What should be kept confidential
The world, though, and is based on the truth, still requires balance, but because the sages warn us that there are some things that are still the best kept secret.
The mystery is present in the Absolute Truth, and therefore in our material world, too, have a place of mystery, which becomes part of the culture. Not to divulge some secrets of time as detrimental as not just talking about the Absolute Truth. All in good time. There is a time of complete openness, and have the time of mystery and secrecy. Cultured people know what kind of behavior should be used in any given situation. In short, the secret - it's not a lie, it is an aspect of cultural behavior.
1. The first thing that must be kept secret, the sages say - is a recipe for a strong medication that you're good at.
It seems that this recipe is necessary to tell on every corner, but in reality, if people will use them properly, the effect can be completely the opposite. Strong medicine may easily become a deadly poison. And since the world is filled with those who want to get rich quickly, any technology work immediately copied and used anywhere indiscriminately.
Little cook-acting remedy, it is also necessary to correctly apply and use subtlety depend on the specific circumstances and can only understand their good specialist. Therefore, those who possess the secrets of powerful drugs, not in a hurry to share them, and rightly so, otherwise our world will be filled with copies of the drug, which means that these poisons. I know a manufacturer of drugs strong enough and do not even try to ask him how he does it. Just tell him about the problem and he will say to you, he will be able to do something or not. Indeed, there were several instances when, envious of his art, some people began to try to prepare the same drugs, making up the recipe, so that it is similar to the look and smell the same, but all of these cases ended in severe poisoning.
2. The second thing that the sages recommend, it is not a secret to share about what you are doing charity.
Yes, a good deal - a rarity in this world, and that is why it should be protected as a real jewel. And you can only save precious secrecy. Do not tell anyone where you keep your wallet. So people unconsciously pats his pocket, where he had the money is, and this notice thieves who know about such a reflex. Also, do not extol himself and for good works, as the pride of instantly see and take away all the good that has come as a result of this charity.
How so? It seems that the matter has already been done, why it is possible to lose such good results? Because the case is considered complete only when the latter manifested emotions in our minds. And if the last emotion was pride or self-respect, which means that it undone, and the result will be. Well, what a beautiful cake that? He must still be delicious. Yes, the man in the store bought cake, but that's not all. He can come back and complain about his terrible taste.
And as a result of any good deed should appear sweet taste of humility, modesty and gratitude for the opportunity to make it. If, instead, there were emotions of pride, arrogance or boasting, then it spoiled the dish, it was bitter and nasty. No this will not have the cake. At best, it will throw out the trash, and at worst, to go back to the store. So do not tell anyone about his good deeds, it is a good exercise for generating a correct responses and emotions. Yes, a complex dish does not work the first time, but if you know exactly which flavor should be the result, sooner or later turn out as it should, and everyone will be satisfied.
3. The third, which is not recommended to extend the sages - is its austerity.
It is not necessary to tell the left and right as you limit yourself to food, in a dream, in a relationship, and in everything else. Asceticism benefits too only if it is combined with emotsionalnoyasketichnostyu. But if I was only outwardly austere, but inside me parses wild joy and pride in my accomplishments, it is not and no penance at all, but an ordinary mischief.
This involves penance and inner and outer world of man, so do not greatly rejoice that we get something in this regard. Well, that night you did not sleep for three days and did not eat. This is your penance. Why talk about it to others? Sharing knowledge is necessary, but not his pride. If we do that, it turns out, this is does not mean that this would have some benefit. Only time will show whether the benefit is earned there.
Ascetic people can also deteriorate as neasketichnye. And neasketichnye people may well save their progress and spiritual attainment. The level of austerity can be compared with the taste of which do not argue. And different people have their own ideas about how it is necessary to put a high bar for myself to really grow, and this means that the bar has to be just for me, but not for others. Therefore, there is no point is proud that all they eat bread with butter and cheese, and I, the great ascetic, eating only bread and butter. And once a month I do not smear the oil ...
4. Fourth, what should be quiet - it's about his courage, heroism, or other manifestations of valor.
Yes, it's a great thing, but it is given to us as a test from God. Some people are external tests, and someone inside. External tests are seen, so for them, people get awards, fame and other honors. But overcoming internal testing, no one notices, so no prizes for them are not assigned. Therefore the sages advise heroes external victories to show their respect for the heroes of the internal battles and not to boast of their achievements.
And even more so it is not necessary to demand from the society of honor and respect for their heroic deeds. No society has set us the task to be a hero - it's our own choice, our own test, our own sense of duty. Therefore it is very strange for its decision to require someone fee. It's like a sweep to the bank, and then to require the bank to pay. Yes, you're done, put the garbage in front of the bank, but the bank you did not have to. The hero must be remembered that the award he received in his heart in the form of purification, and this purity can be destroyed by the desire to receive foreign honors. So remember: a feat accomplished within our own hearts after this result is really valuable.
5. Fifth, what it is not necessary to spread this spiritual knowledge.
It seems, how so? That's our main purpose - to give people the absolute truth. But the spiritual knowledge of spiritual knowledge strife. It has different levels, and should be disclosed only to achieve a certain level of purity. Therefore, the main mistake novice distributor truth is the willingness to share is too high spiritual knowledge, which, instead of bringing the benefit of a person, but he was even more confusing, disturbing and even frightening.
Have preacher such a tendency to think that the sublime knowledge, which he is trying to convey, the more it cleans, but it's just another illusion trap. Any spiritual knowledge cleans equally strong, but not every perceived spiritual knowledge so that they could be used. Therefore the sages warn us: spiritual knowledge should be also practical, which means that it must correspond to the level of perception of each individual.
Hearing about the spiritual reality, one must clearly and easy to understand exactly what he can do right now, and what the real result it will bring, as an atonement for his heart, as it will make it even one step closer to eternal happiness. So I do not particularly say what a person can not use it, or he may simply give up on the spirituality and think that it's just foolishness and madness to waste time on something that does not bring any real results. It's like to talk about cakes and go, so do not try and do not share the recipe.
6. Sixth, what is not necessary especially to share with others - this is its morality.
Yes, we can be great vegetarians, we can profess nonviolence, we can be proud of the purity of life, but we can not in this world to be perfectly moral. Ordinary people every day have to make some form of violence. Yes, we can avoid major forms of sin, but there is also an invisible sin that is still violence, since it leads to the destruction of living beings, or the suffering caused to them. So known Pancha Song or five great sins of the householder. They are described in the Smriti and warn us that our behavior is not so easy to do perfect.
First - this is the sin of killing living beings by grinding the spices or grains. The second - the sin of killing living things when walking, the third - the sin of killing living creatures during the harvest, the fourth - the sin of killing living creatures during kindling fire, and the fifth - the sin of killing living creatures during boiling or drinking water. Therefore, in a traditional Hindu system is used "Pancha maha-yajna." It's five major sacrifices forty Vedic rituals. They spend householders.
This brahma-yajna, or the recitation of the Vedas, to pay the debt to the wise, to convey to us this knowledge. Virgo-yajna - the worship of demigods, who carry out our daily needs. Petrie-yajna - which is gratefully ancestors. Manushya yajna as a way to give back to the community, for example, through a ritual of hospitality. And Bhuta-yajna taking care of thin beings who, despite the fact that we do not see them, it is still around us and in some way interact with us.
Therefore, as we have seen, especially proud of his morality, we are not very much and it is worth, or any more or less versed in the science of spiritual people here will confront us to a couple of dozen charges not only of immorality, and an immoral hypocrisy. Said one time about his space nonviolence, and you immediately point to leather shoes, silk clothing (poor moth) on appliances (poor fish hydro and flooded fields and animals), and generally any production bears little chemical warfare against everything around, and we happily use it, and declaring himself the great moralists.
7. Seventh, what we should not talk about is their home and even conflicts about his family life.
Not to put the iron doors and windows, one also has to bite his tongue about what is happening in this house. Remember, the less you talk about the problems in my family, so it will be stronger and more stable. Sor not swept out of the house into the street, garbage should be collected in a black plastic bag and throw it in the trash. Nobody likes someone who throws garbage at the door to their neighbors. Quarrel - is getting rid of the negative energy that has accumulated in the process of communication. Yes, it's not very nice, but in principle useful as bears, though aggressive, but purification.
If this argument is not negative energy emissions and pass on to others, in this case, it is not going anywhere, and returned to the family and the problems it only intensified. Therefore, a family man, which tells about the problems in the family around, like a man who went to throw trash in the trash and went back with the trash, so do not throw it away. Sewage should perform its functions and carry away all the waste into the natural cleaner. Therefore, it is not necessary to heat the neighbors, it is not like anyone.
8. Eighth, what not to say is that the food you feed another person, prepared from inexpensive products.
Anyone who tries to eat, appreciate its taste, as even the most simple food can be perfectly delicious. But if you begin to tell the cook that he did not have enough money for the olive oil, saffron, brown sugar and fresh ginger, thereby it will only spoil the impression of the meal, and spoiled the mood, usually off the digestion, and as a result food It turns into poison. Therefore, prepare tasty, and how this food is rich, do not need to know anyone.
9. Ninth, what should remain silent - it's about the ugly and the slang words that have been from someone heard.
As we have found out, the garbage can be not only rude, but also thin. Therefore it is possible to dirty shoes on the street, and can be dirty mind. And the man who came home and told all that he had heard of the stupid way, is no different from a man who came home and walk on it without removing shoes. Previously, it was generally considered uncultured enter the house in shoes, so it is always left in the hallway. And still, this tradition has been preserved in some places of the world.
10. And the tenth of what should bite my tongue - it's about his ambitious plans.
The sages advised to keep quiet until then, until this plan is accomplished. What plans are executed in this world - and so it is in some way a miracle. Therefore, to prevent any plan is easy enough - you just find it all weaknesses and talk about it. It is enough to find out about someone's plan, and there are many opportunities to stop him. Therefore, it should be remembered that any of our plan is not only not perfect, and there a huge number of weaknesses, which is very easy to hit and destroy everything. So do not let your detractors chance, and therefore need not be disclosed without their plans.
And in the end I want to remind that the wise man does not boast, and his humility, because life sometimes forces us to take a very tough, strong-willed, and even aggressive actions. So be humble inside as outside, we sometimes have to turn into warriors to meet the challenges posed by life. Arjuna also tried to show humility, having gone into the forest from the war, but it almost turned into a great shame ...

The mystery is present in the Absolute Truth, and therefore in our material world, too, have a place of mystery, which becomes part of the culture. Not to divulge some secrets of time as detrimental as not just talking about the Absolute Truth. All in good time. There is a time of complete openness, and have the time of mystery and secrecy. Cultured people know what kind of behavior should be used in any given situation. In short, the secret - it's not a lie, it is an aspect of cultural behavior.
1. The first thing that must be kept secret, the sages say - is a recipe for a strong medication that you're good at.
It seems that this recipe is necessary to tell on every corner, but in reality, if people will use them properly, the effect can be completely the opposite. Strong medicine may easily become a deadly poison. And since the world is filled with those who want to get rich quickly, any technology work immediately copied and used anywhere indiscriminately.
Little cook-acting remedy, it is also necessary to correctly apply and use subtlety depend on the specific circumstances and can only understand their good specialist. Therefore, those who possess the secrets of powerful drugs, not in a hurry to share them, and rightly so, otherwise our world will be filled with copies of the drug, which means that these poisons. I know a manufacturer of drugs strong enough and do not even try to ask him how he does it. Just tell him about the problem and he will say to you, he will be able to do something or not. Indeed, there were several instances when, envious of his art, some people began to try to prepare the same drugs, making up the recipe, so that it is similar to the look and smell the same, but all of these cases ended in severe poisoning.
2. The second thing that the sages recommend, it is not a secret to share about what you are doing charity.
Yes, a good deal - a rarity in this world, and that is why it should be protected as a real jewel. And you can only save precious secrecy. Do not tell anyone where you keep your wallet. So people unconsciously pats his pocket, where he had the money is, and this notice thieves who know about such a reflex. Also, do not extol himself and for good works, as the pride of instantly see and take away all the good that has come as a result of this charity.
How so? It seems that the matter has already been done, why it is possible to lose such good results? Because the case is considered complete only when the latter manifested emotions in our minds. And if the last emotion was pride or self-respect, which means that it undone, and the result will be. Well, what a beautiful cake that? He must still be delicious. Yes, the man in the store bought cake, but that's not all. He can come back and complain about his terrible taste.
And as a result of any good deed should appear sweet taste of humility, modesty and gratitude for the opportunity to make it. If, instead, there were emotions of pride, arrogance or boasting, then it spoiled the dish, it was bitter and nasty. No this will not have the cake. At best, it will throw out the trash, and at worst, to go back to the store. So do not tell anyone about his good deeds, it is a good exercise for generating a correct responses and emotions. Yes, a complex dish does not work the first time, but if you know exactly which flavor should be the result, sooner or later turn out as it should, and everyone will be satisfied.
3. The third, which is not recommended to extend the sages - is its austerity.
It is not necessary to tell the left and right as you limit yourself to food, in a dream, in a relationship, and in everything else. Asceticism benefits too only if it is combined with emotsionalnoyasketichnostyu. But if I was only outwardly austere, but inside me parses wild joy and pride in my accomplishments, it is not and no penance at all, but an ordinary mischief.
This involves penance and inner and outer world of man, so do not greatly rejoice that we get something in this regard. Well, that night you did not sleep for three days and did not eat. This is your penance. Why talk about it to others? Sharing knowledge is necessary, but not his pride. If we do that, it turns out, this is does not mean that this would have some benefit. Only time will show whether the benefit is earned there.
Ascetic people can also deteriorate as neasketichnye. And neasketichnye people may well save their progress and spiritual attainment. The level of austerity can be compared with the taste of which do not argue. And different people have their own ideas about how it is necessary to put a high bar for myself to really grow, and this means that the bar has to be just for me, but not for others. Therefore, there is no point is proud that all they eat bread with butter and cheese, and I, the great ascetic, eating only bread and butter. And once a month I do not smear the oil ...
4. Fourth, what should be quiet - it's about his courage, heroism, or other manifestations of valor.
Yes, it's a great thing, but it is given to us as a test from God. Some people are external tests, and someone inside. External tests are seen, so for them, people get awards, fame and other honors. But overcoming internal testing, no one notices, so no prizes for them are not assigned. Therefore the sages advise heroes external victories to show their respect for the heroes of the internal battles and not to boast of their achievements.
And even more so it is not necessary to demand from the society of honor and respect for their heroic deeds. No society has set us the task to be a hero - it's our own choice, our own test, our own sense of duty. Therefore it is very strange for its decision to require someone fee. It's like a sweep to the bank, and then to require the bank to pay. Yes, you're done, put the garbage in front of the bank, but the bank you did not have to. The hero must be remembered that the award he received in his heart in the form of purification, and this purity can be destroyed by the desire to receive foreign honors. So remember: a feat accomplished within our own hearts after this result is really valuable.
5. Fifth, what it is not necessary to spread this spiritual knowledge.
It seems, how so? That's our main purpose - to give people the absolute truth. But the spiritual knowledge of spiritual knowledge strife. It has different levels, and should be disclosed only to achieve a certain level of purity. Therefore, the main mistake novice distributor truth is the willingness to share is too high spiritual knowledge, which, instead of bringing the benefit of a person, but he was even more confusing, disturbing and even frightening.
Have preacher such a tendency to think that the sublime knowledge, which he is trying to convey, the more it cleans, but it's just another illusion trap. Any spiritual knowledge cleans equally strong, but not every perceived spiritual knowledge so that they could be used. Therefore the sages warn us: spiritual knowledge should be also practical, which means that it must correspond to the level of perception of each individual.
Hearing about the spiritual reality, one must clearly and easy to understand exactly what he can do right now, and what the real result it will bring, as an atonement for his heart, as it will make it even one step closer to eternal happiness. So I do not particularly say what a person can not use it, or he may simply give up on the spirituality and think that it's just foolishness and madness to waste time on something that does not bring any real results. It's like to talk about cakes and go, so do not try and do not share the recipe.
6. Sixth, what is not necessary especially to share with others - this is its morality.
Yes, we can be great vegetarians, we can profess nonviolence, we can be proud of the purity of life, but we can not in this world to be perfectly moral. Ordinary people every day have to make some form of violence. Yes, we can avoid major forms of sin, but there is also an invisible sin that is still violence, since it leads to the destruction of living beings, or the suffering caused to them. So known Pancha Song or five great sins of the householder. They are described in the Smriti and warn us that our behavior is not so easy to do perfect.
First - this is the sin of killing living beings by grinding the spices or grains. The second - the sin of killing living things when walking, the third - the sin of killing living creatures during the harvest, the fourth - the sin of killing living creatures during kindling fire, and the fifth - the sin of killing living creatures during boiling or drinking water. Therefore, in a traditional Hindu system is used "Pancha maha-yajna." It's five major sacrifices forty Vedic rituals. They spend householders.
This brahma-yajna, or the recitation of the Vedas, to pay the debt to the wise, to convey to us this knowledge. Virgo-yajna - the worship of demigods, who carry out our daily needs. Petrie-yajna - which is gratefully ancestors. Manushya yajna as a way to give back to the community, for example, through a ritual of hospitality. And Bhuta-yajna taking care of thin beings who, despite the fact that we do not see them, it is still around us and in some way interact with us.
Therefore, as we have seen, especially proud of his morality, we are not very much and it is worth, or any more or less versed in the science of spiritual people here will confront us to a couple of dozen charges not only of immorality, and an immoral hypocrisy. Said one time about his space nonviolence, and you immediately point to leather shoes, silk clothing (poor moth) on appliances (poor fish hydro and flooded fields and animals), and generally any production bears little chemical warfare against everything around, and we happily use it, and declaring himself the great moralists.
7. Seventh, what we should not talk about is their home and even conflicts about his family life.
Not to put the iron doors and windows, one also has to bite his tongue about what is happening in this house. Remember, the less you talk about the problems in my family, so it will be stronger and more stable. Sor not swept out of the house into the street, garbage should be collected in a black plastic bag and throw it in the trash. Nobody likes someone who throws garbage at the door to their neighbors. Quarrel - is getting rid of the negative energy that has accumulated in the process of communication. Yes, it's not very nice, but in principle useful as bears, though aggressive, but purification.
If this argument is not negative energy emissions and pass on to others, in this case, it is not going anywhere, and returned to the family and the problems it only intensified. Therefore, a family man, which tells about the problems in the family around, like a man who went to throw trash in the trash and went back with the trash, so do not throw it away. Sewage should perform its functions and carry away all the waste into the natural cleaner. Therefore, it is not necessary to heat the neighbors, it is not like anyone.
8. Eighth, what not to say is that the food you feed another person, prepared from inexpensive products.
Anyone who tries to eat, appreciate its taste, as even the most simple food can be perfectly delicious. But if you begin to tell the cook that he did not have enough money for the olive oil, saffron, brown sugar and fresh ginger, thereby it will only spoil the impression of the meal, and spoiled the mood, usually off the digestion, and as a result food It turns into poison. Therefore, prepare tasty, and how this food is rich, do not need to know anyone.
9. Ninth, what should remain silent - it's about the ugly and the slang words that have been from someone heard.
As we have found out, the garbage can be not only rude, but also thin. Therefore it is possible to dirty shoes on the street, and can be dirty mind. And the man who came home and told all that he had heard of the stupid way, is no different from a man who came home and walk on it without removing shoes. Previously, it was generally considered uncultured enter the house in shoes, so it is always left in the hallway. And still, this tradition has been preserved in some places of the world.
10. And the tenth of what should bite my tongue - it's about his ambitious plans.
The sages advised to keep quiet until then, until this plan is accomplished. What plans are executed in this world - and so it is in some way a miracle. Therefore, to prevent any plan is easy enough - you just find it all weaknesses and talk about it. It is enough to find out about someone's plan, and there are many opportunities to stop him. Therefore, it should be remembered that any of our plan is not only not perfect, and there a huge number of weaknesses, which is very easy to hit and destroy everything. So do not let your detractors chance, and therefore need not be disclosed without their plans.
And in the end I want to remind that the wise man does not boast, and his humility, because life sometimes forces us to take a very tough, strong-willed, and even aggressive actions. So be humble inside as outside, we sometimes have to turn into warriors to meet the challenges posed by life. Arjuna also tried to show humility, having gone into the forest from the war, but it almost turned into a great shame ...