Heading "the causes of illnesses." Manipur.

Function of the chakras.
Manipura (PART FOUR).
Parkinson's disease;
Huntington's disease;
A hernia (umbilical);
Diabetes (hyperglycemia);
Seasickness (motion sickness);
Leprosy, leprosy;
The scar, a scar;
Rett syndrome;
The solar plexus;
Digestive system:
Crohn's disease;
Typhoid fever;
Gases, bloating;
Gastritis, gastric ulcer;
Excess weight (obesity);
Qatar colon;
Colic, colitis, cramping intestines;
Overeating, bulimia;
Lack of appetite;
Food poisoning;
Nausea and vomiting;
Enterobiasis, pinworm, oksiuroz;
Hepatitis (jaundice);
Gall bladder (stones);
Cirrhosis of the liver.
Manipura (PART THREE).
Manipur formed oppressed people who are constantly "bend." Such people are not inclined to take responsibility for their actions, they are blaming it on someone else. They tend to live in debt and have no ability to defend its interests.
Manipur is responsible for dominance among his own kind. If a person has this ability is weakened or blocked, it gives its energy Manipur others. What they answered him return, then "eats". If he gives more than he is, if he is under constant pressure - generated image of the "little man" and Manipur naturally suppressed. Psychological stress, manifested in constant feelings of anxiety and fear for their lives, "How will I live? What will happen to me tomorrow? And I'll stay in this job? What if I get fired? "- It's syndrome oppressed Manipur.
Oppression Manipur leads primarily to increased acidity, gastritis. Ulcer - the result of what a person impose someone else's position, which he is forced to accept, but are not able to "digest". He wanted to defend his views, but can not because they do not know how, and the plague is provided. In psychology there is a concept that the plague - it autoaggression. If a person can not throw out the aggression on others, he sends it over and literally takes samoedstvom.
When excited Manipur man lives in a state of "eternal warrior." If the depressed Swadhisthana, for it will be characterized by redness of the face, dry body. Can burst capillaries. When excited Manipur reduced gastric acidity, it becomes very sensitive, which leads to frequent poisonings.
Sometimes, problems with conceiving a child in women is associated with inhibition of Manipur (pressure from the husband or the pressure from his father as a child). You must learn to emotional independence. If Manipur is depressed, the fetus may not receive power even in the early stages, a woman becomes pregnant, but it is a loss of a child. It is necessary to remove its dependency on someone else views, concepts, relationships, to feel self-independent. From a karmic point of view: if a person is not an independent and autonomous, the new man will be born mentally deficient. Who needs it? That is the soul that wants to incarnate, and ignores such parents.
In women during pregnancy there is the omission of Manipur Chakra: the omission of the intestines, stomach and so on. D. That is why many of them get fat, suffer from chronic constipation. How to diagnose the omission of Manipur Chakra? We have a line of Alba, the average meridian. Put (in the morning, fasting) to the center of the middle finger and the navel, if sensed ripple in the center, this means that the chakra is in place (at the patient diagnosis is in the horizontal position). If you have frequent constipation - Manipur is down if diarrhea - Manipur lifted up.
Manipura (PART TWO).
Mantra - "LAM." Manipur Chakra - yellow triangle lowered the top down. It is located above the navel two finger anatomic substrate - the solar plexus. It is the center of physical energy, physical strength and emotions. The periphery of this chakra - all the digestive organs and kidneys. There are three aspects of Manipur:
1. The adaptation to life (the ability to digest life, the ability to survive in society, among others). In this chakra are social fears: fear of what I look like, fear as they treat me, the fear that I was not pushed, the fear of being useless, shame, resentment ... Emotions are born here. Emotions - signals about how you adapt to life. If our adaptation, our survival is not threatened, we are calm, confident, if we have something goes wrong, we have a rage, anger, shame, sadness, and so on. D.
2. Individual will (liver). Each of us has the will to live - the ability to willpower, something to do to implement or give up something. It protects our individual will - anger. Angry when the will comes across someone's will (you can not, I will not ...). Or when the person being manipulated. When substituted, betray - a good reason for anger. The most dangerous - to deny their anger. If a person hides it from the other - it is not particularly harmful, but if he is hiding it from myself - sick people: ulcers, colitis, gastritis. We must honestly admit yourself - yes it's silly, but I'm angry, I'm offended. Declare yourself and begin to work out internally destructive condition - the guarantee of health. With anger also need to be handled carefully as with a knife.
3. Processing of information, processing knowledge. We consume knowledge through digestion. The child should receive and digest the knowledge in a relaxed atmosphere. But he is afraid, he is tense, he doubted his abilities. This causes stomach cramps and knowledge go through it. Formed 'school neurosis': colitis, gastritis and cholecystitis. Later in life situations when you need to express themselves, for example, to pass the exam, accompanied by pain in the stomach. At school neurosis is "neperevarivanie" of what is taught. Sometimes this leads to low self-esteem, self-doubt and a regime of the brain, "I - fool", which subsequently affects their lives.
In the kidney, stuck fears and often parents (fear that the sick, the fear that something can not cope, and so on. N.). Kidney disease also occur in case of problems in partnership with others.
In women during pregnancy there is the omission of Manipur Chakra: the omission of the intestines, stomach and so on. D. That is why many of them get fat, suffer from chronic constipation. How to diagnose the omission of Manipur Chakra? We have a line of Alba, the average meridian. Put (in the morning, fasting) to the center of the middle finger and the navel, if sensed ripple in the center, this means that the chakra is in place (at the patient diagnosis is in the horizontal position). If you have frequent constipation - Manipur is down if diarrhea - Manipur lifted up.
Manipura (PART ONE).
Manipur chakra - the center of activity. This is the third chakra below chakra hard work, diligence, accuracy. Manipura - a chakra of self-expression, it is the desire to stand out in the community, chakra assess themselves and others. Manipur - is the pursuit of justice, duty, just deserts. Strong Manipur - is first of all, good business acumen.
Color - yellow, sometimes dull, sometimes sparkling. The voice comes from the stomach and from the mouth intensely moving jaws and making chewing movements, the voice of the teacher, the voice of the lecturer. Manipur - the desire to continuously talk, argue, argue, explain, argue, justify.
World Manipur Chakra - the world of various cases, the world practicality. Manipura child to develop in the school, he is required obedience and accuracy in their studies.
Man on Manipur seeks recognition. For him valuable positions, money. For him the valuable attention of others. On the contrary, his insults when no one notices, he can not stand when some things happen without it.
Altruist, "doeth good" - also powered by Manipur, his credibility among the coming and asking - this is his goal. Sometimes altruists interfere in people's lives, trying to help clean up the mess, and - to strengthen their influence.
Greed, ambition, grovel - this is also Maniputa, sometimes in combination with svadhisthana.
But Manipur - that an honest trader, proud of their goods, and honest boatman, proudly carrying the other across the river.
Manipur - is the desire to be useful, the desire to take control of the affairs of others, the desire to participate in the affairs of others. If you can not climb the social ladder to become chief or get the honorary title, the Manipur aspires to outstrip others in other interests - science, art, religion, or simply a club or circle, among friends. Manipur in the team - the desire for leadership: "If I'm not the boss, I aspire to be the chief approached. If I can not be the chief approached, then I seek to lead the opposition against the boss. If the opposition also has its leader, then I think of another area of interest in which I would become chief. "
Since Manipur values most the attention of others, a man always on the Manipur (in any form) talks about himself. The word "I" - the most frequent in his speech.
Even altruists are trying in every way to show others how "I" reject ourselves and others stripped his kindness. Manipur - is a self-examination, samoupravlanie, boasting samovystavlenie, striving to ensure that understanding. Another word that loves Manipur - a "must". It is necessary to do to others - in the name of duty, for the sake of mankind, for the good of society, and so on. D. Manipur operates with abstract concepts, because of Manipur - the desire to generalize, to rise above the concrete. In his poems, articles, short stories, songs, written in Manipur, hardly meets the specific images - only abstract words - people, society, world, debt, love, work, understanding the use of the idea, the truth ... In the arguments and the Pile of reasoning is not found life examples, and if they are found - specific drowning in a sea of abstract categories and arguments.
Manipura - a chakra logic striving for strictness of speech, speech with numerous reservations and apologies.
The songs on the Manipur main thing - not the melody and the words. Music - restless that besets or intermittent. The songs are not "sung by themselves", and it is impossible to imagine that manipuric songs yelling drunk on the street just a "good mood on." Poems on Manipur - for them the main thing - the content, they can be clumsy, but convey a thought, an idea, often - are taught to explain morality.
Singer, driven Manipur, he learns diligently and accurately, efficiently performs the song, following the formal representation of what should be a good song.
Manipur - is also in the art of self-expression, and with strong higher centers of Manipur passes, brings really high thoughts, ideas, harmony. On the contrary, in the absence of the higher centers, Manipur - is,