don't show neediness, otherwise it will use 5.Take care of relationships. The grass line so as not to make enemies. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
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Source: journal.tinkoff.ru/sinelnikov/