Surya Namaskar - a very well-known technique in yoga.

Surya Namaskar - a very well-known technique in yoga, one of the most used methods for maintaining healthy and vigorous active life.
At the same time, it is a preparation for spiritual awakening and, as a result - the expansion of consciousness.
Benefits of Surya Namaskar from the complex is huge. It gives vitality and radiance of the body and clear the mind. All eye disorders, nervous and digestive systems, light disappear within months if properly performed Surya Namaskar.
The appearance of the person making this exercise, is also undergoing a lot of changes for the better. Constant This exercise helps in achieving longevity and success in their careers. Below we list the benefits that can be obtained by carrying out this complex exercise:
• The complex is in a balanced manner affects the whole body.
• It strengthens the abdominal muscles and improves the digestive system.
• Massages the internal organs (stomach, liver, spleen, intestines, kidneys)
• Synchronizes the movement with breathing, air lungs, oxygenates the blood, acts as detoksikant, gets rid of carbon dioxide and other toxic gases in the body.
• Improves the heart and increases blood flow to the extremities.
• It strengthens the nervous system due to the effects of exercise on the spinal cord.
• restorative sleep.
• Improves memory.
• Reduces mental anxiety.
• Stimulates and normalizes the endocrine glands and the thyroid gland.
• Refreshes the skin and clears the complexion.
• Improves the structure of the muscles of the whole body.
• beneficial effects on the ovaries and the scope of the uterus, which helps children at birth.
• Prevents flat feet and strengthens the ankles.
• Helps to get rid of fat on the abdomen, hips, thighs, neck and chin.
• Increases immunity.
• Grants the grace and ease in the movements.
• Restores and maintains youth.
The ideal time to engage in the practice of Surya Namaskar - the sunrise, the most peaceful time, when the atmosphere is filled with sunlight, so important for a man. If you can not practice in the morning - it can be done at any other time, but always on an empty stomach, 3-4 hours after eating. The time before dinner (5-6 pm) is also well suited for the practice, because the complex Surya Namaskar stimulates the digestive fire.