7 sins in nutrition

Professional dietitians have identified the following 7 most common mistakes and weaknesses in the diet of most people, which lead them not only to obesity but also to many diseases.
Sin No. 1: There are too many Most people in developed countries today are eating much more than required to cover their activities. Office worker enough food to eat about 2000 calories a day — and he eats as much as a person engaged, for example manual felling.
Sin no 2: Is too bold In many developed countries, obesity affects more than 50% of the population, and one of the main reasons for this phenomenon is the consumption of too large amount of fatty food, which is also very high in calories. Meanwhile, obesity is not only aesthetically ugly, but also dangerous: it leads to many diseases, from cardiovascular up to Oncology. Think about it, next time you shop at the store: try to choose lean versions of these products. For example, instead of cream — low fat milk, instead of pork — chicken breast without skin. It is important not to rush to the other extreme — for products labeled "fat free". They often contain too many harmful additives that negates the benefits of obezzhirennogo.
Sin No. 3: There is too sweet
Did you know that until the 8th century, mankind lived without sugar and was fine — despite much more difficult conditions of survival? And today we're going to dozens, if not hundreds, of times more sugar than our ancestors did only a hundred years ago? And, do it often without even noticing, because sugar is added to many food products in which it seems to be should not be, for example, in mayonnaise. Make it a habit to keep track of sugar intake and carefully read labels on prepared foods. Remember that one bar of chocolate is a third or a quarter of your daily allowance of calories.
Sin No. 4: There is an unbalanced Waive any of the nutrients is not necessary — your body needs proteins and fats, and carbohydrates. It is important to observe the calorie content and proper balance, which depends on your lifestyle and your fitness goals. For example, if you lose weight, try to make the basis of your diet protein foods. If you train a lot or do physical work, eat enough carbs — your primary energy source. Etc.
Sin No. 5: not All the time you know the saying about "eat Breakfast myself, dinner share with a friend, a dinner give the enemy", but not all follow it. Many residents of cities are often fully eat only once a day, and then at night. Not to mention the fact that actually there should be 3 and, preferably, with equal intervals 4-6 times a day: mandatory Breakfast, lunch and dinner, and between 1-3 small snack. This will help maintain the metabolism at a high level, don't starve, and thus not to overeat, when we got to the food.
Sin No. 6: There are improperly prepared
Avoid foods exposed to strong commercially, and if you cook yourself, prefer healthy methods of cooking. These include boiling, steaming and grilling, baking and stewing. But from the frying oil or deep-fried should refuse.
Sin No. 7: Is the unconscious Almost all the above sins are often the result of ignorance. We live in the 21st century, versed in many things, but still often know little about what you put in your body with food. About how fuel refueled your car, you know, rather than nourish your body — not think. Isn't it time to start treating this important aspect of their lives more serious and considerate? Learn the theory and practice of supply: how much of it is required by your body, in what proportion KBZHU what nutrients, vitamins and minerals it needs, what products it is better to refuse, etc. It is the most effective way to stop "sin" in nutrition! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: fitfixed.com
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