Yoga for all ages!
How to start practice at any age from 0 to 90+.
One would think that there is still fish, but the notorious yogi BKS Iyengar and his 93 is still engaged in a few hours a day and wants to "die with the knowledge that he had done everything in his power, with the body, which he has ».
Olga Yadav: Even at ninety, you can start practicing yoga. Many pose for therapeutic purposes to perform lying using propsy to achieve convenience in the posture and breathing softness. Practice full yogic breathing will open tops of the lungs, will prevention of broncho-pulmonary diseases. Breath gold thread excellent pain during spasms, muscle and heart pains. Singing mantras lowers blood pressure. A Kriya Jala Neti helps to cope with insomnia.
Gunpowder is no longer what it used to. Bone tissue is destroyed, intervertebral discs flatten, estrogen level, protect artery walls from atherosclerotic plaques, reduced. The skin becomes dry, wrinkles and age spots, more and more. And so, in principle, to 60 life is just beginning. Elderly couple in the West on a journey, engaged in landscape design and practice yoga.
Olga Yadav: Ayurveda describes this age as the time of the extinction of the digestive fire and increased cotton doshas in the body that are associated with disorders of digestion and assimilation of food, dry skin and joints, anxiety and anxiety in the mind. Soft yoga practice will help not to lose the mobility of joints. Respiratory Kapalabhati Kriya and Nauli support the digestive fire, cleanse the body of toxins. Deep work with the abdominal muscles to avoid the omission of internal organs and related surgical interventions.
Baddha Konasana and upavishta Konasana if execute them sitting on the stand and lying down with back support will help to increase blood circulation in the pelvis, to fill the power of his legs, to open the chest for a full breath.
Humble yourselves, we have a loss: muscle mass is reduced by an average of 25-30%, bone - by 15-20% in men and 25-30% - in women. Pressure jumps, sometimes knocks "motor", increases the risk of diabetes and osteoporosis. Joints and blood vessels are not the same. In general, if you let it go, then to 45 years instead of the beautiful berries can turn dull cranberry overweight, hunched back and grouchy disposition.
Olga Yadav: Arthritic gymnastics (sukshma vyayama and Pavane muktasana) teach carefully prepare the body to subsequent practices. In forty years, yogis usually know the needs of your body and do not tend to sports feats, and to a sense of harmony in body and soul. Depending on the characteristics of the current state combine warming and invigorating effect of complex Surya Namaskar with the cooling and calming effect chandra namaskar.
To facilitate the body's hormonal changes can help inversions and practice breathing right and left nostrils (nadi shodhana).
It seems like everything is good, but not that. The first bells advancing age. Aging eyes, teeth and urinary organs; changing the composition of blood - red blood cells become less and leaches calcium from the bones. But you can live with that. And if you practice yoga - you can live well.
Olga Yadav: If you are just starting yoga practice, I would recommend to learn and utkatasanu chaturanga dandasanu. Utkatasana pose anger, strengthens the muscles of the hips and knees protect from injuries and sprains. Pose staff on four pillars, chaturanga dandasana, strengthens the arms and back, gives confidence. Pay attention to extension of asanas (uttanasana, Paschimottanasana, upavishtakonasana): a strong and flexible body less prone to injury, diseases of the joints and of the musculoskeletal system.
Practice trataka increases visual acuity, develops focus on a single target, the ability to learn and to push the boundaries of their own.
Nobody steamed about health. Yes, and there is no reason in particular. Is that chronic fatigue syndrome, which has recently been rejuvenated. The level of growth hormone is reduced by an average of 50% - continue in the same spirit every seven years. Maybe worse visual acuity. And, of course, in this age all passed through the heart, and with all the emotions complete discord.
Olga Yadav: I recommend balances. On her feet: Vrikshasana, garudasana, virabhadrasana-3. In the hands: bakasana, ashtavakrasana, lolasana, pinch Mayurasana. The feet and hands: ardha chandrasana, vishvavitrasana. On the shoulders and the head: sarvangasana, Sirshasana. As experience shows, are the masters of balance and amyous hudyshki and stokilogrammovye fat men. The secret of strength and stability unusual poses - in the inner tranquility, the ability to stop running around your mind and choose from a variety flickering purposes one task to coordinate all the body for its implementation, make inhale and exhale. Balances cool strengthen the body, gives self-confidence - because if you knock down, you can stand on your hands or head!
Very interesting age. Because the transition. Not yet adults, but not children. The restructuring of the body, the full "Romper-Burum." Hormonal becomes "upside down", and yoga gently affect the hormonal system, normalizes metabolism, exercise endurance and helps yesterday angular boys and girls attain beautiful forms.
Olga Yadav: The practice of Surya Namaskar helps direct energy is released in a peaceful course. Inverted postures stabilize hormones and give confidence. Stranding help negotiate hemispheres of the brain, and the slopes - to calm down and seek the inner "I».
The time when the child is necessary to stand on the ears, and parents - to be alert. Children grow up very quickly, but unevenly in 7-8 years, the heart does not grow in proportion to the body, so the child does not like long-term power loads. But in general all kinds of adventure, exercise, games are always a great success. And with yoga, too, can work something out. Classes kid will learn to control their emotions, develop strength and endurance.
Olga Yadav: At this age, children begin to ask, and when we sleep on nails, and read minds, and the something you're on a head stand without hands know how?
Therefore, constantly improving its own practices, we offer children not only physical culture aspect of yoga. Carrying three variations virabhadrasany, feel the strength and courage to fill your inner hero arms and legs, straighten your shoulders and open the heart to deeds. A vajrasana pose a lightning strike, at first glance so simple and not serious, but if you sit on the heels with a strictly flat back, you find that the nails do not need nails always with us! Inverted postures and balances on hand allow to see the world on the other hand, to find the inner peace and stability, no matter what position you may be accepted.
Breathing Nadi Shodan helps balance the raging yogi cope with a bout of coughing, anxiety and restlessness.
From 3 to 6
This is not a clumsy chubby baby doll and a normal guy. The body is proportional to the center of gravity moves down, the child stands firm and fast moving. Brain - is growing faster than all other organs, the number of convolutions - also increases. The world is learned through play. However, attention is still jumping rubber ball, and the child gets tired quickly enough.
Olga Yadav: Worldwide - game, and yoga is no exception. After standing in a fixed tadasane, we arrange the earthquake and sand were scattered on the ground. In pashchimottanasane legs transform into a slice of bread, smear it with oil and laid on top of the stomach and nose, which are converted into cheese, cucumber, but more often - in your favorite jam! A little scary, but very funny simhasana, posture of a lion, will throw out the violent feelings and cope with diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
At this age, children quickly and easily learn breathing and Kapalabhati bhastrika: camouflaged in the game, "train", they help to get rid of the common cold and to establish digestion.
From 0 to 3
Everything is just beginning: a man is learning to sit, crawl and walk. Sleeping a lot, gets tired quickly, eat often. Attention jumping from one subject to another with incredible speed.
Olga Yadav: Allow your child to bring to your practice laughter and play. Glad mashite knees in baddha konasane - we are flying like butterflies! Bark like a real dog addha mukha shvanasane and go to the moon in urdhva mukha shvanasane. The tree pose swing like a forest in the wind or hold hands - because trees are such good friends!
To calm cheer yogi, lay it over the back, lay on his stomach stuffed toy and ask to ride her down - to the basement and up - on the roof. As long as the tummy, lift gently rocking back and forth, the baby develops unnoticed full yogic breathing.
From 2 months to a year
In humans increases heart pulse gradually decreases - to 125 beats per minute, and blood pressure increases to 90/63 mm Hg. Art. By 11 months, the child stands up, sits down, leans. It can show individual objects aware of some of the "possible" and "impossible." At the end of the first year of taking the first steps unaided and quietly she says. By this time, vocabulary man is about 10 words.
Olga Yadav: This is the best time to learn from their child's sincerity, joy and confidence. Ahimsa, the principle of non-violence brought about by the practice of adult help to build a relationship with the child, based on mutual acceptance and respect for all manifestations of each other. Soft twisting strengthen and facilitate the press baby colic. Parental knowledge of joint complexes sukshma vyayama muktasany Pavane and strengthen the growing joints, and inversions, in addition to all its major benefit will bring many, many happy moments for the whole family.