Unity with the sun.
Practice sun
One of the main practices for building relationships with the sun - "Greeting the sun." It may be performed every day or as needed. It expresses what you know about this powerful force and its role in your life and want to have a conscious communication with her. You ask to teach you to act correctly with its "point of view", and also take into account that you are only human. But "man" here means - self-conscious being, which has its own interests in the world. You leave this seem valid to say that you - there is, and bring an offering to their conscious attention.
To do this, clasped his arms, standing or sitting facing the sun. It is necessary to look at the sun from the inside, focusing his inner sight. Next - introductory meditation. Then open sun, making a smooth breath. Slow, without squeezing the breath, as if the wind comes within you, and you do not make an effort. Raised slightly above the head with palms facing the sun. Breathing free. Stay in this position for some time. You and the sun. Are in this stolkovremeni as you deem necessary. Now close, making breathing out and returning his hands to his chest. Now - final meditation. Dip your hands along the body, palms down. This gesture means - that "none of your" must pay the earth. Realizing this, take a step back. This will explain the power that your domestic space and the magic must be delineated. You need a "pause to think." After all, much faster than human strength. You may need some time to prepare. Enter your following actions consciously, without any fuss.
This is a very simple practice, but it can see the strength, if you follow it sincerely and meditative. So the power can penetrate into your life.
This practice can be done at any time of the day. Best setting sun and dawn. At this time the sun more "is magical" to human perception. If for some reason you want to refer to this power at night, you can perform this meditation on the candle, identifying the sun with fire.