
for dark layer:
125 g dark chocolate
75 g butter
3 egg whites
2 egg yolks
20 grams of sugar
for a light layer:
155 g white chocolate
75 g butter
3 egg whites
2 egg yolks
20 grams of sugar
1) Melt the dark chocolate in a water bath at high temperature. In another vessel melt the butter, stirring to avoid burnt.
2) Remove the melted chocolate from the water bath. Gradually add the melted butter, stirring with a whisk, so that was formed as a result of a homogeneous mass. Add the egg yolks one at a chocolate cream and stir.
3) Slightly vzbey proteins. Gradually add sugar, vzbey them to a thick mass.
Pour the chocolate mass in the beaten egg whites and mix gently.
Pour into ice-cream bowls and put mousse in the fridge.
4) While dark chocolate mass cools, the same technology prepare a light chocolate cream and pour it on the dark layer. Put in the fridge for 3 hours. Decorate to taste.
Bon Appetite)))