The assemblage point How to find your assemblage point?

Assemblage Point - is the energy-information structure, turn out (variable) for human life.
This is the structure of our personality. When a person commits any independent
active steps, the structure of his personality becomes more complicated.
Any energy-information structure has Consciousness. Personality Consciousness or Consciousness, which appears in the structure of the assemblage point - is our personal consciousness, "I", which controls the left brain and is used for producing algorithms of behavior - the solution of vital problems.
In the Assemblage Point is the maximum concentration of energy Cocoon to 70% of energy.
The rest of the energy cocoon (30%) is above the level of the AP.
The position of the Assemblage Point on Kokone determines the level of the Monad - Soul. It is an indicator of the evolutionary development of the soul in all its incarnations.
The size and complexity of the structure of the AP specifies (indicates) the level of development of the personality of the person.
We define the position of the Assemblage Point on Kokone Chakra relative to the projection, the method of finding the area with the highest concentration of energy.
Methods for determining:
1. Concentrate all your attention to the point (or ball) in the center of the head. Eyes closed.
Start slowly to lower this point of attention along the body toward the sacrum, and then - back tracking their feelings. All your senses should be focused at this point.
When the point of your attention will enter into engagement with the vehicle - do you feel and your mind and your body ...
2. Drop the thoughts begin to turn the opposite circle. Close your eyes. Focus all your attention in the palm of your hand - the man on the left, women on the right. Put his hand in front of the body at a distance of 40-50 cm and lingered lead from Muladhara to Sahasrara up and back. When you enter the engagement with the vehicle - you will feel it - density, or heat, or tingling in the palms.
3. Determination by a partner. Partner takes the hand of any elongated object -naprimer pencil. It concentrates on his consciousness (attention). Partner renders the energy beam emitted from an object. Partner gets to you, directs your pencil on the Muladhara and slowly lift it up, hold your attention on it. When the "ray" comes to the CU zone - both of you will feel it.
4. Relax. Start discard all that is not Me
The world around? It's not Ya
My body - legs, arms, head, brain, eyes, heart? It's not Ya
Feelings and emotions? It's not Ya
Thoughts? It's not Ya
When will drop everything - stay in this state, and after a while you will feel a pulsation TC.
This is I !!!
What perceives the world ...