Strawberries this year all envy, sin not to make compote without sterilization for the winter

Agree, berry season is one of the invariable charms of summer. Delicious, aromatic, juicy, healing berries accompany us until autumn. Strawberries are good this year, and prices are gradually tamed, becoming less biting. Although it is possible that we are the ones who are admiring them. After all, how to resist and not cook jam or compote from strawberries for the winter?

Imagine the dissatisfied grimaces of opponents of sweet blanks: “What?” Strawberry compote for the winter?! You're kidding. Just imagine what nasty cloths will turn delicate berries due to sterilization. No, not compote!

Ste-ri-li-za-chi-ya? Was it about sterilization? We didn't mention her. So do not invent, but try to make a compote of strawberries for the winter without sterilization - you will understand what prejudice was saying in you, dear opponents.

Well, let the opponents do what they want, and you and I will take on the compote.

Portion for a three-liter jar:
  • 500g washed strawberries without peduncles
  • 2.5 liters of water
  • 180g sugar

  1. First of all, boil and cool to room temperature water for washing berries at the rate of 7-8 liters of water for each kilogram of strawberries.
  2. Next - how to prepare the container: make sure that the bottom, walls, neck of each jar without cracks and chips, and then wash the dishes, rinse and sterilize. steam, in the oven or microwave.
  3. At the same time, you sterilize a large knife with a wide stainless steel blade. Why? You'll find out soon. Put the lids in hot water and boil.

  4. It's strawberry time. You'll go through the berries and wash them. It is important that all were the same degree of ripeness, the same size - then they will be prepared at the same time, retain the shape.
  5. Wash in a large bowl, not under the stream, so as not to damage the delicate berry. First, dip strawberries in vinegar solution (1 liter of water 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar), then rinse it with warm boiled water. Put the berries on a badge or sieve to water glass, then immediately spread them to the banks and fill them with sugar. And here the water for compote will boil well.
  6. You put strawberries in hot jars, you put sugar in them. That's when the knife comes in handy. Put it flat on the neck of the jar, lowering the blade inside, and on it to the top you pour a compote blank with steep boiling water. This is not a circus stunt at all, but a precaution - so exactly the glass will not break due to the contrast of temperatures. After rolling the jar, check if the liquid leaks from under the lid.

Let's keep cooking, and then, with your mittens on, you'll roll the hot cans around the table or shake them. This procedure will accelerate the dissolution of sugar. Now cover the floor with cloth, cardboard or newspapers. Put the cans up there. hot-compot And warmly wrap them in a cotton blanket, blankets, winter jackets. The warmer you wrap, the better the compote is sterilized by prolonged maintenance of high temperature and slow cooling. After 12-16 hours, remove the man-made “thermos” and return the canned food to its normal position – let it cool down completely. And store them in a cool place, for example, in the basement or cellar.

Look how beautiful it is! The berries are elastic, whole, one in one. The color, the color! Just carnelian nectar... In winter, you will try the whole compote family, inhale the fragrance of June and enjoy a delicious, healthy drink - all store juices and soda to it as to the sky!


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