To speak evil of another, to cover up their mediocrity
Why people resort to slander when he needs to look better in the eyes of others? How this method is "good" and how to get rid of him, says the priest Pyotr Kolomeitsev – clergyman of the Church of Cosmas and Damian in Shubin, the Dean of psychological faculty of the Orthodox Institute of Saint John the theologian Russian Orthodox University. Can you defeat the evil?
Priest Pyotr Kolomeitsev
When people in society begin to compete, who will perecherla, it smacks of devilry. Well-known scandals so grab all that society is divided, some people begin to say what is right Volochkova was fired from the show, others say wrong. But in fact raise the noise of this is just indecent. There is a court where you can challenge unfair dismissal.
The objective of all these disputes is not to come to the truth, it's a competition, some of the parties to each other will blacken stronger. Who is this loss? All. I think it's a way to employ people, to distract them from any serious problems from work.
You have to compete not whether who is stronger, tarnish or wittier calling, or offensive will come up with a nickname and the other who'd rather see their shortcomings and ask for their forgiveness. Must be the love and respect for the dignity of each person, whoever he was, whatever it was, is a person, God's creation.
How, for instance, a man came to get a job. "Oh, listen, it's not the same person, who, remember, last year at the conference in the wardrobe there was something with the coat? We do not need him." "Why?" – "I – said – I do not remember, whether he coat stole, or stole from him, but the sediment remained unpleasant, better not".
In any conflict we have the opportunity to affect one of the parties themselves. On the other side we can not influence. You need to understand that there is a limit that we can not go, because it is, first of all, not helpful. And what would be rudeness and backbiting we met on the way, this is not a reason to go over the same vocabulary, the same style of presentation, the same hysteria and emotion. You should try to be a Christian. Seraphim of Sarov says: "acquire the spirit of peace and thousands around you will be saved".
Slander as a tool to boost your rating well-known episode from the Bible about the brothers Cain and Abel. Both bring a sacrifice to God, but Abel's sacrifice God accepts, and Cain is not. Cain raises a sense of injustice, and he sees Abel as the source of their failures. And so Cain is caused not just envy, and the desire to kill Abel in order to then against this background, devoid of competitors, so to speak, to look decent.
So, often backbiting psychologically occurs on this soil. In order that the person looked better, he begins to speak evil of another. Why is he doing that? In our fallen world if the person is someone curse someone down, he does so from the perspective of a person more perfect, more worthy. And thus he tries to raise his rating.
I remember my school time was an interesting episode when one girl is not learned by heart a poem by Pushkin. A good poem, and Pushkin is not just a good poet and a man of exceptional moral and spiritual feelings.
And amid all that we know about Pushkin, what a great poet and really a genius, this girl says to the teacher during a lesson: "And I do not want to teach." "Why?" – surprised the teacher. "Do you know how many women are there?!" The teacher threw up his hands: "Well, I suggest You appreciate it not only for it..." – just couldn't think of anything to say. I then realized why this girl is so said to drop the other person off the pedestal to its perceived dullness well.
"But I'm better than my reputation," Backbiting is a subtle passion that is woven from many components. This is, firstly, pride and vanity, the desire to elevate themselves. The second, of course, envy of those whom you revile. And finally, is the hatred, which the sin of Cain, that is, it is the desire of death. If not physical death, moral death – to lower the person so that it is already over the person is not considered.
And so the passion that weaves many of these strands makes this sin is so thorough that he falls sometimes fatal spot for the man and creates what we call reputation. And how many then say, as Figaro in response to: "you Have a reputation for wretched", "But I'm better than my reputation," this does not help, because often, the reputation is more important than the person.
Of course, we need to fight this from a Christian point of view. We know that reputation is nothing, that man at the last moment can turn to God. What kind of reputation have been the wise thief? What is his theology, in his life? We know only that he humbly admonished the other thief that curses the Christ: "We, according to their works acceptable, and He's innocent" – that's all. Just a few words. And this "we accept your" it turns out that the most important thing.
To see in person the good to Every passion opposes a certain virtue. Passion to speak evil of a man opposed to the ability to see in every man a good. As Christ saw the good in Zacchaeus, who had no hands is not filed, and He said: "come Down soon, today I'm supposed to be you." And was that the soul of Zacchaeus immediately warmed up. The good that he saw Christ in Zacchaeus, is evident: "Half of my goods I give to the poor, and if I have cheated anyone, I will restore fourfold".
Slander, of course, no healing the soul brings. On the contrary, if the person deserves some kind of criticism, if it is to gossip – so it will be even worse. And if there was something good in the man, it goes out, because the logic of his actions is this: for all will not be good, will still speak badly about you, so why bother?
Don't condemn the person, but condemn the sin, of Course, to discuss and condemn someone- bad. And sometimes we are told that we need to be more patient, more tolerant. If tolerance is an excuse for sin, such a concept of tolerance to us is not suitable. Yes, we are not to condemn a person, but we don't for the tolerance that appeals to justify all that man does.
When we say "condemnation", we mean that a person stuck a certain label: this is bad man, this alcoholic, this is a sex maniac, is a thief. We sort of spoke over him his court. But is not our business to say what is a man, because "judge not and be not judged." No one wants to be himself stuck some label or condemned.
Main principle: love the sinner and hate the sin. As a physician hates the disease, struggling with it, but he does not fight with his patient, and with him fighting against his illness. And if we say that a particular sin is wrong, we don't condemn people, we condemn the sin. And when we a person was convicted – he was sentenced to be.
It's complex, subtle things that often cause confusion. And I think, you need to very clearly understand that such condemnation. None of us has the right of anyone to say that it is bad, a broken man, who doesn't love the Lord, who is deprived of salvation. None of us knows God's mercy, and what kind of people the Lord pulls and what kind of a mess. It is his apostles to elect people of such filth that we never dreamed of. Or Vice versa superpresence can be so far from God, how do not expect.
In the gospel the Lord never said, "Woe to you, harlot. Woe to you robbers. Woe unto you, the publicans". But how many times He said, "Woe to you, Pharisees." But the Pharisees – well, that's righteous. The Lord came to save sinners, to call sinners to repentance.
Therefore, Christianity is for the weak and sees sin not as irredeemably flawed character trait or personality, but as a disease, as a disease, implying that each person is created by God for salvation, not for destruction.published
Interviewed By Tamara Amelina
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.pravmir.ru/zloslovit-drugogo-chtobyi-prikryit-svoyu-serost/

Priest Pyotr Kolomeitsev
When people in society begin to compete, who will perecherla, it smacks of devilry. Well-known scandals so grab all that society is divided, some people begin to say what is right Volochkova was fired from the show, others say wrong. But in fact raise the noise of this is just indecent. There is a court where you can challenge unfair dismissal.
The objective of all these disputes is not to come to the truth, it's a competition, some of the parties to each other will blacken stronger. Who is this loss? All. I think it's a way to employ people, to distract them from any serious problems from work.
You have to compete not whether who is stronger, tarnish or wittier calling, or offensive will come up with a nickname and the other who'd rather see their shortcomings and ask for their forgiveness. Must be the love and respect for the dignity of each person, whoever he was, whatever it was, is a person, God's creation.
How, for instance, a man came to get a job. "Oh, listen, it's not the same person, who, remember, last year at the conference in the wardrobe there was something with the coat? We do not need him." "Why?" – "I – said – I do not remember, whether he coat stole, or stole from him, but the sediment remained unpleasant, better not".
In any conflict we have the opportunity to affect one of the parties themselves. On the other side we can not influence. You need to understand that there is a limit that we can not go, because it is, first of all, not helpful. And what would be rudeness and backbiting we met on the way, this is not a reason to go over the same vocabulary, the same style of presentation, the same hysteria and emotion. You should try to be a Christian. Seraphim of Sarov says: "acquire the spirit of peace and thousands around you will be saved".
Slander as a tool to boost your rating well-known episode from the Bible about the brothers Cain and Abel. Both bring a sacrifice to God, but Abel's sacrifice God accepts, and Cain is not. Cain raises a sense of injustice, and he sees Abel as the source of their failures. And so Cain is caused not just envy, and the desire to kill Abel in order to then against this background, devoid of competitors, so to speak, to look decent.
So, often backbiting psychologically occurs on this soil. In order that the person looked better, he begins to speak evil of another. Why is he doing that? In our fallen world if the person is someone curse someone down, he does so from the perspective of a person more perfect, more worthy. And thus he tries to raise his rating.
I remember my school time was an interesting episode when one girl is not learned by heart a poem by Pushkin. A good poem, and Pushkin is not just a good poet and a man of exceptional moral and spiritual feelings.
And amid all that we know about Pushkin, what a great poet and really a genius, this girl says to the teacher during a lesson: "And I do not want to teach." "Why?" – surprised the teacher. "Do you know how many women are there?!" The teacher threw up his hands: "Well, I suggest You appreciate it not only for it..." – just couldn't think of anything to say. I then realized why this girl is so said to drop the other person off the pedestal to its perceived dullness well.
"But I'm better than my reputation," Backbiting is a subtle passion that is woven from many components. This is, firstly, pride and vanity, the desire to elevate themselves. The second, of course, envy of those whom you revile. And finally, is the hatred, which the sin of Cain, that is, it is the desire of death. If not physical death, moral death – to lower the person so that it is already over the person is not considered.
And so the passion that weaves many of these strands makes this sin is so thorough that he falls sometimes fatal spot for the man and creates what we call reputation. And how many then say, as Figaro in response to: "you Have a reputation for wretched", "But I'm better than my reputation," this does not help, because often, the reputation is more important than the person.
Of course, we need to fight this from a Christian point of view. We know that reputation is nothing, that man at the last moment can turn to God. What kind of reputation have been the wise thief? What is his theology, in his life? We know only that he humbly admonished the other thief that curses the Christ: "We, according to their works acceptable, and He's innocent" – that's all. Just a few words. And this "we accept your" it turns out that the most important thing.
To see in person the good to Every passion opposes a certain virtue. Passion to speak evil of a man opposed to the ability to see in every man a good. As Christ saw the good in Zacchaeus, who had no hands is not filed, and He said: "come Down soon, today I'm supposed to be you." And was that the soul of Zacchaeus immediately warmed up. The good that he saw Christ in Zacchaeus, is evident: "Half of my goods I give to the poor, and if I have cheated anyone, I will restore fourfold".
Slander, of course, no healing the soul brings. On the contrary, if the person deserves some kind of criticism, if it is to gossip – so it will be even worse. And if there was something good in the man, it goes out, because the logic of his actions is this: for all will not be good, will still speak badly about you, so why bother?
Don't condemn the person, but condemn the sin, of Course, to discuss and condemn someone- bad. And sometimes we are told that we need to be more patient, more tolerant. If tolerance is an excuse for sin, such a concept of tolerance to us is not suitable. Yes, we are not to condemn a person, but we don't for the tolerance that appeals to justify all that man does.
When we say "condemnation", we mean that a person stuck a certain label: this is bad man, this alcoholic, this is a sex maniac, is a thief. We sort of spoke over him his court. But is not our business to say what is a man, because "judge not and be not judged." No one wants to be himself stuck some label or condemned.
Main principle: love the sinner and hate the sin. As a physician hates the disease, struggling with it, but he does not fight with his patient, and with him fighting against his illness. And if we say that a particular sin is wrong, we don't condemn people, we condemn the sin. And when we a person was convicted – he was sentenced to be.
It's complex, subtle things that often cause confusion. And I think, you need to very clearly understand that such condemnation. None of us has the right of anyone to say that it is bad, a broken man, who doesn't love the Lord, who is deprived of salvation. None of us knows God's mercy, and what kind of people the Lord pulls and what kind of a mess. It is his apostles to elect people of such filth that we never dreamed of. Or Vice versa superpresence can be so far from God, how do not expect.
In the gospel the Lord never said, "Woe to you, harlot. Woe to you robbers. Woe unto you, the publicans". But how many times He said, "Woe to you, Pharisees." But the Pharisees – well, that's righteous. The Lord came to save sinners, to call sinners to repentance.
Therefore, Christianity is for the weak and sees sin not as irredeemably flawed character trait or personality, but as a disease, as a disease, implying that each person is created by God for salvation, not for destruction.published
Interviewed By Tamara Amelina
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.pravmir.ru/zloslovit-drugogo-chtobyi-prikryit-svoyu-serost/