Assemblage Point (TC)

For the first time this term is introduced Carlos Castaneda. Before him, the existence of this body specifically silent. The fact that Mages have the habit to encrypt their knowledge. There are two ways to transfer knowledge through a written document: stingy and generous. In sparing method Magician nedoskazyvaet something, so you have to be able to read between the lines and generous method involves all the information plus a lot of different stuff. So we must be able to distinguish the wheat from the chaff. So, the point of assembly are also subject to such censorship. After the death of the ancient civilizations of the magical treatises were scattered around the world. This was due, apparently, to the fact that many dedicated Magicians of Atlantis were born in different parts of the world. The result is a set of traditions. For example, Indian civilization has inherited the yoga of knowledge about the chakras and the seven rays. Chinese tradition - knowledge about the physics of time (treatise I Ching), yin and yang energy. The European tradition includes magic states or sefiroticheskuyu magic. In African tradition has taken root voodoo magic and necromancy, and American civilization has kept a Shamanism and the concept of the assemblage point.
Castaneda wrote that all people have the TC located in the area of the blades at a distance behind the back of the elbow. Perhaps it is, but I've learned to take it outside the projection, which can be seen on the outside of the cocoon.
I am here often mention the term "cocoon", but did not explain it yet. Cocoon - a body of light, is formed from the active regions of thin shells person. We can say that thin body - it's blood vessels. The liquid in them - is energy. The combination of all these energies define a zone of light, or a cocoon.
So what is the point of assembly. This is the point that gathers the world. Castaneda wrote that the whole world is made up of lines. Thousands, millions of luminous fibers (string) make up the world. Each strand carries a piece of information about the world, and the vehicle resembles an antenna that picks up these threads. It is like a moth. Gather the threads and links of these patterns on our cocoon. In other words, the vehicle passes through the external information into our consciousness and accumulate in our bodies. It is - as the laser head and the thin membrane - like a CD. As the laser head burns a CD and leave the information on it, our TC burn information to our bodies. Moreover, TS has the ability to move through the cocoon, so we can get a variety of information in different ways to interact with the world.
CU itself has internal fixation. It is necessary to perceive the world the same. At the mentally ill TC uncommitted. She keeps crawling cocoons and collects information from different areas of the world that a person does not have time to process. My friend the psychiatrist told the story about one girl who suffers from schizophrenia. She sits, talking with him, behaves quite adequately and suddenly issues:
- Doctor, you know that you have on the table the intestines?
- Where?
- Yes, that is right in front of you. And in the corner is ...
And it can not be stopped without any special preparations. This is a prime example of a non-fixed human. For a clearer understanding of Imagine Television, which is all the time in the search mode channel, but finding does not fix them, and continues to scan. So for this internal fixation responds massive accumulation of power in a particular chakra. To be precise, we have about 70% of the energy stored in any chakra, and the remaining 30% is distributed over all the others. That is, the vehicle is directed to where the most energy. By itself, the vehicle entry and exit information on creating a cocoon region luminosity, it can be called knowledge, t. E. The information that passes through our minds. And because we have a dominant center, then each of us interacts with the world through the place where the accumulated 70% of all energy. And that's what happens.
If the vehicle at the muladhara chakra - a caste of workers. That is all the energy of these people in the physical body and their research interests is within the knowledge of how to feed the body. Such a person is very far from the magic, and if you ask him to exercise or develop extrasensory magic, he soon ogreet you a shovel and went to the factory with the words, that's where the real magic.
If the vehicle to Svadhisthana chakra - a caste of merchants. There CU sees the world from a position of genitals. That is why the people of this caste can not sit on their garden plots as workers. Their wings ... energy. They have to communicate, make connections, and as a result - a partnership. And as the mind operates at these frequencies, among businessmen can often meet the betrayal, infidelity, lack of morality and honor. Such people that they own mother for money to sell. Indeed, the expression takes place, t. To. Communication with parents in Manipur.
If the vehicle to Manipur chakra - a warrior caste. And because of Manipur is responsible for, inter alia, the nervous system, the soldiers learn to nurture it. If you studied martial arts, you have probably heard that the master, for example, say, "dealt a blow from the belly." Oddly, the hand grows from the shoulder and blow should be applied from the abdomen. Because all the energy moves to the astral body, it becomes clear that the stomach - a zone of personal space warrior. And if the two soldiers to bring closer than two meters - expect a fight (provided that manipura not tuned to each other). Hence, after a fight with opponents often become best friends (on the same wavelength). This also explains the fact that when you go in public transportation or in an elevator with strangers, I want to remain silent. This effect is called "the effect of the mutual suppression." Astral body mixed and press against each other. However, it can be seen who is still talking. This is either the first two castes of people as their personal space is very close to the body, or any warrior who resisted all around and pops one.
In the chakras is a conditional separation of high and low frequency. The three lower chakras are called low-frequency, and the top four - high frequency. This division is due to the fact that the first three chakras basically form the mechanisms of the body (physics), and the top four - the mechanisms of consciousness (psyche).
And only when the vehicle is raised on the anahata, one becomes a magician. At this level, people basically begins differently to think, to feel the unity of all life forms.
Mages with TC vishudha called healers.
If the vehicle to ajna - a alchemists.
If sahasrara - Vigil.
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