Yoga for beautiful legs

• Virabhadrasana (This yoga asana strengthens the leg especially the front thighs, knees)
• Chaturanga dandasana (strengthens the muscles of the shins, thighs, buttocks)
• Baddha Konasana ("open" hips, knees and helps to work inner thighs)
• Upavishtha Konasana (study of the hips, back and inner thigh)
• Agni stambhasana (active work with the knee and hip joints)
• Ardha Padma Paschimottanasana (the effect of the previous asana + work with the knee joint)
• As well as these asanas as ardha chandrasana, garudasana, Vrikshasana, padmasana, and all the complex asanas with her participation, vasishthasana, bhayravasana, buddhasana, vatayanasana, vishvamitrasana, Virasana, padahastasana, ardha padmottanasana, gomukhasana, kundalasana, mulabandhasana and others.